The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 195 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 195 Preparations for Gongdou.
In the end, the child was given to Ye Guiyi by the emperor to be raised, and because of this child, Ye Guiyi was promoted to Shurong from the third rank. The emperor specially allowed her to live in the main hall, and then raised the third princess, and the third princess was also remembered. Under the name of Ye Shurong.

Ye Shurong also knew that the emperor would not allow her to have children, so she attached great importance to and loved the third princess Ye Shurong, after all, the third princess was her future hope.

Xia Xiling didn't change much this year, but she made a decision, because the draft will start again next year, so Xia Xiling is going to start getting pregnant.

She had been using contraception without any traces before, but Xia Xiling felt that she could start to get pregnant now. In this way, by the time of the draft, she would be almost at the time of survival or confinement, and she could also avoid newcomers.

The relationship between Xia Xiling and Ye Shurong is not bad. She has always felt that Ye Yingtong is a person who can be associated with, so she will have contact with her. After contacting, she found that this person is really a very straightforward person. Xia Xiling still likes Ye Yingtong very much. of character.

Occasionally, Ye Yingtong would bring the third princess to Weiyang Palace as a guest, so the third princess would sometimes see Xuanyuan Che. Although Xuanyuan Che would sometimes visit the third princess, he still didn't come to Xia Xiling's place as often.

In fact, sometimes Xia Xiling thinks that Xuanyuan Che is also very powerful. He clearly knows that Concubine Fu has watched her and is not so single-minded towards herself, but Xuanyuan Che can treat Concubine Fu the same as before, but Xia Xiling can feel it is not as good as before distracted.

The draft will start in less than a year, but Xia Xiling is not worried about herself, and now she has a certain status in Xuanyuan Che's heart.

But since there are still few people in the palace, she should be preparing to get pregnant. She still remembers that the original owner's wish was to become the queen mother, so she needs to have a prince, otherwise how can she become the queen mother!

And one is not safe, it is better to have more sons, so the chances of winning are great, but she remembered that Xuanyuan Che's third prince was born to Bai Xiaorou, and it was the third prince who became the next emperor.

In the original plot, Bai Xiaorou was diagnosed to be pregnant after the next draft, so it means that she will not be pregnant for at least one year. Of course, this is because her butterfly wings did not incite the plot here. .

So Xia Xiling had given that Bai Xiaorou an infertility drug early on, and it was impossible for her to get pregnant in at least 10 years.

Xia Xiling is the kind of person who takes the initiative to attack. Now that she knows that Bai Xiaorou, or the son she will give birth to in the future, is a threat to herself, then she must suppress these threats in the cradle. The most effective way is to Make her unable to have children.

Xia Xiling didn't drug everyone in the harem, because it would be too weird if she was the only one in the harem to give birth to a child. She just used this method to deal with people who threatened her.

This year, Xia Xiling didn't deliberately increase Xuanyuan Che's favorability. The main reason was that she felt that if the favorability was increased too quickly, it would be unstable, and it would be more difficult to increase the favorability in the future.

Now there are several favored ones in the palace, but one of them would criticize her without long-term eyes when she finally worked hard to pay her respects to the empress. She just refuted the little concubine at that time, and then She also did nothing.

But that little concubine was downgraded with the intention of disrespecting the noble concubine, and she was demoted to the last rank of obedient person, so since then, few people have come to provoke her, fearing that she will brag to the emperor Pillow wind.

But Xia Xiling was really wronged this time!She didn't do anything, okay, and she didn't take that little concubine seriously at all, besides, such a little concubine is not qualified enough for her to mention it in front of Xuanyuan Che, okay?

However, who told Xuanyuan Che to rest in her Weiyang Palace that day, so even if she refuted this matter, no one would believe it.

But that's also good, Xia Xiling will treat Xuanyuan Che as establishing prestige for her in the harem, and in this way, basically there will be no unscrupulous little concubines appearing in front of her just because they have nothing to do.

Now that Xia Xiling has decided to have a baby, she began to take care of her and Xuanyuan Che's bodies intentionally or unintentionally. After all, only when both parents are healthy can a baby be born healthy and smart.

In the past few days, Xia Xiling suddenly felt that she was a little sleepy, she ate too much, and was hungry for a long time, especially because she couldn't control her temper. She smelled the fragrance of powder on Xuanyuan Che's body two days ago. He got very angry with Xuanyuan Che.

But in fact, it was because he went to see the eldest princess in the queen's palace, so the queen invited a group of Yingyingyanyan women over, and his body was covered with the fragrance of powder. I really felt a little disgusted, so I wanted to see it quickly To Xia Xiling, so I came to Weiyang Palace without even taking a bath.

Of course Xuanyuan Che was angered by Xia Xiling and left that day, but Xuanyuan Che still came to Weiyang Palace the next day, and told her that he only came after taking a bath this time, so he didn't have any other smells on him, right? Xia Xiling didn't know how to react for a while, but she still entertained the emperor well.

Xia Xiling didn't realize that she might be pregnant until Bai Zhi told her one day that her baby date was a month late, because although her baby date was not always accurate, it was never a month late.

Xia Xiling tested it out. She was really pregnant for a month and a half, but she absolutely didn't want to be exposed so early. In this way, when the draft is about to end, she should be the one who started confinement. it's time.

So Xia Xiling told Bai Zhi that the time to pretend to be herself has come, after a while she can almost be sure if she is pregnant or not, but now the days are too short to be sure.

Bai Zhi also thinks this is good, the first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous, and it is best to be able to pass safely, and she also knows that her master has some medical skills, which was exposed by Xia Xiling at the very beginning, how could she not Can't let Bai Zhi feel that her master knows nothing, so how can she be loyal to herself?

But today, Xia Xiling asked Bai Zhi to announce the imperial physician, but the imperial physician just said that she had eaten too much and her stomach was not well, so she prescribed some medicine, but Xia Xiling didn't drink it either.

(End of this chapter)

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