The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 156 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 156 Preparations for Gongdou.
"Your Majesty, it's nothing serious."

Concubine Xu didn't say anything in order to show her generosity, but she had a clever court lady who understood Concubine Xu's psychology, so she said this on her behalf.

"If you go back to the emperor, it's because this young master doesn't understand the rules, she..."

Before the lady could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the grand duke next to the emperor, "The emperor asked you to speak, is there room for you to intervene, master?"

This father-in-law is the most proud person around the emperor, and his name is Wang Degui. What he said basically represented the emperor's meaning.

"Send it to the Clothes Bureau."

Xuanyuan Che's light words sealed the fate of this court lady.

Concubine Xu knew Xuanyuan Che's temper, and he would basically never take back what he said. Anyway, he was just a slave, and if he lost this one, he could get another one. Concubine Xu didn't feel bad.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please save this servant!"

"Your Majesty, the slaves and servants are all made according to what you said, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, you can't abandon your slaves!"

At this time, the court lady had already been dragged down. Concubine Xu was a little worried about what the servant said just now, but Xuanyuan Che probably wouldn't blame herself.

Concubine Xu stepped forward to pull Xuanyuan Che's sleeve, "Your Majesty!"

After yelling, Xuanyuan Che threw him away.

"Concubine Xu, is that what the court lady said?"

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty."


Xuanyuan Che saw that Xia Xiling's beautiful little face was pale, obviously extremely weak, but still endured it firmly, Xuanyuan Che really wanted to hug this woman to protect her now, thinking about it, Xuanyuan Che did the same .

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 15."

It seems that the male god's initial affection for her is quite high.

"That's because your charm value has increased, so your initial favorability is higher." Mengmengda kindly explained to Xia Xiling.

It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this charm value is still very useful, but this should also be divided into male gods. If you meet an iceberg male god, you can't be sure.

Xuanyuan Che just hugged Xia Xiling and didn't care about Concubine Xu's reaction. Anyway, the little noble son helped him solve it.

"Your Majesty." Xia Xiling called out uneasily.

Listening to Xia Xiling's charming and helpless voice, Xuanyuan Che would have thought that Xia Xiling had deliberately seduced him if he didn't know her situation just now and where they were now.

Xia Xiling also knew that the original owner's voice was a powerful weapon, and the original owner's voice was as charming as the original owner's appearance.

"It's okay, I'm with you."

Xuanyuan Chean resisted the physical desire and comforted Xia Xiling.

Concubine Xu at the back was very unwilling to see the emperor abandoning her and leaving with that woman in her arms, so she shouted "Your Majesty, Your Majesty" from behind.

But Xuanyuan Che didn't show mercy at all, and later asked his little noble son-in-law to announce the news that Concubine Xu had been grounded for half a month.

Xuanyuan Che really looked down on Concubine Xu for a long time, so he wanted to teach her a little lesson this time.

Under Yu Zhu's leadership, Xuanyuan Che had already carried Xia Xiling back to her own house, and Xia Xiling's place was very close to the Imperial Garden, so she arrived very quickly.

But Xuanyuan Che was not happy seeing this remote and small house. Now the power in the harem is in the hands of the empress, and this empress is really difficult to do things.

Xuanyuan Che directly put Xia Xiling on the couch, and quickly asked Xiao Guizi to bring him some ointment for removing blood stasis, and then planned to apply the medicine to Xia Xiling himself.

Xia Xiling's skin is very delicate, so even after kneeling for a while, it looks red, because there are stones in the place where Xia Xiling kneeled, so there is still a trace of blood.

Seeing Xia Xiling's injuries were so serious, Xuanyuan Che was a little annoyed that he was late to go out, otherwise the beauty would not have suffered such a big injury.

Xuanyuan Che directly wanted to lift Xia Xiling's skirt, but Xia Xiling quickly stopped her.

"Your Majesty, don't..."

"It's okay, let me see."

Then Xuanyuan Che saw that Xia Xiling's white and tender skin was flushed. In fact, it was not serious. He would recover after resting for a day at most. Xia Xiling didn't want to be hypocritical.

"Your Majesty, I only knelt for a short while, it's really not serious."


Xuanyuan Che answered casually, and carefully applied the ointment on Xia Xiling, but when he felt the delicate and fair skin under his hands, he became more and more impulsive.

But fortunately, the emperor's self-control is good, Xuanyuan Che can still hold back, look at the time now is also about to eat dinner, um, just have dinner, and then take a rest with the little woman, as a comfort him.

Xuanyuan Che was thinking wildly, when he heard a commotion outside, Xuanyuan Che was in a bad mood, what happened again.

It turned out that it was Xiao Cui who had returned, but she was always like this. She never felt that she was a slave in front of Xia Xiling, and she was always small or big.

Today when Xiaocui came back, she wanted Yuzhu to go out to help her with work, so she yelled at Yuzhu. This kind of situation was very common in Xia Xiling's place, but today she was unlucky and ran into Xuanyuan Che.

But before Xiaocui entered the room, Xiaoguizi blocked her. Xiaocui hadn't seen any nobles before, so she started to curse, so Xiaoguizi quickly covered Xiaocui's mouth and took her away.

"That was your maid just now?"

"Yes, the emperor laughed."

Xia Xiling was frank and frank, and she didn't feel embarrassing at all when her own people did something wrong.

"Oh, if I execute that palace lady, do you want to intercede for her?"

"Your majesty, Xiaocui has disrespected me as a master for a long time. If the emperor executes her, my concubine will be very happy."

Xuanyuan Che was stunned for a moment when he heard Xia Xiling say this. After all, all the women in the harem wanted to show their kindness and generosity all the time, and only this little woman started to complain to him without mercy.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 20."

Xia Xiling knew that she would be going to bed in all likelihood tonight, so she asked Mengmengda directly, "Mengmengda, is there any kind of elixir in the system that can make people's body smell good?"

Mengmeng understood what Xia Xiling meant in seconds.

"Host, it would be more expensive if it was permanent." Mengmeng knew that Xia Xiling liked that kind of permanent thing.

"it is good."

"Well, host, this deodorant pill has a peach blossom fragrance, and the fragrance will become stronger when you are emotionally excited, and it also has a certain aphrodisiac effect, which requires 50 points."

"Okay, deal, just this."

(End of this chapter)

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