The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 187 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 187 Preparations for Gongdou.
Xia Xiling was exempted from paying his respects here, and of course the empress also notified her. The excuse Xuanyuan Che used was that Concubine Ming was not in good health after that miscarriage, and that Concubine Ming would be exempted from paying her respects in the future.

The queen also knew that the emperor was embarrassing herself, but the accident of Concubine Ming had something to do with her, and she also lost a big court lady, so what does the emperor want to do, but now she has not taken the palace power Come back, so the queen did not dare to raise her own protest.

After the decree was issued, Bai Zhi knew why her master was so confident, she just felt that the master was really powerful, and it was really a correct decision for her to choose to join the master.

Xia Xiling didn't pay any attention to the reaction of those women after they knew that she didn't have to pay the queen well in the future. Anyway, she was very satisfied, and now she was enjoying this special treatment.

The Emperor's Longevity Day will soon be here, and Xia Xiling has already prepared a congratulatory gift for the Emperor. This is based on the thoughts of those time-traveling women—the map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Xia Xiling's painting is only average, but she has learned embroidery from Yuzhu for a long time, so her embroidery is still good.

Because she had the emperor's permission before, Xia Xiling also went to Zangshuge to find some books on geography and history. She first drew according to the books, and then began to embroider.

However, Xia Xiling didn't embroider by herself. She asked Yuzhu to join her. Forget about Bai Zhi, Bai Zhi is not very good at this, Bai Zhi is still good at dealing with others.

Xia Xiling had been preparing for this gift for a long time, and only Baizhi and Yuzhu knew about it, and no one else knew about it. Now it's finally finished.

Xia Xiling is very satisfied with this work of hers. She made the embroidery into a screen, which still looks majestic. After all, Xia Xiling has experienced so many worlds, and her vision is wider than that of ordinary women, so this screen also has Such an atmospheric eclectic feeling.

And Yuzhu looked at this screen and said that this screen was very good. Xia Xiling not only embroidered Dongchen Kingdom, but Xia Xiling also embroidered the small countries around Dongchen Kingdom.

Because all men are ambitious, especially an emperor, he must want to conquer the world, Xuanyuan Che is a proud person, if he has been so simple and doesn't understand anything, he can't stand by his side.

So what Xia Xiling has to do now is to understand him, to make Xuanyuan Che feel that he is his confidant, that he is qualified to stand with him and enjoy this wonderful world.

Although the emperor's decree caused many rumors in the harem, it was quickly stopped. Xia Xiling felt that it should be the emperor's hand. The rumors also slapped the emperor in the face.

Xia Xiling heard that because of this matter, it was also a matter of rumors in the palace, because Concubine Fu was reprimanded by Xuanyuan Che, and asked Bai Xiurong and Mu Xiuyi to help her more.

This Mu Xiuyi belonged to the queen, but the relationship between Bai Xiurong and the queen was just average, after all, the child that Bai Xiurong miscarried back then seemed to be related to the queen.

Xia Xiling thinks that the queen is really powerful, she has done so many bad things, but people can't catch her. The time she had a miscarriage was the queen who was calculated by herself, and she even asked the system to help, otherwise Xia Xiling also felt that she was completely Can't catch the Queen's handle.

But no matter how powerful the queen is, Xia Xiling has already found out the queen's fox tail, and now the emperor doesn't trust the queen as much as before.

Xia Xiling still reads books every day, practices calligraphy, and sometimes thinks about eating. Weiyang Palace has a small kitchen, but Xia Xiling's current position still cannot have a small kitchen.

This small kitchen is only available when the emperor grants grace. Of course, you can also apply to the queen after you reach the second rank. Now Mu Xiuyi and Bai Xiurong are both applying for the small kitchen from the queen. Only concubine Fu Gui is personally owned by the emperor. bestowed.

Also, Liang Chongyi, who saved the emperor, and Zhou Chongyuan, who gave birth to the second prince, both have small kitchens. In fact, they can have their own small kitchens when they reach Zhengsanpin, but in order to show the majesty of the royal family, the emperor and queen should take the initiative It is bestowed, but after reaching the second rank, you can ask the queen yourself, and the queen will not refuse.

As a senior foodie, Xia Xiling has been coveting the small kitchen for a long time, but because she doesn't have enough status, she only has covetousness.

However, Xia Xiling can still cook some simple food, and Xia Xiling sent a recipe to the chefs in the imperial dining room, um, it's all her favorite food.

However, this kind of treatment is only available when I am pampered, but my things have not been treated harshly during the more than a month of being grounded, and the food is also very good, which is similar to when I was pampered.

Xia Xiling knew that the emperor felt that he had wronged him, and he must have beaten the imperial dining room in private. Of course, the emperor would not do this kind of thing himself, at most he would let Wang Degui pass on a message.

During the month or so that Xia Xiling was grounded, the emperor had a few more favorite concubines, all of whom were in the same class as Xia Xiling, and two of them were promoted.

One is Rong Jieyu, and the other is Xigui, that Xigui still has a title, well, that title is also a word in her name.

But being able to get the emperor to give her a title is quite amazing. I heard from Bai Zhi that this Xigui is a beauty like Lin Daiyu, and our emperor seems to like this type.

Xia Xiling felt that the emperor's preferences would not be revealed, but with the emperor's flamboyant character, maybe he really liked this type of beauties.

In the harem, there are more beauties who are as gentle as water. This may be due to the lack of maternal love, so the emperor likes gentler women, but this kind of personality does not match Xia Xiling's ideas. Xia Xiling likes the kind of domineering, beautiful crown harem , Those who favor the harem, it is best to make those women afraid of themselves.

She has been in the palace for about a year now, and she has changed from a small beauty to the current concubine Ming. However, Xia Xiling feels that she is very lucky. The status will not be so high.

When her status rises one more level, she can prepare to conceive.

(End of this chapter)

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