The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 148 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?

Chapter 148 The Sick Younger Brother Is The Murderer? ? ?
They just don't know how to find Luo Shu's criminal evidence. He is a very smart criminal, and they can hardly find any evidence. The breakthrough now is Xu Ming's memory.

Xia Xiling is very nervous every day now. The original owner died tragically in the previous life because she heard about him, but now she is directly confronting Luo Shu!

If Luo Shu found out that she took a psychiatrist to treat Xu Ming, she would be in danger, and there was also her younger brother Xia Anyang. Such.

Moreover, Xu Ming was arrested a few months earlier, so Luo Shu must be looking for the next scapegoat during this period of time, so during this period of time, City Z was relatively peaceful, and there were no cases of missing children. , but Xia Xiling knew that these were only temporary.

Luo Shu won't be patient for too long, he must be saving up for his next crime.

After all, Xia Xiling is not a professional criminal police officer. She knows that Xu Ming is not the real murderer. She also has the plot and the memory of the original owner's last life for her to analyze, and because her so many missions really gave her a huge It is a matter of my imagination to speculate a little bit like this.

In fact, Xia Xiling is not that powerful. When it comes to solving crimes and catching murderers, Xia Xiling is far inferior to Zuo Yi. This is also a specialization in art.

In the past few days, Xia Xiling brought a psychiatrist to see Xu Ming again, but after more times, he would always find out. It's just fortunate that there are no innumerable people in the police station, otherwise Xia Xiling is really dangerous now.

Because Xia Xiling is not in the police station, even if she is the first to discover the fact that Xu Ming is not the real murderer, she cannot participate in it, but Xia Xiling doesn't care, she believes in Zuo Yi's ability, Zuo Yi will definitely be able to The real murderer was arrested and brought to justice.

A few days later, it was reported that a child was missing. For some reason, Xia Xiling had a bad feeling. She felt that the police would find evidence of Xia Anyang, just like in the previous life.

Recently, Xia Xiling was very worried about Xia Anyang's safety, and Xia Anyang also felt it. He didn't know why his sister became like this, but he didn't want her to be unhappy.

This evening, as usual, Xia Anyang came to kiss Xia Xiling again. Xia Xiling was already used to waiting for Xia Anyang to come over. Xia Xiling felt that Xia Anyang was here to brush up on her presence every day, because Mengmeng came out to brush up on her every day when she had nothing to do. presence.

"My sister is not happy these days."

"Not unhappy."

"Is the sister worried about something?"

Xia Xiling didn't know that her performance was so obvious, but she felt very bad these days. She felt as if something was going to happen, and it was something bad.

"No, An'an, you have to be good. You should pay attention these few days. Otherwise, you should stay at home and not go to school."

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I, just had a nightmare these two days."

"Sister, don't worry, dreams are always the opposite, I'll be fine."


Xia Xiling also knew that Xia Anyang could not stay at home and not go to school just because of a dream of hers, and Xia's father would not agree, but Xia Xiling didn't know that if it was really because of a dream, Xia Anyang would not go to school and stay at home. Don't let her worry at home.

But now Xia Xiling seems to have something to do, Xia Anyang has a high IQ, and he knows Xia Xiling's recent movements, so he can guess some of it, and he wants to completely solve Xia Xiling's fear.

Just when Xia Xiling was worried about Xia Anyang, Xia Xiling's worry really came true. The police station found some evidence about Xia Anyang, and the police station summoned Xia Anyang.

At that moment, Xia Xiling felt a little relaxed, and finally it came. The thing she had worried about for many days finally came true, so now she had to find a way to prove Xia Anyang's innocence.

Xia Anyang was taken to the police station and released within 24 hours. He is still a month away from his 18th birthday. He is still a minor, and the evidence is not enough. He is just suspected, so The police department had to release him.

Xia Xiling was very worried about him, but Xia Anyang didn't tell her anything except to comfort her and tell her not to worry. No matter how Xia Xiling asked, Xia Anyang didn't tell her.

Then half a month later, the police station took Xia Anyang away. Xia Xiling didn't know what happened, but when she heard that Xia Anyang had confessed to his crimes and that he had a laboratory in the university for The fact that they came to dissect the human body was also revealed, and Xia Xiling almost fainted when she heard this.

Xia Anyang was obviously not a murderer, but why did he say he was? Xia Xiling didn't believe that Xia Anyang would be hypnotized by Luo Shu, but there seemed to be no other explanation except this.

But Xia Xiling went to the police station to look for Zuo Yi, but Zuo Yi didn't see her at all. Later, no one in the police station let her in. Xia Xiling was very helpless.

The weather that day was very cloudy, but it didn't rain, which made people feel uncomfortable. The turning point happened on that day.

Zuo Yi led people directly to the place where Luo Shu dissected the corpse, and Luo Shu was captured on the spot. Now that the evidence is solid, no matter how Luo Shu explains it, it is useless. And one day, Xia Anyang was also released. .

Xia Xiling didn't ask about Xia Anyang's plan, she just stepped forward and hugged him fiercely. She knew that Xia Anyang did all these things behind her back. What was he worried about, so he tried to solve this hidden danger.

In fact, Xia Xiling wanted to kiss Xia Anyang's lips more now, but their current relationship and status did not allow her to do such a thing, so she could only bear it and wait.

This matter is actually very simple. Xia Anyang went to find Zuo Yi. He didn't know how to make Zuo Yi believe him. Because the murderer wanted to frame him, he simply contacted Luo Shu.

Then they made a plan to make Luo Shu believe that the police station had already convicted Xia Anyang. At this time, he was committing the crime, and he was given convincing evidence. Well, the case has now come to an end.

And Xia Xiling and Xia Anyang are now living in a place where no one knows them.

After this matter was resolved, Xia Xiling confessed her relationship with Xia Anyang to her family. Father Xia was really angry, so Xia Xiling simply went out with Xia Anyang. Anyway, they can spend their lives well if they have money. of.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 100."

 This story is over, do you want to watch Zuo Yi's episode?

(End of this chapter)

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