The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 193 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 193 Preparations for Gongdou.
The emperor called the concubine Ming to the Zichen Palace, and the place of the Zichen Palace belongs to the Qian Dynasty. If there is no summons, the concubines in the harem cannot go, so I have been waiting, waiting, waiting for 7 days , Concubine Ming finally returned to Weiyang Palace.

But I didn't expect the emperor to follow Ming Guifei back to Weiyang Palace, and she started to wait again, and this waited for another 7 days.

After all, the emperor stopped staying in Weiyang Palace. She felt that the emperor should have summoned herself, but no, the emperor did not summon herself. The emperor just went to Weiyang Palace to have a meal at noon every day, and then she was alone again. He went to bed in Zichen Palace without summoning any concubines.

She really didn't want to be pointed at by those people. She also heard the gossip and gossip in the palace. Although it was quickly stopped, she still heard it.

After she knew the emperor's daily whereabouts, she couldn't bear it anymore, she went outside Weiyang Palace by herself, and then danced to seduce the emperor when he was about to arrive.

The emperor stopped after seeing himself dancing, and then talked to himself.

"Which palace are you from?"

Xuanyuan Che looked at the dancing woman in front of him, she didn't look like a court lady, but he couldn't remember that there was such a character in his harem, and he dared to dance near Weiyang Palace.

Seeing Xuanyuan Che talking to her, Wu Shuren felt that the emperor had not forgotten herself, and her face blushed when she thought of the emperor's handsome appearance.

Her voice was also delicate, as if she could pinch water out, and there was a touch of blushing on her face, which made her look infinitely shy.

"If you go back to the emperor, the concubine is a lady dancer from Changle Palace."


If other people look at such a delicate beauty now, they will definitely be very moved, but the person standing here is not an ordinary person, and Xuanyuan Che, hearing the voice of this woman in front of him, he only feels that it is artificial, there is no Qingqing voice at all sweet.

So he was sneering and mocking in his heart. He just watched such a woman seduce him, but it didn't show at all on the surface. He wanted to scold the woman in front of him immediately, but he thought of one thing again. Suppress this thought.

So Xuanyuan Che controlled the reprimand he was about to say, and what he said became "Then you wait for me to go to Changle Palace at night."

Wu Shuren was very happy when she heard what the emperor said. She still wanted to say something to the emperor, but the emperor ignored her and went to Weiyang Palace.

Wu Shuren was not angry when she saw this, the emperor has spoiled Concubine Ming for such a long time, it is normal to go to Weiyang Palace to see Concubine Ming, but today the emperor said that he would let him sleep at night .

With his own strength, one day the emperor will only dote on himself, and let all those concubines Fu Gui and Ming Guifei go to the back.

On Xuanyuan Che's side, he doesn't remember that Wu Shuren at all. He said that to her today because he thought that she was arranged by the queen. He wanted to make the queen feel at ease, but that's all, there will be no other things. that's it.

Xia Xiling had been told about it when Wu Shuren appeared near Weiyang Palace, and she also knew what Wu Shuren wanted to do, which was to seduce Xuanyuan Che.

But is Xuanyuan Che so easy to seduce, especially now that Xuanyuan Che already has 70 favorability points for her, Xuanyuan Che will not slap himself in the face for others.

But she didn't expect that she was really slapped in the face, because the emperor not only didn't reprimand Wu Shuren, but also slept with Wu Shuren at night.

After Xia Xiling heard the news, she almost vomited blood without anger, but on the surface she remained calm. Of course, Xia Xiling only found out about this the next day, and she still doesn't know about it now, and she didn't talk to Xuanyuan Che Talk about Xuanyuan Che's other women's hobbies, so she is really the last person in the harem to know the news.

Because she didn't know about this, Xia Xiling still got along with Xuanyuan Che as before, and Xuanyuan Che also behaved as usual.

Because Xuanyuan Che really felt that it was normal for him, as an emperor, to sleep with his own woman, so he definitely didn't have any burden, so of course it would be the same as usual.

After lunch, Xuanyuan Che left Weiyang Palace and returned to Zichen Palace to review memorials, while Xia Xiling continued to read books and practice calligraphy. Xia Xiling felt very good today, so he practiced for a while.

After Xia Xiling finished practicing calligraphy, it was getting late, Xia Xiling was ready to have dinner, and the palace people didn't dare to tell Xia Xiling when they knew about it, otherwise Xia Xiling would not be in the mood to eat after hearing about it, so what should I do? So dragged on to the next day.

The next day, after Xia Xiling finally found out about this matter, the first thing she did was to punish Baizhi and Yuzhu. After the punishment, Xia Xiling asked them if they knew what was wrong with them.

Although Yu Zhu is very loyal to herself, Bai Zhi told her yesterday that she was afraid that the master would not be in the mood to eat after knowing about that incident. It's okay to tell Xia Xiling one day.

Yuzhu was not very smart, but she also felt that Xia Xiling was unhappy, she thought that she must be hiding the truth from her master, and the master was unhappy.

Of course, Bai Zhi knew that Xia Xiling was so smart because she didn't tell Xia Xiling what she knew in time, but she...

"Master, it's because we didn't tell the master that the emperor asked Mrs. Wu Shu to sleep with him yesterday."

"Yes or no, I remember telling you not to hide anything from me, and if something happens, I will know about it earlier and take some measures to solve it earlier, but if you keep it secret If you follow this little master, this little master will be very passive."

"Also like today's matter, I will know about it sooner or later. It's better to let me know about it earlier and be mentally prepared. I don't want to know nothing and be laughed at by others. Do you know? ?”

"Understood, master, the servants will not commit any crimes again."

"I also know that you two are doing it for my own good, but I don't want to be concealed. I hope this kind of thing won't happen again."

"Yes, master, the servants remember, this kind of thing will never happen again."

"Well, well, go down and rest."

"Yes, master."

 After reading the comments of friends today, Lolo decided to update one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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