The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 162 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 162 Preparations for Gongdou.
Xia Xiling knows that proper low-key and small-time can save herself from suffering, so she is not stingy about doing these things.

"You have such a mouth, but you can really talk. Well, you probably don't know the sisters in the harem yet. This is my sister, Yuan Guiji, and this is Hu Guifei."

Xia Xiling made a look of sudden realization, and then greeted Yuan Guiji and Hu Guibin again.

"My concubine sends greetings to Hu Guipin and Yuan Guiji."

This time, Hu Guifei quickly shouted, Yuan Guiji's face was not reconciled, but because Hu Guibin's status was higher than her own, and she was in the queen's palace, she didn't make things difficult for Xia Xiling anymore .

Then, today's highlight is coming.

Yuan Guiji quickly launched an attack on Xia Xiling, and began to question her before the queen opened her mouth to give her a seat. Xia Xiling saw the queen frowned, but quickly calmed down.

"Xia Jieyu, you are guilty."

When Xia Xiling heard this, she knew she was coming, but she still had to act in fear. At this time, she was really grateful for her acting skills.

"Yuan Guiji, the concubine really doesn't know where she went wrong?"

"Hmph, do you know that Zichen Palace has historically only allowed queens to spend the night there. You are breaking the palace rules by doing this."

"The concubine is just following the emperor's orders."

That is to say, I was allowed by the emperor at that time. How old do you care about my fault? If I make a mistake, it is the emperor, but there are a few people who dare to mention the emperor's mistake.

The queen saw that Yuan Guiji still wanted to talk, but what kind of virtue was she as a concubine, if she was asked to say something again, she would say something.

But this Xia Jieyu seems a bit arrogant, that's fine, the emperor doesn't like this kind of person the most, and she doesn't have any background, which is the best thing to do.

"Okay, Xia Jieyu is also your fault, you should warn the emperor."

"Yes, the concubine knows it's wrong."

"Then the palace will punish you to copy the palace rules ten times, and you will be banned for half a month. Can you obey?"

"The concubine is punished."

Xia Xiling knew that this was because the queen wanted to sharpen her spirit so that she could ask the queen for help, but she, Xia Xiling, could regain her favor just because she had this face.

Xia Xiling knew that Xuanyuan Che was a face-controller, and he would not abandon such a peerless beauty as himself, but in order to save face for the queen, he would have a difficult time for half a month.

After Xia Xiling came out of the queen's palace, she was punished ten times by the queen, and the news of her confinement for half a month spread throughout the whole harem.

Xuanyuan Che also received the news, but the queen did nothing wrong, Xuanyuan Che would not slap the queen in the face, so the order to let Xia Xiling move the palace became a reality.

"My lord, the emperor asked you to move to the Weiyang Palace in half a month. This half month is also a good time to tidy up and decorate it. This is how much the emperor attaches importance to you!"

"Thank you, father-in-law, Yuzhu."

"Thank you, father-in-law, for taking the trip. You can drink tea with this purse."

"Then thank you, my lord, for the reward."

Xia Xiling didn't know what Xuanyuan Che's decree meant, but no matter how he looked at it, he wanted to appease himself and also promoted the queen, which was too contradictory.

With the emperor's decree, no one in the harem knew what the emperor meant, but Xia Xiling would move the palace sooner or later, but the Weiyang Palace was the closest to the emperor's Zichen Palace.

Back then, even Concubine Fu Xian wanted to live in but was rejected by the emperor. This Weiyang Palace was the site of several generations of favorite concubines, even those favorite concubines had no good end. This was the emperor's excuse for rejecting Concubine Fu Xian back then.

Xia Xiling also knew that her foundation was not stable, but it would be great if she could take advantage of this period of confinement and keep a low profile for a while.

It may be because the emperor had acquiesced in the fact that Xia Xiling was grounded, so the food delivered to Xia Xiling's place on the third day became unbearable to look at directly.

Xia Xiling still only had Yu Zhu and Bai Zhi here. Xia Xiling knew that her life would be a bit sad after being grounded, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Fortunately, it is summer and the weather is not cold, otherwise Xia Xiling would suffer even more if there is no charcoal. Although she despises these people who follow the wind the most, these people now determine the quality of her life.

Especially eating, this is simply unbearable!

Xia Xiling knew that she was treated so quickly by the people in the palace because someone behind her must have hinted, so Xia Xiling felt that the person who made things difficult for her was Yuan Guiji.

I didn't give her face at the Queen's place that day, so people like Yuan Guiji must be very angry, so now I'm here to take revenge on her.

I asked Polygonatum to buy some seeds before, but that was just because I wanted to try the effect of wood-type abilities, and there were not many, hey!

I still have some silver, but if I want to buy some seeds, it should be fine.


"Hey! Master, you called me."

"Well, what were you doing just now?"

"Oh, that Bai Zhi went to the imperial dining room to get the meal that the master wants to eat at noon, and then I will clean it outside."

"Yuzhu, you and Baizhi have worked hard even though you are a palace maid, but you still have to do these rough jobs."

"Master, I was a rough envoy before, it's nothing, besides, there are only me and Bai Zhi here, so of course we have to do this."

"Don't worry, you and Baizhi won't have to do these rough jobs soon, Polygonatum Polygonatum."

"Well, I trust the master."

Xia Xiling looked at the trust and smile on Yuzhu's face and laughed. At that moment, all flowers were blooming. Yuzhu didn't know how to describe her master's appearance, but Yuzhu just thought her master was so beautiful. The whole harem Among them, there is no one who is more beautiful than his master.

"Oh, by the way, it's so late, Bai Zhi hasn't brought back the meal yet."


Xia Xiling saw Yu Zhu's hesitation and knew what she wanted to say.

"Yuzhu, take my money and go to the dining room to buy some vegetable seeds and come back. Buy more. I have everything you want. The imperial dining room should sell it to you. Take more money."

"Master, this..."

"You don't have to worry about it, just do as I tell you."


Just as the two of them finished talking, Bai Zhi came back with the meal. Seeing that Bai Zhi came back so late today, Xia Xiling knew that Bai Zhi was being embarrassed again. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was too late But Xia Xiling still has no way to show Bai Zhi.

But, wait, sooner or later, she will look good to those people, she is not following the gentle and kind little white flower route, what she pursues is that if others make me unhappy, then I will make him even more unhappy.

 Recently, I am preparing for the New Year, sweeping up the New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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