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Chapter 144 I, the Spearman, Lu Xiaobu, will definitely win!

Chapter 144 I, the Spearman, Lu Xiaobu, will definitely win!

Players don't know how strong Matou Zouken is, but they don't care about it. As players, they don't care how strong their opponent is.

"Everyone is on their seats!" On the top floor opposite Jiantong's house, Leng Feng, wearing a headset, commanded the players: "Get ready! Launch!"

Four missiles shot out from four directions, sparks flashed in the night sky, and rushed into Matou's house.

Boom boom boom!

With the sound of violent explosions, the Matou family instantly turned into fly ash.

Matou Shinji standing next to Lu Ziqiao was a little confused, didn't he promise to kill my grandpa?Why bomb my house?

"Any hints?"


"Neither do I."


The voices of the team members came from the channel, making the players a little confused, the boss is not at home, how to play this?
The soaring flames and explosions finally caused a commotion. Soon, fire engines came to put out the fire, and then the police surrounded the place tightly, but the players still did not see Matou Zouken.

Back at the hotel they had just rented, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that this wave of blood loss not only failed to find anyone, but also alarmed the snake.

"By the way, I remember that there is a skill called slapping the toe and chasing birds in Bindao. Which of you has learned it." Flip-flops thought of an idea.

"I have learned." Lu Ziqiao raised his hand and said.

Although they don't know why this guy learned this tracking skill, everyone still decided not to speak out to prevent the other party from becoming angry.

"But I don't know what that guy's spiritual pressure looks like?" Lu Ziqiao scratched his head.

"She should have Matou Zouyan's spiritual pressure." Leng Feng touched Matou Ying's small head.

He who is about to become the king of lolitas has gradually learned how to get along with little lolitas. In addition, Matou Sakura has just entered Matou's house and has not yet become insensitive. The torture he suffered told Leng Feng.

The players were filled with righteous indignation when they heard that, and they all yelled that the game company is not a human being. Setting up such a plot is too embarrassing. If they can't find the address of the game company, they will definitely send the game company a blade.

"The heart of the south, the pupils of the north, the fingertips of the west, and the toes of the east, gather with the wind and disperse with the rain... 58 of binding the way, slap the toe and chase the bird!"

Following Lu Ziqiao's last word, a jet-black pattern suddenly appeared under Matou Ying's feet, a strange circular pattern was outlined in a blink of an eye, and then a black spiritual pressure floated up.

"I found it!" A black line appeared in front of him at the same time, Lu Ziqiao said to everyone.

The players left the little Master in the hotel, and followed Lu Ziqiao to the suburbs. Soon, they found Jiantong Zouyan.

At this time, Matou Zouyan is drawing a formation to summon heroic spirits. Now Matou Zouyan looks like a lonely old man. His grandson and granddaughter were abducted by followers, and his second son, Matou Kariya, rejected his inheritance. After running away, the eldest son is better, but this son is a waste snack, which is of no use at all.

But waste can still be used, so he decisively pulled his eldest son Matou Heye over to summon the heroic spirit.

Although he can't expect Matou Tsuruno to obtain the Holy Grail, but he is behind the scenes, and it is good to collect some information. Coupled with the sudden appearance of the heroic spirit, he realizes that this Holy Grail War is unusual, and he must be careful again and again.

He had already thought about it, and when he summoned it, he would make another batch of engraving worms, and then throw Matou Heye into it.

"Swastika! Flying Swordsman!"

Zouken Matou hadn't been knocked down with a single shot before, and Leng Feng immediately realized that it was impossible to destroy Zouken Matou with only hot weapons, so the Zanpakuto, which directly hits the soul, became the best weapon.

Jiantong Zouyan didn't even have time to blink, and saw that the figure in front of him had disappeared. He only felt a sharp pain in his chest. He lowered his head slightly, and saw vigorous blood spurting from his chest.

He turned his head, only to see men in ancient costumes with long hair and shawls holding long swords without looking back.

Damn it, it's these damn intruders again!
He manipulated one of the engraved worms to escape, but soon, he realized that something was wrong. There was also a wound in his soul body, and the soul was slowly dissipating from this wound.

What happened?

All along, he has been playing with others, even his own soul, but he never thought that his soul would be attacked, and it was such an unreasonable attack.


Noble Phantasm?

Before Jiantong Zouyan could figure it out, he felt his soul float up uncontrollably, and then floated into Leng Feng's long sword.

"I'll go, don't bring this kind of thing, then what are we going to do here?" Lu Ziqiao felt very speechless. With such a big battle, at least there will be a more intense battle, explosions, cliffs, earthquakes and so on!

"Isn't there another person there?" Leng Feng pointed to Matong Heye.

Matou Heye was already so frightened that his legs went limp. Although he is the head of the Matou family, he doesn't know magic at all, let alone fighting. Seeing his father who he had been fearing die tragically at the hands of the enemy, he can be said to be Mixed feelings.

As a member of the Matou family, he naturally knows the so-called insect magic of Matou Zouyan. Although he also rejects this kind of magic, it is just that he has the courage to leave home compared to his younger brother. Said that he was just a tool man, but because of this, he was drunk and dreamed every day, paralyzing himself.

But when he heard that he was going to kill himself, he woke up immediately, and hurriedly pointed to the summoning formation in front of him and said, "Don't kill me, I know there is a holy relic that summons Lancelot."

Lanceros, who is it?
"I know who it is, the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur."

They are all from the East, so naturally they don't know the Knights of the Round Table in the West. If it is King Arthur, they probably still know each other. Only Dino, who is a star, knows a little about these things.
"That is to say, this thing can summon heroic spirits?" asked the flip-flops.

Summon Heroic Spirits?

Before players enter the game, they already know their background in the game, so they naturally know that they are the so-called heroic spirits.

However, can Heroic Spirits summon Heroic Spirits?
"Let me come, let me come!" Lu Ziqiao hurriedly raised his hand.

Dino sneered, "Why did you come here? Don't forget, we are enemies in the end. If you have one more follower, we will be in danger."

The flip-flops also reacted when they heard the words, and said, "That's right, with one more heroic spirit, you will have more strength."

"That's it. How about I let him commit suicide after killing the rest of the NPC servants?" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

Seeing that everyone no longer objected, Lu Ziqiao took the so-called holy relic handed over by Jiantong Heye, put it in front of the formation, and began to chant:
Fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up!
Repeatedly, followed by five!

However, when it is full, it is an opportunity to be discarded!


Your body listens to my orders, my life is with your sword...

As Lu Ziqiao's words fell, the magic circle began to emit a dark and ominous atmosphere. Immediately, the black mist disappeared, and a figure wearing a pitch-black armor with black mist all over his body appeared in front of Lu Ziqiao.

"Are you my Master?"

Because he didn't add a two-bar "violent" incantation when he chanted the summoning incantation, the Lancelot in front of him still had his own wisdom.

【Inherent skills】

Against Magic: E
Spirit's protection: A
Endless Martial Arts: A+
Magic Backflow: A
"Yes, I am your Master."

Looking at the game panel that suddenly appeared, Lu Ziqiao smiled triumphantly, and thought to himself: Only ghosts will kill his servants. At that time, he with one more servant must be the final winner.

I, the spearman Lu Xiaobu, will definitely win!

And the other three looked at each other: "Wait until you kill the NPC servant, be the first to deal with this guy!"

 Wow Kaka, Jiageng has completed it, no debts
  ps: 800 recommended votes is an achievement, and there are still more than [-] votes left, please help me, how about this, I will add four more chapters after reaching [-] votes!

  ps2: There are 68 monthly tickets, and there are still 32 tickets left, you know
(End of this chapter)

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