The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 222 Damn!There are ghosts in this world

Chapter 222 Damn!There are ghosts in this world
And Yu Sheng showed her face in the camera, now all her fans know that she has a boyfriend, and Xia Xiling also knows that Yu Sheng is jealous, but Xia Xiling condones Yu Sheng's behavior.

He is a male god, you know?Your character set collapsed!
A certain male god: Hasn't the character set already collapsed, such things are not as important as my wife.

Xia Xiling just got tired of Yu Sheng for three months, and Xia Xiling met an unexpected person, the hero of this world, Song Xiaohan came to her.

Song Xiaohan didn't know how he got her mobile phone number, but thinking that she was the male lead, he felt it was natural, so Song Xiaohan invited her to a cafe to talk about things.

After arriving, Song Xiaohan talked to her about many things, Xia Xiling didn't know what the male lead meant, and it stands to reason that there was no intersection between them.

In the end, Xia Xiling got impatient, and Yu Sheng was still waiting for her, so she asked directly, "Mr. Song, what is the purpose of you asking me out today?"

Then Xia Xiling heard an answer that she didn't want to face. The past three months had been so wonderful that she almost forgot her mission, but it was only almost.

Song Xiaohan said to her, "Miss Xia, you are a ghost hunter, you should know Yu Sheng is not a human."

When Xia Xiling heard these words, there was a "buzz" in her head, all she knew was that she calmly told Song Xiaohan, "Yes, I will send him away."

She was so calm that she thought that person was not herself.

After returning home that night, Xia Xiling said to Yu Sheng, "Let's have a baby."

Yu Sheng froze for a moment and said, "Okay."

Within a few days, Xia Xiling received Yu Sheng's marriage proposal. It was a simple and clean proposal, Yu Sheng's marriage proposal.

Then Yu Sheng's family began to prepare for their wedding. The day before the wedding, Xia Xiling took off the colored contact lenses she had been wearing all along.

Xia Xiling finally saw Yu Sheng's appearance. Yu Sheng was as beautiful as she imagined. Yu Sheng was also surprised when he saw Xia Xiling's eyes. At the same time, he also knew something.

"Yu Sheng, I finally see what you look like."

This was the first time Xia Xiling called Yu Sheng's name. When Yu Sheng heard this name, his body shook. He knew that Xia Xiling knew it.

Of course he knew the existence of yin and yang eyes after living for such a long time, and now he also knew why Xia Xiling never talked to him about her profession and her master.

Then Xia Xiling started to talk about everything between them, their mutual acquaintance, love and staying together, but Yu Sheng didn't say a word until...

"Yu Sheng, I named you this name in the hope that you will be safe for the rest of your life."

When Yu Sheng heard this sentence, he looked at Xia Xiling in shock, but Xia Xiling didn't say anything, and directly began to save Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng was afraid of hurting Xia Xiling, so he didn't resist.

Before disappearing, Yu Sheng heard "Yu Sheng."

That voice contained too many emotions, there was reluctance, struggle, pain, love, and blessings, but there was no regret.

Yu Sheng thought, this is good.

After Yu Sheng disappeared, Mo Yusheng's body collapsed. Xia Xiling sent Mo Yusheng to the hospital, and cried all night at home alone. She knew it would be useless, but...

A month later, Yu Sheng woke up. In fact, he could feel everything that happened around him, so he also knew that there was a person occupying his body, and that person had disappeared now.

He also knew that he had a fiancée, but during the time he was in a coma, his fiancée never came to see him, until the day he woke up, she came.

She came to break the engagement with herself, and then she told herself everything, it turned out that the person who occupied her body was taken away by her.

Mo Yusheng didn't know what to say, thank you?Isn't that just rubbing salt in other people's wounds?resentment?That's why they saved themselves.

The most unacceptable thing about Mo Yusheng's agreement to terminate the engagement is his mother, but it's useless for anyone to say about this matter, because he also has a loved one in his heart, even though she is gone.

Seven months later, Xia Xiling found herself again, because she was pregnant, and she was his own child. Mo Yusheng thought it was strange, and he thought it was his responsibility. Although they each had a lover who was no longer in their hearts, he should be with Xia Xiling marry.

But Xia Xiling refused. Xia Xiling came to him only to ask him to help, because the child has no father, and the household registration is a problem after the child is born. Mo Yusheng agreed.

But Xia Xiling's pregnancy was known by his mother, and the mother wanted the child to enter their family's household registration. Xia Xiling agreed, but she only had one condition. She wanted to stay with the child. She could live with the child in Mo's house, but she He and Mo Yusheng will not get married.

Mo's mother finally agreed, and Mo's mother couldn't figure out why the two people who loved each other so much separated so suddenly, but Mo's mother knew that Xia Xiling was a good girl, maybe, she also added her maternal love to the previous Xia Xiling. on Xia Xiling's body.

After living in Mo's house, Xia Xiling had a very happy life. Mo's mother treated her very well, just like her own daughter.

Because Yu Sheng had already left Mo Yusheng's body, now Mo Yusheng's body has been taken care of by Xia Xiling to be very healthy, and the Mo family is even more grateful to her.

Xia Xiling was at Mo's house and brought peanuts and melon seeds. She talked to these two pets every day, telling stories about herself and Yu Sheng. She took good care of these two pets.

After conceiving in October, Xia Xiling gave birth to a boy, named Mo Xia, which was the name Yu Sheng wanted before, because Yu Sheng hoped that his mother's name would be in the name of his child.

This is also a very straightforward name, so everyone thinks that Mo Xia's parents should be very loving, but they don't know that the two of them are not even husband and wife.

But for the healthy growth of the child, Xia Xiling and Mo Yusheng kept this fact tacitly, acting as a loving couple in front of the child and outsiders.

Xia Xiling passed away in this life with longing for Yu Sheng. She walked before Mo Yusheng. If it wasn't for her child, Xia Xiling might have left this world long ago, but now seeing that Mo Xia found someone she likes and gave birth to her own. Xia Xiling was relieved.

Xia Xiling walked very quietly, she saw Yu Sheng in a piece of sunshine, and it was Yu Sheng who came to pick her up, so she left with Yu Sheng, but there was still a truth buried deep in her heart, that is, she would return to a There is no place for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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