The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 218 Damn!There are ghosts in this world

Chapter 218 Damn!There are ghosts in this world
When Xia Xiling entered Yu Sheng's office, Yu Sheng was still working. Because Yu Sheng hadn't looked up, Xia Xiling didn't know if Yu Sheng knew he had come in. Seeing Yu Sheng's seriousness, Xia Xiling stayed by himself and didn't go. disturb.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Xia Xiling felt that he must ask Yu Sheng to eat, and then Xia Xiling slowly walked around behind Yu Sheng, hugged him from behind, and put the photo of the two of them on Yu Sheng's table. in front of.

It is impossible for Yu Sheng not to notice her now. Yu Sheng smiled when he saw Xia Xiling, and then asked, "When did you come in and how long have you been waiting?"

"I came in a long time ago. I have been waiting for a long time. You have been working all the time, and no one has bothered you."

Then Yu Sheng glanced at Xia Xiling, which meant why are you bothering me now.

Seeing Yu Sheng's eyes, Xia Xiling frowned. Staring at Yu Sheng, she kindly asked him to eat, so why did she kindly treat him like a donkey?

Yu Sheng just wanted to make a joke with Xia Xiling, and when he saw Xia Xiling was angry, he immediately went to coax her.

Xia Xiling is easy to coax most of the time, as long as it is not a matter of principle, you can just coax her, and Xia Xiling is also worried that Yu Sheng will be hungry, so she hastened to eat.

After eating, Xia Xiling took out the small snacks she made. A grown man would not like to eat these things in Yu Sheng, but he still ate them after his girlfriend made them for him.

After eating, Xia Xiling was about to leave. Before leaving, Xia Xiling specially told Yu Sheng, "The group photo must be placed where you can see it."

Yu Sheng agreed with a good temper, and Xia Xiling left with peace of mind.

Xia Xiling usually has a daily itinerary like this: she buys vegetables in the morning, prepares Yusheng’s lunch, and if there is anything missing at home, she also makes up for it. After dinner, flirt with Yu Sheng, and then go to sleep.

Her master didn't know where he went, and he never sent her a message, and it didn't exist in the original plot. Xia Xiling always felt that this master was a man full of secrets.

After Yu Sheng came back in the evening, Xia Xiling told Yu Sheng about his plans for the weekend. Of course, Yu Sheng cooperated with Xia Xiling's plan. Then Xia Xiling went to bed after going to see the peanuts and melon seeds.

The two pets, Peanut and Guazi, seemed to be fighting all the time, but usually Guazi had the upper hand, because Xia Xiling always saw the hedgehog on the turtle's back.

And Peanut let the melon seeds run wild on its back in such a good temper. It is really a family that loves each other. Xia Xiling maintains a free-ranging attitude towards these two pets, which is also amazing. She and Yu Sheng have not stepped on them for so long. It's time for peanuts and melon seeds.

There were two times when Xia Xiling saw that she was about to step on it, the two little pets would avoid it as quickly as possible.

Xia Xiling raised a few pots of plants on the balcony. This was her hobby when she was the empress dowager. At that time in the harem, she could only grow flowers and read books to pass the time.

At that time, Xia Xiling was impatient with keeping pets, but she really liked those precious flowers and plants. The precious flowers and plants just need you to spend a lot of time to take good care of them.

But now the pots on Xia Xiling's balcony are all ordinary plants, because Xia Xiling is afraid that if he is not careful, he will kill these pots of plants.

On Saturday, Xia Xiling and Yu Sheng woke up a little later than usual. After finishing their breakfast and packing themselves up, the two of them headed for the biggest shopping mall in the city.

Xia Xiling himself likes Hanfu very much, and thinks it has an elegant feeling, so Xia Xiling chose several sets of Hanfu alone, but anyway, the rest of his life is rich, and men make money for women!
Xia Xiling insisted on dragging Yu Sheng to go shopping with her all day long. Xia Xiling and Yu Sheng were very tired when they got to the back of the shopping mall. Then they swiped their cards directly for any clothes they liked, without even trying it. The shopping guide lady was overjoyed.

Because they were really tired today, they ate their lunch and dinner outside. Xia Xiling could tell that Yu Sheng was the kind of person who didn't like shopping. Maybe his clothes were custom-made.

As for Xia Xiling herself, her interest in shopping is average, not as fanatical as ordinary women, but she likes it very much, but it takes three hours at most, and I really can't stand it any longer.

She is usually very busy and doesn't have so much time to waste on shopping. Today is because there are too many things to buy. They buy clothes in the morning and accessories in the afternoon.

In the middle, I went home to take a lunch break, because Xia Xiling was afraid that the rest of her life would be too tired and her body would not be able to bear it, so she still enjoyed the whole day's shopping.

On the second day, according to the plan, Yu Sheng and Xia Xiling came to the photo studio that Xia Xiling had booked before. The photo studio didn't care about Xia Xiling and the others bringing their own clothes. After all, the customer is God.

Xia Xiling and Yu Sheng are both rich, and they donate a lot of money to the photo studio. What they want is the best and most expensive photographer. The people in the photo studio are very happy to have such two big clients.

Xia Xiling finally saw what Yu Sheng looked like in ancient costumes. Xia Xiling felt that Yu Sheng should be like this. She couldn't see Yu Sheng's original appearance now, but Xia Xiling felt that Yu Sheng would look better if he used the original appearance.

Yu Sheng was stared at by Xia Xiling obsessively, with such fiery eyes, Yu Sheng couldn't help but feel it, he just looked back at Xia Xiling dotingly, and then gave Xia Xiling a pat on the head.

Xia Xiling's inner OS: Ah!what!what!The old man's girlish heart!
Xia Xiling is now like a well-behaved cat waiting for its owner to smooth its fur. The whole body exudes the aura of "seeking petting". If there are not too many people here, Yusheng really wants to hug Xia Xiling Be pampered in your arms.

The staff in the photo studio looked at this good-looking young couple, and they were really envious, especially the girl looked at the boy with such confidence, and the boy looked at the girl dotingly, wow!With a face.

The staff of the photo studio secretly took a few photos of Yu Sheng and Xia Xiling, which were really eye-catching. They hadn't seen such a good-looking couple in decades, so they wanted to stay and lick the screen slowly.

It's a pity that such a good-looking person is not a celebrity, or else he could be popular with his good looks, but they are so rich, so they probably don't want to be a celebrity.

(End of this chapter)

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