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Chapter 150 If You Will Give Me The Holy Grail, I Will Call You Dad!

Chapter 150 If You Will Give Me The Holy Grail, I Will Call You Dad!

"You are crazy, this kind of movement will provoke other spirits."

Above the Flying Hoof Thunder Bull, the princess, ah no, it was Weber Velvet, his legs were so weak, this is high altitude, the kind of person who would die if he was not careful.

Although the Holy Grail War was brought forward due to the intrusion of the players, but because of the unlucky Director Ken, Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald did not put the holy relic of Iskandar in the clock tower, so he had to ask People brought it over, and then Weber knew the existence of the Holy Grail War. In order to prove that the so-called bloodline theory was just the magician's stubbornness, he stole Kenneth's holy relic and came to Fuyuki City.

As a result, he also summoned an ancestor.

A while ago, the players and Gilgamesh were fighting in the sky in full swing. He rushed over excitedly, but found that there was no one there, so he had to go back and continue to learn about modern history, read his own legend, and play play games.

But now he is very bored. If he is bored, he can only find something to do. What's more, he thinks that it is better to solve it together than to find it one by one. Sparks and lightning all the way,

Then he was surrounded by a group of players.

so many people?

Iskandar was a little surprised. Was the Holy Grail War a group fight?
However, he didn't panic because he had this plan. Instead, he parked the ox cart in an open space, let his cloak rattle, and said in a deep voice, "I am Iskandar the Conqueror. During this Holy Grail War In the midst of this, he descends as a Rider."

Weber is stupid. You know, in the Holy Grail War, apart from being called by job title, no matter whether it is the master or the servant, they will not declare themselves, because most of the heroic spirits are legendary figures. As long as they know that this person is Whoever, it is very likely to know what the other party is good at, or even their weaknesses.

"What are you thinking, you idiot!"

Before he could finish his complaint, Weber was interrupted by a flick of his finger from Iskandar, and continued to look at the players: "Although fate makes me compete with you for the Holy Grail, I want to ask one thing first, can you join me? Subordinate, give me the Holy Grail? If so, I will treat it with my friends!"

Players:  …


"This NPC is such a sand sculpture!"

"This artificial intelligence is not good, and third-rate games don't need such second-rate words."

"Quiet, let me say a few words!" Lu Ziqiao yelled, got out from the crowd, and said to Iskandar in a dignified manner: "If you are willing to give me the Holy Grail, I will call you Dad! "

"Hahaha! Your mother is really talented, why don't you let him fight the Holy Grail War for you?"

"I'm laughing to death, is there such an operation?"

"Fuck, this guy has two followers, no, give me this daddy!"

Weber tugged on Iskandar's cloak: "They, are they laughing at us?"

"It should be?" Iskandar was also a little uncertain. After all, although they were laughing, they seemed to be calling him father. In short, they were just a little confused.

After laughing and laughing, the players began to decide the ownership of this Rider. After all, if you kill a heroic spirit, you should have luck coins.

In the end, they gave up this opportunity to Leng Feng, who also belonged to Rider, while they stood aside.

"Rider, Zhang Wuji."

Compared with the players, Leng Feng is undoubtedly more normal, but he first reported himself to Iskandar, and then he took out the Zanpakutao and carried out the swastika.

"Are you a Rider too? Why haven't I seen your mount?" Iskandar jumped off the bullock cart and drew out the sword of Cyprus.

Leng Feng said casually: "Don't you also use a sword?"

"Hahaha! That's right, the job agency is just a medium for us to come."

Frankly speaking, Leng Feng's swordsmanship is not good. He is a special soldier, not the legendary soldier king. He is proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts, because that thing is useless in front of modern technology, and can be knocked down with a single shot. , Why bother to learn those things?
Therefore, in addition to skills such as close combat, Leng Feng is better at using guns, but the problem is that his swastika is a flying swordsman, so he can't help but learn swordsmanship.

The same is true for Iskandar, not to mention that his job title is Rider. Although he is the King of Conquerors, he is more of a fighter on the battlefield. Killing the enemy, not to mention, he is a king, and his personal force is not that good, as long as the people under him are good.

But although the two swordsmanship is not proper, but the speed is very fast, and there is a time to go back and forth.

"Look at him, and then look at you." Flip-flops looked at Ling Lingqi, a little hated that iron could not be made of steel, the same job agency, why were you being chased all over the world by that bastard hero king?

Ling Lingqi also looked aggrieved, blaming me, who knows why that Gilgamesh could fly a spaceship, isn't he an ancient hero?
The broadsword with the electric arc collided with the iron strip, making a crisp sound.

"Young man, become my soldier, and see how your sword is broken." Iskandar smiled boldly, and distanced himself from Leng Feng.

"I'm only loyal to my country." Leng Feng flicked the long sword, feeling a little numb in his hand.

Iskandar was a little disappointed and said: "That's really a pity. Who is your king? It's really a proud thing to have such a loyal soldier like you."

"King? We don't need that kind of thing. No one can stand above us." Leng Feng swung his sword again: "You have been abandoned by the times, and the people have begun to be the masters of their own affairs."

These words made Iskandar a little distracted, but he still reacted quickly to receive the sword.

"So this world doesn't need a king anymore?" Iskandar grinned, and Thunder Bull threw Weber down and came to him. Iskandar got on the bullock cart and raised the long sword above his head: " Then let me conquer the world again!"

In an instant, with Iskandar as the center, the night sky with the bright moon turned into a clear sky, and the remote grasslands also turned into desert yellow sand.

"Fuck, what happened? Did you change the map?"

"Why so many people?"

One after another figures appeared behind Iskandar, densely packed.

The players were a little dumbfounded looking at the soldiers of Iskandar. Has this boss been defeated and started to summon the younger brother?
"My soldiers, from here, let's start our conquest again!" Iskandar raised his broadsword and shouted loudly.


The soldiers behind them raised their weapons high and shouted frantically.

"Fuck, I feel like my blood is boiling with me no matter what."

"Made, I can't help it anymore, I also want to shout: Wang-wang-wang!"


Then Iskandar's morale suddenly dropped, and he felt a little crazy on the other side. We called our 'King', what are you doing here?

"Are you planning to become my subordinate?" Iskandar was delighted.

"No, we just thought it was fun." Lu Ziqiao said sincerely.

As a result, Iskandar's face turned dark. Fortunately, he was already dark, so it wasn't obvious, but he was still a little angry, and said with a little anger: "My soldiers, let's ravage them!"

"Kill it!"


The two groups of completely asymmetrical numbers fought like this.

 There are still four monthly tickets, so I will add another chapter, don't you plan to think about it?

(End of this chapter)

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