The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 228 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder

Chapter 228 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder
Now Xia Xiling's identification technique is advanced, so Xia Xiling can easily see what this bead is and what it does, hum!This is a treasure, not some broken pearl, you group of fish-lipped humans.

After getting the beads, Xia Xiling was relieved, and then she started to take her little maids and guards to buy, buy, look at this, look at that, and bought a lot of useless things.

Xia Xiling also bought some low-quality spiritual herbs from the herb store, which she was going to use for alchemy, but Xia Xiling also bought some materials for refining tools, and also bought talisman paper for making talismans, anyway It's just that the purchase is very complicated.

Xia Xiling wasn't going to say anything about alchemy first, but the matter of tool refining would definitely not be concealed. Alchemy is actually more demanding than tool refining. Alchemy requires an alchemy furnace, but tool refining doesn't.

Xia Xiling bought it for a day and finally went back, and then Xia Xiling asked Putao to bring a box of pastries, which she bought on the street today, and this is also going to be given to the heroine.

Xia Xiling planned to use such a box of pastries to deceive that box. After all, she was only a 6-year-old girl, so it was easy to deceive, and Xia Fengwu had already been bullied for a year. At this time, she appeared , she will definitely be grateful to herself.

Xia Xiling didn't intend to help Xia Fengwu either. She deserved to suffer, and she still had to, but she had to help her appropriately. Thinking that the heroine would regard herself as a benefactor in the future, but she snatched the opportunity of the heroine, she felt that I am a good person, I am happy, it is interesting to think about it.

Xia Xiling arrived at Xia Fengwu's yard. Not only was the yard remote, it was also broken!

"Big sister, is big sister here?"

Then a thin little girl came out of the house. Xia Fengwu was able to live until she was 15 years old because her father protected her, but her father also became a cripple who couldn't practice because of an accident.

The family continued to support Xia Fengwu's father because of his previous achievements, so Xia Fengwu's father could not help her daughter too much.

"Fifth sister."

The voice is also small, a little girl who looks very timid and has low self-esteem.

"Well, big sister, this box of pastries is for you to eat."

"This, this is for me?"

"Well, big sister, eat quickly."

"Well, thank you fifth sister."

Xia Fengwu is undoubtedly very good-looking, but the current lack of nutrition is not really good-looking, but Xia Xiling is really good-looking now, and her appearance value has reached 95, it is really pink carving jade It was a beautiful foul.

"Big sister heard that your mother left you a box, can I have a look? I will return it to big sister tomorrow, um, I will bring cakes to big sister tomorrow."

"Okay, okay."

Then Xia Xiling got the box and left.In fact, if Xia Xiling wanted to snatch it, Xia Fengwu would not be able to resist, but Xia Xiling didn't want this, so she just borrowed it and paid it back tomorrow. At such a young age, Xia Fengwu probably couldn't remember it either.

When going back, Xia Xiling deliberately knocked on the grape, but now Putao is only 10 years old, Putao is 5 years older than the original owner, and she is still a little girl!
"Pao, you have to remember that I am your master, so you have to obey me completely, and of course I will be very good, so you can't tell anyone what happened just now, you understand?"

"Yes, Fifth Miss, but Miss, why are you going to deliver cakes to the Eldest Miss?"

"Of course there is my reason, hey! You don't understand even if you tell me."

"Well, the maidservant trusts Miss."

"Pao, you say you listen to me, then you won't be able to call yourself a slave in the future, you, you can just call yourself me."


"Hey hey hey!"

Putao really likes Miss, just because Miss is really good-looking, with big eyes open, moist, and looking at you can melt your heart. If Putao lived in the 21st century, she would I know this word is called "moe".

The little girl was easily fooled, and Putao completely believed Xia Xiling's words.

After Xia Xiling went back, she asked everyone else to go out, and stayed alone in the bedroom. She was contacting Mengmeng, because this box can only be opened by the heroine, and the heroine's blood is needed, and the heroine has not yet traveled through time. , so it still cannot be opened.

"Mengmeng, can you open this box?"


"Tell me, how many points do you want?"

"100 points, Mengmengda helps the host open the box and let Shennongyaoding recognize the owner."

"make a deal."

Then Xia Xiling successfully made the Shennongyao Ding recognize the owner, it was as simple as that. It took a lot of effort for the heroine to make the Shennongyao Ding recognize the owner, but it was necessary to make the elixir required by the Shennongyao Ding.

After Xia Xiling successfully recognized the master, she entered the Shennongcai. Xia Xiling was attracted by a handsome man at first sight. This handsome man did not refer to his appearance, but his temperament.

It's like you can see him for the first time among a group of handsome guys. Xia Xiling can't describe what kind of temperament he is, but it makes you feel that he is the most beautiful person in the world.

Shennong looked at the little girl who was drooling at her with a funny face. (Xia Xiling: Where there is drooling, it's obviously a nympho!)

Shennong is not his name, but the name of this medicine cauldron, and he is the spirit of this medicine cauldron. I really didn't expect that after so many years, such a female doll would be recognized by him, and I don't know what to do with this female doll arrived.

"Girl doll."

Wow!This man's voice is also very nice!This is simply causing people to commit crimes, Xia Xiling looked at her little arms and legs sadly, and burst into tears~
Boom~ I just want to commit a crime, but I don’t have the conditions to commit a crime now!But this man in the Shennongcai must be a spirit.

Seeing that Xia Xiling didn't respond, Shennong asked again, "Girl doll, you are the one who recognizes the master."

Then Xia Xiling did something that Shennong hadn't thought of. Xia Xiling went up to touch Shennong's little hand, and said, "Good boy~ call me master."

Shennong didn't call, and Xia Xiling didn't mind, "You are the spirit of this Shennong medicine cauldron, right? What's your name?"

"Shen Nong."

"Shen Nong, big brother Shen Nong."

"No, you should call me Master."

"Master?" Xia Xiling tilted her head, expressing her incomprehension.

"Well, if you recognize this deity as your master, this deity will teach you everything that this deity knows."


Xia Xiling follows good deeds like others, such a good thing, such a cheap master, there is no such shop in this village!

(End of this chapter)

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