The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 153 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 153 Preparations for Gongdou.
She is now a beauty of the eighth rank, and there should be a big maid by her side, but now this person does not know where to go, and she also knows from the memory of the original owner that it was this big maid who made her sick.

Xia Xiling is not yet capable of dealing with this maid named Xiaocui, but she needs a loyal maid now. She knows from the memory of the original owner that there is a second-class maid who is very loyal, but she is not that clever, so the original owner never let her Come forward to serve.

But now Xia Xiling really needed such a maid, and Xiaocui didn't know what she was doing, but it was definitely not for her.

She is currently sick in this body, and the original owner was that kind of ancient lady, who did not go out of the door, so her physical fitness is not high, and she died after a small wind and cold.

But because Xia Xiling was the one who had taken the marrow washing pill, her body was naturally better than the original owner's. If she didn't take the wrong medicine deliberately prescribed by the imperial physician, she would still be able to recover, but it would take longer.

Xia Xiling's own medical skills are very good. If she can prescribe medicine for herself, she will be cured within three doses of medicine, but she doesn't have those medicines now.

Xia Xiling dragged her sick body to go out and saw that second-class maid, she was obviously a second-class maid but doing menial work, in fact, it was true, Xia Xiling had a big maid and two second-class maids here, so these two second-class maids were rough envoys maid.

This is because the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs think that the emperor treats her a little preferentially, otherwise she would only have two maids. In fact, she should have a little eunuch who sent letters, but I don't know which person above said her The rules have been exceeded, so now she only has these three servants.

But having fewer people also has the advantage of having fewer people. She doesn't need too many people right now. She will only need those servants after she falls into the eyes of the emperor and gets promoted.

Because this draft is Xuanyuan Che's first draft since he ascended the throne, so there are a lot of people selected, most of them are people with good family background and beautiful appearance, and there are also several people with special identities.

For example, the queen's younger sister, but this is not the queen's biological sister, but just a concubine sister. The queen's family background is a general, her father is a loyal and brave general, and she holds a hundred thousand soldiers, so the emperor will not allow such people A prince was born in the family.

The queen's younger sister is called Zuo Zhuangyuan, and she is naturally very beautiful, but she is already eighteen, and she is still one year old. In fact, she is already nineteen. This is what the queen's natal family prepared for the queen to enter the palace to give birth to the queen. Son's.

The queen's younger sister has always been arrogant and domineering in the harem because her sister is the queen. Even because she has a queen sister, the queen has been wiping her ass.

Let Xia Xiling see that the queen has no sisterly affection for this younger sister, and she did not come out of a mother's belly. The reason why the queen tolerates this younger sister is because she wants to borrow her belly to have a child.

If one day the queen knew that her younger sister could not give birth to a son for her, she would definitely distance herself from her younger sister immediately and never care about her again.

Zuo Zhuangyuan's status in entering the palace is Jieyu, the seventh rank. This is due to the fact that she has a queen sister. Generally, the status of beautiful women who have just entered the palace is not high. Their highest status this time is the sixth rank. Ji.

Ye Yingtong, her father is also a general, but her father has always been on the opposite side of the queen's father. They have always been at odds, which is why Ye Yingtong will enter the palace.

Because Ye Yingtong's family is a general, she is very straightforward and straightforward. Xia Xiling still likes this person, because the original owner's appearance is too bright, so she was often made things difficult. Ye Yingtong helped the original owner once.

From Xia Xiling's point of view, this Ye Yingtong is someone who can be associated with, at least someone like her will not stab a knife in the back, and the power behind her is very strong, she is someone who can compete with the queen's party.

There are many benefits for Xia Xiling to make friends with her now, but this is impossible now.

There is also a heavyweight person, Chang Yuejin, she is the emperor's cousin, because her aunt is the current queen mother, but the relationship between the emperor and the queen mother is not good, so naturally she will not be too kind to Chang Yuejin.

Chang Yuejin is a direct descendant, but she is on the same level as the queen's younger sister, Jieyu of the seventh rank, this is slapping the queen mother in the face.

Chang Yuejin is very scheming and very smart. She knows that the relationship between the emperor and the queen mother is not good, so after entering the palace, she keeps a distance from the queen mother, neither far nor close.

She should really like the emperor, but it is impossible for the emperor to like her, but she is also the emperor's cousin, so she still has face.

Now the queen's younger sister Zuo Zhuangyuan has been promoted to the status of noble concubine, but Chang Yuejin is Fangyi's status, which is one level higher than Zuo Zhuangyuan. This is also because Chang Fangyi is a smart girl. People, and as the emperor's cousin, she knows some of the emperor's preferences.

So Chang Fangyi is more favored than Zuo Guiji, and Zuo Guiji is considered to be favored because she is older, has a better figure, and looks like a mature royal sister. This is also her arrogant and domineering one. reason.

In Xia Xiling's view, this kind of person will kill himself sooner or later. Xia Xiling thinks that this should be the handiwork of the queen's mother to develop Zuo Zhuangyuan into such a character. Backfired on herself, after all, she was so stupid.

The current high-ranking concubines in the palace include Concubine Fu Xian and Bai Chongrong. This Bai Chongrong has no heirs but is very favored. He was Xuanyuan Che's side concubine when he was not the emperor. The father of the family is a second-rank civil servant.

This Bai Chongrong, Bai Xiaorou was the final winner. Although the emperor didn't make her a queen, her son became the emperor.

Bai Xiaorou was calculated by someone when she gave birth in the mansion in the early years. As a result, she has not conceived a child for so many years, and her child died immediately after birth.

It is said that the current empress did it, but there is no real evidence, so it can only be ignored, but Xia Xiling knows that this woman is very vicious, and she will definitely plan to go back.

Ye Yingtong has now been promoted from Guiji of the sixth rank to Wanrong of the fifth rank. It can be said that a good family background is very necessary in the harem.

Xuanyuan Che also has Xiuyuan, who gave birth to the second princess for him, and her family background is not low, otherwise her status would not be so high, although it is still for the sake of the princess.

(End of this chapter)

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