The male god of the fast crossing system is mine

Chapter 244 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder

Chapter 244 Miss Waste Material VS Brainless Cannon Fodder
Soon Muzi received a message from Xia Xiling and came over. Although he was very puzzled why Xia Xiling wanted his own clothes, Xia Xia always had his own reasons, so he rushed over anyway.

Because the baby has been pestering Xia Xiling, after Muzi came, Xia Xiling directly let Muzi into her bedroom. Although Muzi was still confused and felt something was wrong, she also knew that she should not enter a girl's boudoir.

But for some reason, he still went in. He can be said to be a person who values ​​those rules very much, but today he suddenly doesn't want to pay attention to those rules.

After Muzi went in, he immediately saw what a woman's boudoir should look like. Xia Xiling is a person who knows how to enjoy herself, so Xia Xiling carefully arranged the place where she would live for four years, but the style will be the same as that of her in Xia's house. The house is different.

Then Muzi saw Xia Xiling at a glance, she was sitting on the bed, and it seemed that there was another person on her bed,?
Xia Xiling stuffed the baby into the quilt before Muzi came in. If Muzi just saw a naked man on his bed, it would not be good, although his behavior was a bit deceptive.

"Brother Muzi, that, please give me the clothes first, then wait for me outside, I will explain to Brother Muzi in a while."

"it is good."

Although the person on Xia Xiling's bed had only one head protruding, it looked like a boy, and what she wanted was her own clothes, a set of men's clothing.

Muzi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Ancient men's clothes are still easy to wear. Although it is a little embarrassing to change the baby's clothes, Xia Xiling looks at this rabbit with an IQ of only 3 years old, so treating him like a child can relieve some embarrassment.

After Xia Xiling changed the baby's clothes, she also discovered something, how could this rabbit only say "baby", but Xia Xiling felt that the level of this rabbit should not be lower than that of a super beast.

After Xia Xiling finished changing the baby's clothes, she observed him carefully. Xia Xiling found that the rabbit's eyes were as pure as a child's, without any impurities.

This discovery made Xia Xiling's heart very complicated again. How did such a beast survive in this world of the weak and the strong, and even let himself give the contract so easily, oh, he bumped into it by himself.

Xia Xiling led the baby out, and saw Muzi standing there tangled up, Xia Xiling guessed that she was mostly misunderstood by Muzi.

"Brother Muzi."

"Xia Xia, who is this?"

Looking at the strange man beside Xia Xiling, Mu Zi didn't know what his relationship was with Xia Xiling. The identity of the Chaos Rabbit was quite special. If Xia Xiling had no identification skills, she wouldn't know the identity of the Chaos Rabbit.

"Brother Muzi, in fact, this is the rabbit I contracted in the Void Realm before. It looked cute at the time, but I didn't expect it to be a super beast. It's just that this super beast doesn't seem to have any spiritual power. It's so strange. "

Muzi felt very strange when Xia Xiling said that it was the rabbit from before, but the identity of the super-sacred beast could not be discerned after it turned into a human form, but this super-sacred beast really didn't have any spiritual fluctuations, which was really strange.

"Then he now..."

Muzi didn't know how to express it. Although he knew it was a spirit beast, he was still a man no matter what. If Xia Xiling took him by his side like this, he was afraid that someone would gossip about her. After all, there is no lack of jealousy of Xia Xia. people.

Xia Xiling also knew that Muzi was taboo, but this stupid rabbit was obviously the one with a lower IQ, she couldn't change him back to his original shape, and he was in a dazed state when she said anything. Only when she called "baby" did he react a little.

And there is another point, after the baby transforms, everything is the same as a normal person in the medical center, only the eyes, his eyes are one red and one amber, isn't it that rabbits should have red eyes, why? Will there be an amber one?
"Brother Muzi, I know what you are worried about, but this is the only way to go now. Besides, look at the baby's eyes, is this obviously a divine beast?"


The eyes of normal human beings are black or brown pupils, and most of the pupils of other colors are spirit beasts, but when the super beast transforms into form, it will change the color of the pupils to conceal its identity, but obviously the baby will not.

Now that Xia Xiling has a man beside him, Xia Xiling feels that the baby's age is just like a human baby, so he thinks he should be raised as a baby.

So now she is going to go shopping with her baby, she wants to buy some of his things for the baby, and Xia Xiling wants to buy some men's clothes for herself on a whim.

Regarding her words, although some of them looked at the baby with a look that they didn't understand at all, but the baby would do what she said, because Xia Xiling didn't know if it was because of the contract.

Although no one knew that Xia Xiling had a fiancé, and it was a verbal promise made by the monarch before Xia Xiling was born, but Xia Xiling still didn't want to bear unnecessary scandals, so Xia Xiling didn't think of a way to cover the color of the baby's pupils stand up.

Xia Xiling felt that after walking around like this, everyone would know that she had a super beast, oh, it was a super beast with no combat power.

Women don't have much resistance to shopping, and the baby is so good-looking, Xia Xiling doesn't feel bad about buying things for the baby, and she is not short of money at all.

Let's not talk about how rich the Xia family is, but she has earned a lot of money, mostly by selling pills, weapons, talismans and so on.

Xia Xiling has sold some of the things she made since she was able, and of course contributed a part to the family. It can be said that although she has always enjoyed the most generous treatment from the family, the benefits she brought to the family are completely outnumbered. These benefits are higher.

Xia Xiling can be said to be the recognized goddess of the Star Academy, so the gossip about Xia Xiling spread quickly, and the news that Xia Xiling had a super divine beast also spread quickly.

Of course, there were also people who were jealous of Xia Xiling, and those people exposed the fact that Xia Xiling's super divine beast was a trash with no fighting power. Check it out and give a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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