The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 129 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?

Chapter 129 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?
"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 60."

Xia Xiling realized the moment she got the towel, she was driven by the habit of the original owner, so it would not be easy for others to see that she is not the original one, but this feeling that her own destiny is in the hands of others It's really bad.

Xia Xiling just wiped Xia Anyang's hair like this, the atmosphere in the room was very good, not embarrassing at all but a little warm.

"An'an, you are not happy today."

"Mmm." Xia Anyang hesitated for a moment, but still said "Mmm".

"An'an, why are you unhappy?" "Are you angry with your sister?"

"No, sister."

"What is that because of Xu Ming?"


"An An told my sister why she doesn't like Xu Ming."

"I don't like the way he looks at my sister. He likes my sister. He can't like my sister. My sister belongs to me alone."

At the end, Xia Anyang's voice was a bit paranoid.

"There are many people who like my sister, sister's mother, and Xia's father, don't you like them?"

At the end, Xia Xiling was already a little joking, as if asking him "Why don't you like your father".

"I don't like it. I don't like anyone who robs me of my sister."

Xia Xiling has always known that Xia Anyang has a possessive desire for herself, but now it seems that this is not only possessive, but a kind of paranoia.

Xia Anyang hugged Xia Xiling's body, Xia Xiling didn't know how to persuade him, but Xia Anyang's personality was like this, even if she persuaded her, it would have no effect, maybe it would reduce her favorability.

"An An."

Xia Xiling's voice was a little helpless, but there was still compromise.

"Sister, don't dislike An An."

"No, my sister will always like An An and protect An An."

Xia Xiling swore in her heart that she would find the real murderer and protect Xia Anyang. In this life, she would never let Xia Anyang get hurt again.

"Then sister, don't like other people."

"Is An An talking about Xu Ming?"

"It's not just Xu Ming."

"An'an, you have to be obedient, you have to be good."

"Didn't my sister promise me one thing, then I only like An An alone, okay?"

At the end, Xia Anyang's voice was already praying. Xia Xiling looked into Xia Anyang's eyes, as if thinking of the moment when he protected the original owner until his death, and his heart softened immediately.

"it is good."

"Then sister, don't see that person again, okay?"

Xia Anyang was very happy when he heard that his sister had agreed to him, and then made even more excessive demands.

"An'an, you can't be so willful. My sister met Xu Mingyi to thank him, and the second is to get to know his mentor Li Lin. His mentor knows a little about heart disease. I want to ask him something."

This sentence is half true and half false, because Xia Xiling's medical skills are better than that of Li Lin by many times.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 10, and the favorability is 70."

Xia Anyang was happy to hear that her sister met that person for herself.

"Then sister, you can only see him this time, and don't see him again in the future."

"An'an, I can only guarantee that I will not take the initiative to see him if there is nothing to do."

"Yeah." Xia Anyang was still dissatisfied with the "when there is nothing wrong", but he knew that he couldn't go too far, so he compromised.

"Then An An should rest early, okay?"

"Sister, stay with An An."

"An'an, how many times have I told you that you have grown up and are no longer a child. If you want to sleep by yourself, how can you let others accompany you?"

"I just want my sister to be with me."

Xia Anyang said this sentence very lightly, Xia Xiling pretended not to hear it, and asked again.

"You are a little man, be obedient."


Very good, Xia Xiling is ready to go back to rest after the matter of the male god is resolved, but the favorability of the male god has not returned to the previous 80, it is only 70, Xia Xiling is a bit regretful, but Xia Xiling also knows that he can't act too hastily, so just point by point Come on.

The top priority now is to find the murderer, otherwise the safety of Xia Xiling and Xia Anyang will be threatened one day.

Several children in Xia Xiling's kindergarten have disappeared, so now the kindergarten is afraid that more children will be responsible for the disappearance, so the kindergarten has a few days off, but there is no specific period for this holiday.

And it's not just Xia Xiling's kindergarten that this kind of thing happened, other kindergartens also have children missing, and it can't be judged as dead yet, because the body has never been found.

Xia Xiling is now at home every day. If this trend continues, Xia Xiling will be unemployed. However, Xia Xiling is not worried about being unemployed at all.

First of all, she can work in other kindergartens. Although her teaching experience is not very long, her professional level is still very high.Secondly, their Xia family is very rich and has a company. If she wants to, she can also work in her family's company, but this is not what she likes, oh, it should mean that it is not what the original owner likes.

Xia Xiling has been waiting for news from Xu Ming at home since she made an appointment with Xu Ming to see Li Lin's tutor. Xia Xiling thinks that Xu Ming should be reliable.

Regardless of whether that mentor Li Lin is sincere to Xu Ming, but since he helped Xu Ming before, he should agree to such a small request.

Xia Xiling didn't have to wait long before receiving news from Xu Ming. Xu Ming said that his tutor would want to see her at school three days later. Xia Xiling thanked Xu Ming very much.

Xu Ming asked her why she wanted to see her mentor so much, and Xia Xiling told him what she had said to persuade Xia Anyang, saying that it was because her brother had a heart attack, and she wanted to see if Li Lin could do anything about it.

Xu Ming felt that Xia Xiling really cared about his younger brother, she was really a good sister to the nation, Xia Xiling humbly said that it was right for her to care about her younger brother.

In this way, Xia Xiling ended her conversation with Xu Ming. Three days later, Xia Xiling was going to meet Xu Ming's tutor, who she suspected, but if this tutor Li Lin was really the murderer, then he would not be easily exposed. For myself, this requires Xia Xiling to observe carefully.

Xia Xiling needed to make some preparations before meeting Li Lin's tutor. She had already found an excuse, and she could just say that she was concerned about her brother's heart disease. Anyway, she had a very good relationship with Xia Anyang, so she could find out by just asking.

Xia Xiling also needs to prepare monitors and bugs. Xia Xiling needs to record the meeting with Li Lin's mentor. After reading it several times, he may be able to find something.

(End of this chapter)

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