The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 231 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder

Chapter 231 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder
There are equal contracts in this world, as well as master-servant contracts and soul contracts. As the name suggests, an equal contract means that two people are equal, and the contract relationship is automatically terminated when one party dies. Even if you die, this spirit beast will still be yours in the next life.

Most human beings sign master-servant contracts, because when spirit beasts fight, the strength of both the master and the spirit beast will increase, and the spirit beast will desperately protect the master.

But Xia Xiling didn't think that was good. She still liked this kind of equal contract. With her strength, she didn't like that little increase in strength at all.

Xia Xiling felt that she really got a big deal this time. Xia Xiling took the beast's corpse into the space very calmly, um, and that cornel grass.

Although the surrounding guards knew that their young lady was very lucky, but this time the luck was too bad. When they came out to find medicinal materials, they were able to pick up the corpse of a divine beast, and even abducted their child.

The little snake was born with little energy, and soon fell asleep in Xia Xiling's hands. Looking at this little guy, Xia Xiling thought it was really cute, and the little snake looked good, and there seemed to be red blood around its body. flowing.

Xia Xiling had seen the scarlet flame snake beast. When it grew up, it would be surrounded by flames. When the flames were extinguished, it would almost die.

Xia Xiling carefully let the little snake sleep in her palm. What name should Xia Xiling give this little snake?
Xuesi, uh, that's the name for the little red snake. Xia Xiling spoke softly to the little snake, "You're already called Xuesi."

Xiaoxue rubbed against Xia Xiling's palm, he must have heard it, Xia Xiling smiled happily.

The corpse of this divine beast was a good thing. Xia Xiling also had the materials for refining the weapon. After she returned, she put Xiaoxuesi on her bed, and then began to refine the weapon.

Xia Xiling didn't complete her training until it was dark. In fact, Xia Xiling's current level was almost at the level of a master craftsman, and the storage ring she forged was also a master craftsman.

The storage ring refined by Xia Xiling has a larger storage space, and the most important thing is that the storage ring can communicate, so Xia Xiling also made one for herself.

Xia Xiling's storage ring must be opened by at least a person above the spirit king, and the storage ring that recognizes the master will be opened by others when encountering a high-level person, and Xia Xiling's must be opened by a person above the spirit king.

Xia Xiling planned to upgrade these storage rings in the future when the level of the refining equipment increased. The storage rings should be safer.

Xia Xiling asked Meng Mengda to help her take a look at Xiao Xuesi, but she had already practiced until it was dark, and Xiao Xuesi still didn't wake up, so Xia Xiling went back.

Putao was waiting for her in the room, and when she saw her coming, she asked, "Miss."

"Grape, grape, look at the storage ring I made for you, do you like it?"

"I like it. The one made by Miss is naturally excellent."

"Pao, with this storage ring, you can communicate with me."

"Ah! Miss, this storage ring is so powerful."


Xia Xiling talked to Putao for a while, and then Putao went in to make Xia Xiling's bed, and then the tragedy happened, Xia Xiling forgot that Xiaoxue was still on her bed!
When Putao saw a snake on his master's bed, he started to yell. Xia Xiling hurried in to stop Putao's yelling.

"Gao, Xiaoxue is my spirit beast."

"Little, little, little, Miss, why do you raise such a spirit beast?"

"Little Xuesi is very cute."

Xia Xiling was about to cry when she saw the grapes, so she asked her to go out to get food for herself. Now that Xiaoxue had woken up, Xia Xiling wanted to feed it some meat, of course it was the meat of the big black bear today.

Putao was particularly afraid of snakes, so Xia Xiling didn't let Putao control her, and drove her back to rest, and then the meat that Putao brought was eaten by Xiaoxuesi.

After Xiaoxuesi finished eating, she fell asleep again. The next day, Xia Xiling gave the two storage rings she refined to her parents. Now Xiaoxuesi sleeps on her wrist most of the time. From a distance, it looked like a scarlet bracelet.

But when you enter, you will find that this "bracelet" seems to have blood flowing on it, and it is not a bracelet at all.

Xia Xiling's talent in alchemy is higher than that of weapon refining. Xia Xiling thinks it may be because of her medical skills, so when Xia Xiling proposed that she should practice wholeheartedly for two years, Shennong just frowned, but still agreed. .

This time, Xia Xiling directly prepared sufficient food, mainly for Xiao Xuesi, and then began to retreat. It was a complete retreat. Xia Xiling practiced like this for another two years.

Shennong refined the divine beast pill back then into a pill for her, and with her two years of cultivation, she is now at the elementary level of Linghuang, and her light element has also reached the intermediate level, but she is still very unstable. .

But Xia Xiling didn't have time, Star Academy was about to start recruiting students, Xia Xiling wanted a 12-year-old Lingwang, Star Academy would not refuse.

After going out, Xia Xiling first took a bath in the Shennong Medicine Cauldron. There is a small stream in the Shennong Medicine Cauldron. This water contains spiritual power, so it is good to have more bubbles, and she is only 12 years old now, and she has no What can be concealed in front of Shennong.

After Xia Xiling went out, the first thing she did was to find her Patriarch's father. Her father is currently at the middle level of Linghuang, which is about the same as hers. At that time, Patriarch Xia did not object.

With Xia Xiling's aptitude, Star Academy naturally welcomes her very much, so Xia Xiling was admitted by Star Academy, and she will leave for Star Academy in a month, so Xia Xiling has to practice her skills in this month. Alchemy and Artifact Refining.

In fact, Patriarch Xia was very happy after seeing Xia Xiling's promotion, but after seeing Xia Xiling's level, he was shocked, a 12-year-old Lingwang!
What kind of concept is this? He was already in his 30s before reaching the cultivation level of the Linghuang, and he was already considered a genius in the family, otherwise he would not be the head of the family, but his daughter is only 12 years old and is about to catch up What kind of entangled mood is this.

My daughter is so strong, what should I do if I can't get married in the future?

Guang Yu: Am I a fake fiancé?
(End of this chapter)

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