The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 172 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 172 Preparations for Gongdou.
This New Year's Eve, there was a message saying that the emperor would seal the harem, but the empress quickly caught a few people who spread the message, and then dealt with it.

The message went down slowly, but everyone still thought about it in their hearts. Xia Xiling, who was familiar with the plot, knew that the news was true, and the emperor really wanted to seal the harem.

The emperor has not sealed off the harem since he ascended the throne, which also caused Xuanyuan Che's harem to have very few high-ranking concubines, but it is already the fourth year, and the people's harvest has been particularly good in the past two years, so Xuanyuan Che plans to concubine. Seal the harem.

This time, only those who did not make mistakes in the Dafeng Harem should be able to advance to the first level, and it has been very calm recently, so almost everyone will advance.

At this time, Xia Xiling felt that the concubine who had just been diagnosed with pregnancy was really lucky. Because she was found to be pregnant, she entered the first level, and when she sealed the harem, she would advance to the next level, and the emperor wanted to seal her There are rumors in the harem, and no one has touched her fetus in a short time.

Therefore, Xia Xiling was going to use that fake pregnancy pill at this time, even if it was for the sake of status, she had to work hard, and only when she was promoted to a high position could she raise a child by herself.

Xia Xiling was sure that she would be able to give birth to the child, but now that she was born, she couldn't raise her directly, so why would she still have the child.

Xia Xiling's actions were very fast. On one day when the emperor was in her palace, that is, about 10 days before she was diagnosed as pregnant, Xia Xiling was also diagnosed as one month pregnant.

That day, the emperor came to Weiyang Palace to see her, and he mentioned the matter of giving birth to a child, and then the emperor said that she did not live up to expectations, that she was not pregnant when he was with her for so long, and that the one who was always there was only two or three days. Just came back and got pregnant.

Then when eating that night, Xia Ling vomited on a fish. The emperor was very worried, and immediately called the imperial doctor, and then he knew that she was pregnant for a month.

Xuanyuan Che was very happy, and wanted to directly designate her as the fifth-rank Wanyi, but Xia Xiling said that she was just pregnant and that Chang Zai was only promoted by one level when she was diagnosed with pregnancy, so it is not good to upgrade her to three levels.

Therefore, Li Yi was granted the title of fifth-rank concubine, but the emperor was obviously a little dissatisfied. In fact, Xia Xiling was also a little dissatisfied, but in this situation, he could only persuade the emperor, otherwise this would not be an enmity.

Soon, the day before the Spring Festival, the emperor's imperial decree came down to seal the harem.

The current form of the harem is as follows:
Empress (Zuo Zhuangwei): The daughter of Duke Zuo's loyal and brave general, she has the eldest princess Xuanyuan Che Yuxuan; she lives in Fengyi Palace.

Imperial Concubine (Fu Zijin): Daughter of Taifu; lives in Fanghua Palace.

Concubine (Xu's Xu Feifei): The daughter of the right minister, lives in Xiangzhi Palace.

Xiuyi (Mu's Mu Han): The daughter of the servant of the official department, she has two princesses, Xuanyuan Yurong; she lives in Jinghe Palace.

Xiurong (Bai Xiaorou of the Bai family): The daughter of the Minister of Rites, she lives in Chunxi Palace.

Chongyi (Liang Jie of the Liang family): The daughter of the local governor, who has made great contributions to saving the family and lives in Jinyun Palace.

Chongyuan (Zhou family): The daughter of the commander, who has the second prince Xuanyuanlin; lives in Changle Palace.

Shuyuan (Hu family): The daughter of the deputy general, lives in Jingfu Palace.

Guiyi (Ye's Ye Yingtong): The general's daughter, titled Ying, lives in Yong'an Palace.

Wanyi (Xia Xiling): She is more than one month pregnant (fake) and lives in Weiyang Palace.

Wanyuan (Zhao family): The daughter of a local county magistrate, who gave birth to the eldest son Xuanyuan Heng; lives in Jingfu Palace.

Wanrong (Chang's Chang Yuejin): The daughter of the Duke, the niece of the Empress Dowager and the cousin of the Emperor, named Ning, lives in Yuning Palace.

Dehua (Zuo Zuo Zhuangyuan): The queen's concubine sister, titled Yuan, lives in Jinrong Palace.

Jieyu (Xiao family): She is two months pregnant and lives in Jinrong Palace.

Nobleman (Kong): live in Jinrong Palace.

Shuren (Wu): lives in Jinyun Palace.

In addition to these, there are also some low-ranking concubines who haven't appeared on the stage yet, so I won't write them above, and they will continue to increase in the future.

When it was time for the banquet in the evening, all the important ministers and relatives of the emperor came to the banquet.

When I was not full after attending the banquet, today was the New Year's banquet, Xia Xiling originally thought that those women would restrain themselves, at least they would not dare to do anything in front of these ministers and relatives of the emperor.

But Xia Xiling looked at the fish in front of her. It was filled with something that is not good for pregnant women. It was the kind of medicine that would make her body weak. When she gave birth, she might die twice. up.

But this kind of medicine needs to be taken for a long time. Xia Xiling was very curious. It must be because there are undercover agents by his side, otherwise he would not have given him this kind of medicine.

But that person obviously couldn't get into her body, she didn't like to eat fish, and she was "pregnant" now!
"Don't want this, I feel like throwing up when I smell it, take it away."

Xia Xiling was now stopping the maid who was serving her food, she happened to be picking up that fish for herself, Xia Xiling thought that this should be sent by the person who gave her medicine.

"Yes, Ming Wanyi."

Xia Xiling is not that kind of nice person, since this person is here to frame her, then I can't let her be so easy.

So when the maid wanted to change another dish, Xia Xiling made a decisive move and let the fish fall on top of her palace dress, and then Xia Xiling became angry.

But she is still very sensible, knowing that there are many people present today, and she can't get angry, so she directly asked the maid to be guarded and detained, and then she will settle accounts with her after the banquet is over.

The court lady was also very confused, it was obviously Ming Wanyi who moved by herself, which caused the fish meat to be spilled on her clothes, and in today's situation, no one would choose to make such a trivial matter a big deal.

Besides, don't the concubines all want to show their best side in front of the emperor? Don't they all want to show their kindness and generosity? Why does this Ming Wanyi directly want to punish herself? , and it still means to settle accounts carefully.

But she didn't dare to make a fuss on this occasion today, as long as she made a fuss, it would be a death, so she was taken down obediently.

Xia Xiling asked a little maid to tell the queen about this, and said that her clothes were dirty and wanted to change them.

Soon the little palace lady came back, saying that the empress knew about this matter, and that palace lady was free to deal with Xia Xiling, let her go down to rest, she was pregnant so she didn't have to come back, then Xia Xiling took Bai Zhi and Polygonatum odoratum out.

The emperor also saw what happened here, she didn't know how Xia Xiling got out, but he also saw a little palace lady complaining to the queen, so he thought about asking the queen what happened, after all Xia Xiling is still pregnant with him child.

(End of this chapter)

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