The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 199 Preparations for Gongdou...

Chapter 199 Preparations for Gongdou.
In the end, Nanny Wang relented, and promised Xia Xiling that she could eat a small bowl, but not for the next three days. Xia Xiling knew that she was able to eat, so she agreed immediately.

Xuanyuan Che didn't care when he saw that he was being ignored, he felt that this was Xia Xiling's true temperament.

Xia Xiling: I just saw the food and forgot about your existence.

Xuanyuan Che: ...

Xia Xiling decided to become a house girl this time during her pregnancy. She can deal with drug attacks by herself, but if she is physically attacked, she has no choice, so she should stay in Weiyang Palace.

Moreover, Xuanyuan Che has ordered those concubines not to come to Weiyang Palace to disturb her, but she can also invite others to come to Weiyang Palace to chat with her, so she invites Ye Yingtong to come to Weiyang Palace from time to time.

And Ye Yingtong will bring her "daughter", the little guy is really cute, Xia Xiling and Ye Yingtong have become very good friends now.

Because of Xuanyuan Che's protection, Xia Xiling's pregnancy went relatively smoothly this time, but the reaction during pregnancy was unbelievable, and Xia Xiling was tossed to death.

Not long after Xia Xiling found out that she was pregnant, the Queen Mother sent someone to look for her once, but Xia Xiling didn't go, so she simply refused to go with the excuse that she felt sick to her stomach.

Then I don't know what agreement the queen mother and Xuanyuan Che reached, and the queen mother didn't come to trouble him, but Xuanyuan Che was looking for his cousin to sleep with him that day.

Why did Xia Xiling feel that the queen mother was a bit like a bustard in a brothel, but the queen mother just wanted the emperor to favor only members of their Chang family.

Xia Xiling has always kept a low profile, no matter who organizes what activities, she is unshakable.

But it happened that a small country was coming to Zichen Kingdom to present a gift. This was a state banquet, and Xia Xiling had to attend, so although she had a bad feeling in her heart, she still wanted to attend.

Xia Xiling had already decided to stay for a while before leaving. Xuanyuan Che would allow her to be pregnant.

On the day of the banquet, Xia Xiling fully absorbed the experience from novels and TV dramas, and wrapped her stomach roundly, but because she was wearing a palace dress, it was not obvious that she had wrapped so many things.

She is already five months pregnant, and now being wrapped up by her like this is like 6 or 7 months, but her belly is bigger than the average pregnant woman, Xuanyuan Che was surprised for a long time at that time, But the imperial doctor said that she had twins, Xuanyuan Che laughed for a long time and said that he would have two children soon.

When Xia Xiling arrived at the banquet, everyone hadn't seen Xia Xiling for two months. When they suddenly saw her in this state, their first reaction was that Shuyi was only 5 months old. Why does her belly look like 7 months old? The second reaction was, yes, Ming Shuyi is pregnant with twins.

Thinking about it this way, everyone's envious, jealous and hateful eyes focused on Xia Xiling's belly. He was so angry!These women have been in the palace for so long, and they haven't even gotten pregnant, but luckily they got pregnant with two this time.

On the other hand, Xia Xiling was very indifferent to these envious and jealous eyes. She really saw this kind of eyes too much, and she was completely immune to them.

Why!Who told her that her natural beauty is hard to give up on!Who made the emperor like her!If anyone told her not to get pregnant, she would have two babies once she gets pregnant!
Let these fish-lipped humans envy and hate her to their heart's content!Wow ha ha ha ha!
When Xuanyuan Che entered the banquet this time, the first thing he saw was Xia Xiling. It wasn't that Xia Xiling was dressed up today, it was that Xia Xiling's belly was too eye-catching. When he arrived at Weiyang Palace yesterday, Xia Xiling's belly wasn't big yet. It's so big, why does my stomach feel like blowing up a balloon after a day?
Since Xia Xiling was pregnant, she no longer used all kinds of spices and ancient cosmetics, and her clothes were mainly comfortable, so now she looks a bit plain.

Xia Xiling was in a daze of boredom. She didn't know how to eat the food at the banquet. Assuming she didn't see the problem, it looked like something a queen would do.

The queen's move is second to none. If something happens to her at the banquet and the child is gone, it is of course the best for the queen, but even if her child is saved, the emperor will hate her because of it.

But the queen didn't expect that she has excellent medical skills, so she won't touch the things on the banquet, and these things are fine, but as long as she eats these things, it will be the same as the pot of flowers next to her The aroma produced reacts, which is not good for pregnant women.

Seeing that Xia Xiling, who always liked to eat so much, hadn't eaten anything, Xuanyuan Che frowned, and asked Wang Degui to deliver the things on his table to Xia Xiling.

Xia Xiling looked at the food that Xuanyuan Che gave her, and went out to wave it to Xuanyuan Che, but Xuanyuan Che stopped her very quickly, so Xia Xiling just stood up and said "Thank you, Your Majesty".

Xuanyuan Che was very considerate of Xia Xiling's hard work with such a big belly, but those women looked at her as if they were going to eat people, Xia Xiling ignored them all and returned to her seat calmly.

The queen saw that the emperor rewarded Xia Xiling with a few dishes, but they took them directly from her table, and the queen felt very angry. This was the emperor making a face for Xia Xiling.

But that's fine, Ming Shuyi didn't eat any of the things she prepared for Ming Shuyi, and even Ming Shuyi didn't touch the sour plum soup she prepared.

Now it is a dish bestowed by the emperor, so Ming Shuyi can't escape, she must eat all the food bestowed by the emperor, to show that she is worthy of the emperor's favor.

But who is Xia Xiling? She doesn't care about these things at all. After thanking her, she just sits like before and doesn't seem to eat those things at all.

The queen became a little anxious, and directly attacked Xia Xiling.

"Is Ming Shuyi dissatisfied with the dishes rewarded by the emperor? Why don't you eat them?"

Xia Xiling just looked at the queen with a smile that was not a smile, making the queen think that Xia Xiling had seen through her thoughts, and that it was the emperor who rescued Xia Xiling.

"Ming Shuyi is still pregnant, if you don't want to eat it, don't eat it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Now that the emperor has already spoken, the queen can't say anything else, so she just cast a bitter look at Xia Xiling, Xia Xiling doesn't care about the queen's gaze at all.

This matter soon stopped, and the person from the small country who came to offer gifts came up to offer gifts. First, he said a lot of praises, and Xia Xiling didn't listen much, but then it was the highlight of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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