The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 185 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 185 Preparations for Gongdou.
When Xia Xiling returned to Weiyang Palace and was not discovered by the people of Weiyang Palace, Xia Xiling felt that this was the difference between herself and the emperor.

Now that Xuanyuanche knew that Concubine Fu had planted an internal response by his side, Xuanyuanche must be very disappointed with Concubine Fu.

In this way, I solved a big problem, and I was wronged when I was grounded, but this season is almost the time when the peach blossoms are blooming.

When Xuanyuan Che sees the peach blossoms, he will definitely think of himself, so when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, it is time for him to be released from the confinement.

Others will feel that they have caused Xuanyuan Che to suffer, because being impeached by the ministers jointly is not good for Xuanyuan Che's reputation.

They must also feel that Xuanyuan Che didn't set a time limit for grounding him this time because he didn't want to let him out, but Xia Xiling knew that Xuanyuan Che didn't care about such things.

If Xuanyuan Che cared about his reputation, he wouldn't let the queen mother and her family spread his unfilial reputation outside and do nothing.

Xuanyuan Che is a willful emperor, he is the kind of person who can do whatever he wants, and he will not make things difficult for himself because of other people's ideas.

So if you want Xuanyuan Che to be disappointed just because of this person who hates him, Xuanyuan Che will not hate himself because of this, but he will feel ashamed of himself because of this matter.

Because I was left in Zichen Palace to recuperate because of him, and it was because of him that I needed to recuperate. I was pregnant with his child and was aborted by his woman. I was the most innocent person in this whole incident.

It’s just that I have been promoted too fast, otherwise Xuanyuan Che can still raise his own status in this matter, he is the kind of person who you don’t want me to pet, and I just want to pet that person. If her status is high, then I will give her to the person who promotes her.

To put it bluntly, it was awkward, but Xia Xiling still liked Xuanyuan Che's awkwardness very much, after all, he was the one who benefited!

It shouldn't take long for me to be released, bah, I was released from the ground, oops!I have to go out and look at those women again, how annoying!
However, Xia Xiling just liked to see the distorted faces of those women who couldn't get used to her and couldn't do anything to her. Seeing that scene, Xia Xiling felt really relieved!

Xia Xiling could still hear a lot of news about Fu Guifei in the past two days, saying that Fu Guifei is just the most favored woman, the emperor always remembers her, why today he rewarded silk, antique calligraphy and painting, vase decoration, etc. wait.

But the reward was given away, and the number of times the emperor saw Concubine Fu became less, but it was nothing, the number of times the emperor entered the harem during this period was not much.

Xia Xiling felt that it was because Xuanyuan Che rewarded Fu Guifei so much that it proved that Xuanyuan Che really cared about the internal response, and Fu Guifei was not so good in Xuanyuan Che's heart.

And the opportunity that belongs to her, Xia Xiling, is coming, and she is the kind of person who will seize the opportunity.

Xia Xiling was right in thinking, because not long after, she received the order to contact with the confinement, and this confinement lasted for more than a month, which was almost the time Xia Xiling spent in Zichen Palace before.

I don't know if Xuanyuan Che did it on purpose, but after the confinement is lifted, I have to go to greet the queen every day, and I really don't want to face that woman!

The day Xia Xiling was lifted from the confinement, she needed to pay her respects to the queen, because the order to lift her confinement was given by Xuanyuan Che and the queen's subordinates, so Xia Xiling needed to thank the queen.

Because this was an inevitable greeting and thank you, Xia Xiling didn't think about running away, but future greetings will be based on her interest.

After all, Xia Xiling's child was also killed by the queen, so it is normal for Xia Xiling not to be willing to be the murderer who killed her own child.

When living in Zichen Palace, Xia Xiling would often express her sadness for losing her child. Although these actions were done behind Xuanyuan Che's back, no matter how she was in Zichen Palace at that time, she believed what happened in Zichen Palace Xuanyuan Che should be clear about it.

Moreover, Xuanyuan Che had promised himself that he would still have a child in the future, which meant that Xuanyuan Che hoped to have a child who was a fusion of Xia Xiling's and Xuanyuan Che's blood.

The most important point is that there are many things in the Queen's Fengyi Palace that make it difficult to get pregnant, and the emperor discovered it that time.

What the queen did is really bold, but those things are just making it difficult for people to get pregnant, and I still pay my respects to the queen once every 5 days, and the time is not long, and very few people know about that prescription, so It was not discovered.

However, Xia Xiling felt that Concubine Fu knew about this, which meant that Concubine Fu's family was quite powerful in the harem, otherwise Concubine Fu would not have grasped the power of the harem in such a short period of time.

After Xia Xiling was lifted from the restraint, everyone in Weiyang Palace was in a good mood, and Xia Xiling was lifted because the emperor wanted to celebrate the Longevity Festival.

Coincidentally, Xuanyuan Che's birthday falls in the season of pear and peach blossoms, while the original owner's birthday falls in winter.

Because Xia Xiling was going to thank the queen soon, so Xia Xiling went to take a bath first, and then asked Baizhi and Yuzhu to dress her up, of course, she was dressed as usual.

Xia Xiling's thanking the queen went smoothly, because the queen has not yet regained the palace power, so she is still very polite to her, the emperor's favorite concubine.

But just because the queen is being polite doesn't mean that Xia Xiling should also be polite. Facing such a murderer who killed her own child, Xia Xiling said that it is good that she can keep calm.

So Xia Xiling's attitude was very perfunctory when facing the queen. After thanking her, Xia Xiling found an excuse to leave and return to Weiyang Palace.

Not long after returning to Weiyang Palace, Xia Xiling received the news that the emperor was coming to Weiyang Palace tonight, which also meant that the emperor attached great importance to her as a concubine.

After Xuanyuan Che arrived at night, Xia Xiling was still waiting for Xuanyuan Che at the gate of Weiyang Palace. Of course, Xia Xiling only went out to wait when Xuanyuan Che was about to arrive on the position indicator.

She is not a person who makes herself uncomfortable for the sake of a man, so when the emperor said that the weather is so cold, the concubine should not come out and wait next time, Xia Xiling said that it has not been long since she came out, and the emperor will believe it or not It was not up to Xia Xiling to decide.

(End of this chapter)

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