The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 238 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder

Chapter 238 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder
The tasks that Xia Xiling and the others took over were not too difficult for them, so they were easy to complete, but Xia Xiling was still thinking about her flying spirit beast!

Star Academy has a rule that every three years, the Academy will hold a competition, and then the top 10 in the competition can enter the virtual world to find opportunities.

Why 10 people, because the Star Academy can only let 10 people in, no matter how many people there are, the Void Realm will not be able to bear it, and they can only stay in it for 3 days, and they must come out when the 3 days are up, otherwise you Just wait there to die.

Xia Xiling is here for the Void Realm. Time is precious in the Void Realm, so she wants a flying spirit beast. This Void Realm has what she wants.

Moreover, with her strength, she will definitely be able to enter. Xia Xiling entered the Star Academy early for this reason, and if this is the case, she can enter the Void Realm again three years later.

Xia Xiling's luck was really good. It didn't take long to encounter a flying spirit beast, and there was only one. It seemed easy to deal with, and it was a crane with no attack power.

This crane is already a fairy beast, and it looks like it is about to advance to the next level. Her luck is really good, but if you fight in this kind of place, it is easy to attract other spirit beasts. Xia Xiling doesn't like trouble.

A spirit beast like the crane is very human and spiritual. Xia Xiling slowly approached it, and it never seemed to attack.

Xia Xiling stood in front of the crane, raised her head to look into its eyes, and then talked to it, talking a lot, regardless of whether people understood or not.

"Hey, let me tell you, after you follow me, I promise you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day."

"Baby Crane, look how cute I am~"

"Xianhe, Xianhe, I am very good, I can know a lot, you follow me, and the elder brother will protect you from now on."

"Hmph, it's useless even if you refuse, I'm a beast trainer."

Muzi, Huoyan and the others originally wanted to stop Xia Xiling, but when they heard Xia Xiling say such a big deal of threats and lures to the crane who was not able to speak, they only felt that there were three black lines on his forehead...

Xia Xiling gave full play to her potential as a negotiator, and talked alone for half an hour, and finally concluded, "Then I will start the contract, it doesn't hurt at all, baby crane, don't be nervous."

Shui Yuehan and Tu Qingran were already prepared to escort the spirit beast if it showed a tendency to resist, but to everyone's surprise, Xia Xiling quickly made the contract.

They were only surprised for a moment, after all, they were used to what happened to Xia Xiling.

After Xia Xiling's contract was successful, she used her mental power to talk to Xianhe, "You will be called Wenqu from now on."

Xia Xiling found that she seemed to have a particularly good relationship with animals, and she guessed it was related to something or a certain skill in her body.

Xia Xiling successfully contracted what he wanted, and the group of them started to walk back. They were very understanding and didn't ask Xia Xiling why a crane was contracted obediently with just a few words.

However, it was obvious that Mrs. Jin Zhou was still out of the situation, "Xia Xia, why did you contract that crane just like that, it doesn't even need to be domesticated."

Hearing Jin Zhou's question, everyone gave him a sympathetic look. Sure enough, Xia Xiling's next sentence was:
"Well, because the spirit beast I've set my sights on never misses."

This is not Xia Xiling's bragging, the reality is like this, anyway, these few contracted beasts of hers are easy to contract successfully.

After Jin Zhou heard Xia Xiling's answer, he had a "constipated" expression on his face. If it was accompanied by an emoji, it would be "Why on earth did I ask such a stupid question".

When they returned to the academy, it was already getting late, they hurried to hand in the task, and after finishing everything, they all arrived at Xia Xiling's hut.

Xia Xiling took the initiative to ask them, "The Void Realm will open in a month, what do you think?"

Li Xiaomeng was the first to say, "I'm sure I won't be able to get in, you just go in, but I heard that the Void Realm is very dangerous, Lingling, you must be careful!"

"Well, I will."

Xia Xiling smiled knowingly at Xiaomeng, she really liked this little girl, she always felt that she was just like Mengmengda, both stupid and cute, it was hard not to like her.

"Host, I heard you confessed to me!"

"Ha ha."

"Host, I heard you say I'm cute."

"Ha ha."

"Host, I heard you say you like me."

"Ha ha."

I can't chat anymore today, QAQ~
"After the virtual world is opened, we don't know where we will be teleported, so we still have to find each other at the first time." Muzi said.

"But the time is only 3 days, and the communication tools in the virtual world will fail, how to find them?" Huo Yan asked the key point immediately.

"The communication tool can't be used, but the talisman should work." Jin Zhou asked.

"No." Shui Yuehan said as little as before.

"Then what should we do?" Tu Qingran kicked the ball back again.

"Well, if you want me to say, it's okay for us to act separately like this. After all, everyone's chances are different, and there will be a talisman sent to us by the teacher at that time, no problem."

Xia Xiling made a final summary.

This kind of teleportation talisman is very strange, and I don't know who made it, so it can only teleport people out of the void, and they will rely on this kind of talisman when they come back.

Xia Xiling felt that the reason why no one could draw the talismans that could be teleported anywhere was a kind of suppression by the Dao of Heaven. After all, if this were the case, it would be too heaven-defying.

Anytime, anywhere, wherever you want to go, a talisman can handle it, so how do you let those mounted spirit beasts live.

There are many dangers in the virtual world, but at the same time there are also many good things. You have to pay a certain price for what you want, so it is only fair.

After thinking for a while, everyone felt that there was no better way. After allocating a month, Mu Zi refined some more pills for them, and Jin Zhou was responsible for casting their weapons.

Of course, the remaining people are the emperor who has practiced his spiritual power well. As for Xia Xiling, she needs to draw a few more talismans. This thing is the best cheating artifact.

Now there are so few people who draw talismans. Apart from their talent, they don't have the book to draw talismans, which is equivalent to Danfang. However, Xia Xiling found such a book in Shennong Yaoding, so Xia Xiling found a lot of them. A talisman of secret tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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