The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 197 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 197 Preparations for Gongdou.
"Your Majesty, here, the concubines are holding a peony banquet today. During the banquet, Concubine Ming suddenly came, and after the concubines said a few words, Concubine Ming fainted."

The queen really felt wronged!And she also felt that this was a conspiracy by Concubine Ming herself, how could she be so mad that she had only come in for a quarter of an hour?

Xuanyuan Che also heard the eye drops that the queen put on Xia Xiling, but how could he have the heart to ask what happened to Xia Xiling now?
The queen's words were to take out herself and everyone in the harem, which means that Xia Xiling fainted by herself!And he still doesn't understand the rules, ha, ha, ha, he really wants to know how he can make himself faint.

When they entered Weiyang Palace, they had already discovered the exquisiteness and prosperity of Weiyang Palace, but now they have no intention to be sour, and now they are reducing their sense of existence, for fear of being settled by the emperor.

Especially after the emperor had finished asking the empress, he chose the concubine Ming Gui's maid of honor to ask the question. This is clearly biased!
Xuanyuan Che casually pointed at another person, hey, it just so happened, that person was Bai Zhi, and the tears on Bai Zhi's face were still there!
"You said."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperor simply showed that he didn't believe in himself, and he specially asked the palace lady next to Concubine Ming to answer. Is this obviously biased towards Concubine Ming, this concubine Ming should be eliminated as soon as possible.

"If you go back to the emperor, our master, the master was stunned by Hu Shuyuan. Our master rushed to attend the peony banquet hosted by the empress empress. When he came in, Hu Shuyuan scolded him and said that our master came too late. God is sorry , our master has been in poor health since the miscarriage, your majesty and the empress feel sorry for our master, and there is no need for the master to greet the empress every day, but Hu Shuyuan said this to our master, your majesty, you have to be the master of the master!"

Xuanyuan Che roughly understood what was going on, but could he faint as soon as he was angry? This body is too weak, um, I need Doctor Liang to make up for Qingqing.

"The Imperial Physician is here! Imperial Physician Liang is here!"

Soon the imperial physician arrived, and the emperor hurriedly asked the imperial physician to see Xia Xiling first when he heard that the imperial physician had arrived.

"Hurry up, Doctor Liang, go and show Concubine Ming."

After a long period of pulse diagnosis, several imperial physicians looked at each other to confirm the result, and the most authoritative Royal Physician Liang reported the result to the emperor.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, Concubine Ming Gui has been pregnant for nearly 3 months."


Xuanyuan Che was really happy, he never thought that his Qingqing would give him such a big surprise.

Hearing this, Bai Zhi couldn't help it, "Prince doctor, our master announced to the doctor more than a month ago, the doctor said that our master has, uh, a bad stomach."

Bai Zhi thought about it, but still didn't tell the imperial physician that the master just ate too much.

The imperial physician that Xia Xiling announced that day was actually the empress's, so if this incident happened today, that imperial physician should be demoted. This is really exciting news!
"Oh, this, it may be that the days were too short at that time, so the imperial physician did not make a diagnosis. Don't worry, your concubine Ming is in good health."

"Well, Doctor Liang has worked hard."

"According to my decree, the noble concubine of the Ming Dynasty made great contributions to conceiving the emperor's heir, and was promoted to the third rank of Shuyi, and the Hu family disrespected the queen and was demoted to the fourth rank concubine."

Hu Shuyuan, no, Concubine Hu almost fainted when she heard the news, but this is Concubine Ming Gui, and now it is Ming Shuyi's territory, she still dare not, for fear of provoking the emperor's disgust and being demoted.

Seeing so many people around, Xuanyuan Che frowned, "There is nothing to do, you should step back first, the queen has worked hard, so go back and rest."

Although he was kicked out by the emperor, but with the emperor's words "Thanks for your hard work", it can be regarded as saving my face, but it's a pity that Concubine Hu was demoted two levels because of such a trivial matter, and she has already passed the third rank up.

But the queen didn't know that she would lose an imperial physician, which was a bigger loss than Concubine Hu's demotion.

Xia Xiling had been pretending to be dizzy all the time, so Xia Xiling woke up slowly after everyone left.

"woke up."

Xia Xiling opened his eyes and found Xuanyuan Che, "Your Majesty?"

"How do you feel now?"

"I don't feel anything, why are you here, Your Majesty, and the concubine remembers that the concubine was at the queen's peony banquet just now, what is going on now?" Xia Xiling looked around and found that she had returned to Weiyang Palace, "Why are you in Weiyang?" What about the palace?"

Xuanyuan Che still wanted to pick up the most important thing and tell Xia Xiling, so he condensed it into one sentence.

"Qingqing, you are pregnant."


"Concubine, concubine is really pregnant, pregnant with His Majesty's child."

Xuanyuan Che looked at Xia Xiling's excited appearance, and he was as excited as Xia Xiling.

"The favorability of male gods is increased by 5, and the favorability is 80."

Why did this suddenly increase her favorability? Why didn't she increase her favorability when she just found out that she was pregnant? What a strange male god.

"Yes, Qingqing, you have our child."

"Concubine, I haven't had a concubine's life for a long time, but the concubine's life was not very accurate before, and, moreover..." Xia Xiling blushed a little when she said this.

"Besides, the concubine went to an imperial physician before, and the imperial physician said that the concubine had eaten too much, and then the concubine was embarrassed and never saw the imperial physician again."

After Xia Xiling's reminder, Xuanyuan Che felt that the previous imperial physician was really too hateful for letting Qingqing be ridiculed for so long, and this imperial physician might have been bribed by others to say this to Qingqing on purpose, if Qing Qing didn't faint today and asked the imperial physician, Qingqing's child might be killed by someone else.

It has to be said that Xuanyuan Che is a conspiracy theory.

"Qingqing, don't worry, I will investigate this matter."


Xia Xiling obviously didn't know what Xuanyuan Che was talking about, but Xuanyuan Che found Xia Xiling's heavenly (silly) true (white) innocent (sweet) evil look cute.

The emperor wants to find out something, unless you have a system plug-in like Xia Xiling, Xuanyuan Che's efficiency is very high, within a few days Xia Xiling heard that before saying that she had indigestion, referred to as eating too much The former imperial physician was dismissed by Xuanyuan Che.

The queen had an arm broken, and Xia Xiling happily ate an extra bowl of rice that night, but Xuanyuan Che only thought that it was because Xia Xiling was able to eat after she became pregnant. I have to say that this was a wonderful misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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