The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 167 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 167 Preparations for Gongdou.
Before Xuanyuan Che noticed, he had gradually taken notice of Xia Xiling, but if it was up to him, he didn't know when he would discover this change in himself.

Being in the royal family, no one will teach Xuanyuan Che what it means to like someone, so he will not know what is special about him to Xia Xiling, this matter can only be discovered by himself.

Xuanyuan Che was busy until very late again, and the people in the respect room had already come, but Xuanyuan Che still didn't intend to stop, so Wang Degui had no choice but to remind the emperor.

"Your Majesty, which little lord do you want to check today?"

Xuanyuan Che originally wanted to flip Xia Xiling's sign, but when he thought that she would move to the palace tomorrow, and she needed to go to pay her respects, so he turned his gaze, and for some reason flipped Wu Ji's sign.

Wang Degui could see that the master from home obviously wanted to flip Xiaozhu Xia's brand, but for some reason, he flipped Wu Ji's brand again.

But Xia Xiling didn't know about this, she was talking about moving tomorrow with two maids in high spirits!
"Master, today the emperor flipped the sign of Young Master Wu Ji."



Yuzhu became anxious when she saw Xia Xiling's inattentive appearance. That was Miss Wu Ji, and her master was almost punished by Miss Wu Ji today, but the emperor not only did not make decisions for his master, but also wanted to pamper her. Man, why is my master not in a hurry at all!

"Okay, Yuzhu, don't worry, you should go and prepare for your master to move the palace tomorrow. At that time, your master and I will have more people around me, and you can live the life of the grand lady." Now that you’re prestige, think about something more joyful.”

Seeing that Xia Xiling went out without making progress, Yuzhu was very angry. Although Yuzhu didn't have any intentions, Bai Zhi saw the benefits of this matter to her master, so she wasn't worried at all.

Xia Xiling didn't know what Xuanyuan Che's intention was, but Xia Xiling felt that Wu Ji would definitely not be Xuanyuan Che's true love, otherwise he wouldn't have given him a promotion and a title today, and even let him move to Weiyang Palace to go.

Although being promoted is a very happy thing, starting tomorrow I will go to pay my respects to the queen. Although it is once every 5 days, I feel unhappy when I think about it!

Especially since my status is still very low, I am really unhappy that I have to salute everyone I see!

I stay in the room every day so I don’t go out to avoid being picked on, but every 5 days I have the opportunity to go out and be picked on. Really, I know this feeling, but I still have to go up and be bullied by others. This feeling is really indescribable. .

Xia Xiling was confused, but Wu Ji was really happy to hear that the emperor was coming to her today. At first, she was a little scared to see the emperor giving Xia Xiling so many orders, but now it seems that the emperor still likes her!
snort!So what if that Ming Ronghua got promoted, isn't he still below him?
That is to say, when Wu Ji made things difficult for Xia Xiling, Xuanyuanche's imperial edict had already been issued, otherwise Xia Xiling might also be a concubine now.

However, Xia Xiling is quite satisfied with her current status. Although promotion is a very happy thing, if it is promoted too fast, it will not be solid.

Because she had just greeted the queen, she could not go to greet the queen for another 5 days. Xia Xiling didn't care about what the two maids said about the emperor's order for Wu Ji to attend the bed today. She had more important things to do, and Tomorrow is going to move to the palace, this is even better, she will have more energy to deal with tomorrow's affairs.

However, although Bai Zhi is very smart, she is still a little not calm enough due to her age. It would be great if she had a nanny or aunt.

It is possible to ask Xuanyuan Che directly, but...

Oh, it's inconvenient if I don't have a family in the harem. People have their own confidantes after they enter the palace, but I don't have one. I have no eyes for everything in the harem.

But this also has an advantage, that is, Xuanyuan Che will not guard against himself like a concubine in the harem.

Well, thinking about it this way, it would be great if Xuanyuan Che could be his own person, but it's best for Xuanyuan Che to bring it up by himself.

If I can have a person who is bestowed by the emperor here, it will be a matter of face, and people who are bestowed by the emperor will be more or less respected by everyone.

How to get Xuanyuan Che to ask this question himself needs to think carefully.

And after arriving at Weiyang Palace, there are more places where I have to spend money. Although I can directly exchange points for silver, I don't want to waste points in such places.

Also, the original owner's family, it took so long to think of the original owner's family after he replaced the original owner, and now he is a bit favored, so he must find a way to take care of the original owner's family no matter what.

The original owner's family only had a twin brother and a mother, and the original owner's father was only a small official before his death, let alone died of illness now.

Because the original owner's father had passed away, the originally not very wealthy family became even poorer. The money I used before was given to her by the original owner's mother, which was most of the money in that family.

It's been such a long time, and I don't know what happened to the original owner's mother and younger brother. My younger brother is very smart and studies well, but my family has no money.

Apart from other things, I have to find a way to send money and some things to my family. The original owner's mother is not in good health. When my status is promoted, I must show her when I can see my mother. Well, with my own medical skills, I can definitely make my mother live a long life.

oops!After thinking about it for a long time, it is a task that cannot be completed in a short period of time. The most urgent thing is to get Xuanyuan Che's favor, and the original owner's wish is to be the queen mother, so he must have a son.

Thinking about the issue of having a child, I am only 15 years old now, and my status is too low now, so I have to wait until I can raise a child by myself before I can conceive.

But for someone with a low family background like myself, it seems that the only way to get promoted as soon as possible is through pregnancy and childbirth, but fortunately Xuanyuan Che only has one son, and he is still in poor health and is about to die.

I just don't know if the eldest prince's death was caused by human beings, well, when no one gives birth to Xuanyuan Che's son, I can wait for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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