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Chapter 158 The next time you run away, I will shave you bald

Chapter 158 The next time you run away, I will shave you bald
There is a saying that, since ancient times, the gunmen have been lucky E, and the true love has been produced by the C group from generation to generation, and the Holy Grail War can increase, and Shichen must be right.

In the original plot, Yusheng Ryunosuke found a magic circle at home, thought it was a demon summoning circle, so he drew it with blood, even if he failed one after another, he was not discouraged, he drew it four times in a row, and finally summoned caster.

But this time, because of the advance time, Ryunosuke Yusheng only drew once, and summoned Gilles de Rais, and then the two discussed the art of death with each other, and immediately became confidants.

The two have no interest in the Holy Grail War at all, let alone 14 people, even if there are 84 people, it doesn't matter to them, even if the heroic spirits are brains like dogs, they are not interested, what they have is only art pure pursuit.

In order to summon his own Joan of Arc, Big Eyed Moe decided to build his own magic workshop, which led to the fact that Yusheng Ryunosuke went out every night to find children.

In the end, I haven't found any of them yet. My lovely Master just died like this. Giles is very sad about this. These people want to prevent him from resurrecting Joan of Arc!

The surrounding ground was suddenly stretched open, and tentacles wrapped around the legs of Ling Lingqi and Tohsaka Rin, surrounding them.


Where did the little loli experience such a horrible incident, she screamed in shock, and woke up Matou Sakura on her back, rubbing her sleepy eyes, seeing the bugs under her feet, don't shrink her pupils, and remembering being raped again The mood when thrown into the worm bin, helpless, desperate!

The Cherry Blossom Command Seal on the back of his hand emitted a red light, and Leng Feng also appeared in front of Matou Sakura with a confused face.

But when he saw these tentacle monsters around him, he took out the Romantic Fort without hesitation and fired at it.

However, although the romantic fort caused damage to these tentacles, the bodies of these tentacles quickly regenerated.

"Little devil, it might be a little numb, bear with it!" Ling Lingqi looked at the entangled legs, smiled, and then stretched out her hands, grabbing the tentacles: "The Eleventh of Breaking the Way: Thunder and Lightning."

In an instant, the current flowed along Ling Lingqi's arm, onto the tentacles, and then spread to all the tentacles that protruded.

"Uh uh uh—"

"Uh uh—"

Tohsaka Rin and Ling Lingqi swayed their bodies up and down, and there was a faint electric light flickering on their bodies.

Cold Front:  …

Although Thunderbolt is only the No.11 breakthrough, this trick has a characteristic, that is, it can release lightning strikes along the object.

To put it simply, this trick can turn everything into conductive. Of course, because his legs were entangled, the lightning strike he released returned to Ling Lingqi's legs along the tentacles.

The tentacles were also trembling from the electric shock, and they quickly retracted.

Little Lolita foamed at the mouth and fell to the sky. Fortunately, there was Matou Sakura behind her. She stood up with both feet on the ground, and then supported Tohsaka Rin to retreat to Leng Feng's side, followed by the Archer. She is very insecure.

"It's okay, I will protect you." Leng Feng rubbed the little girl's hair and said in relief.

Matou Ying nodded vigorously, and smiled sweetly at Leng Feng. Tohsaka Rin, who was lying in her arms, was a little dumbfounded. My sister, are you smiling?
One must know that before, even when talking to herself, Matou Ying would not laugh, seeing herself was like seeing a stranger.

But now he actually smiled at Rider!

For a while, Tohsaka Rin felt a little jealous. When Sakura was playing with her before, she laughed like this.

"The crescent moon is soaring!"

Ling Lingqi swung his sword and slashed at Gilles, Gilles ignored the two of them, holding his own Luoyan City textbook, chanting.


The tentacles reappeared, blocking Ling Lingqi's slash.

Ling Lingqi put away Tiansuo Zhanyue, his Zanpakutao is not genuine, it is just a fake, at most it can increase its speed.


The overwhelming black and red flash bombs shot towards Gilles, turning the tentacle monster in front of him into a hornet's nest, and then shot towards Gilles again.

The spellcasting was interrupted, and Gilles was a little angry. While summoning the tentacles, he said angrily: "Why, why don't you want me to find Joan of Arc! Ahhh——"

But even though he was angry, he didn't lose his mind, turned around and fled in the direction he came from.

He still wants to summon Joan of Arc, but he can’t die in this kind of place. Although the master’s death makes him lose his fixed supply of magic power, he can still take it from other people, and he can use these materials to make magic workshops. Summon Joan of Arc.

"Where to go!"

Leng Feng let out a cold snort, and instantly appeared behind Giles with a sword in his head.

Just now he had to protect the two little girls, so naturally he couldn't leave at will, but now that Giles wanted to escape, he no longer had any worries.

In the original plot, the entire Fuyuki City was turned upside down, and even a huge sea monster was summoned, forcing five heroic spirits to join forces to deal with it. Gilles died within a few minutes of his appearance.

On the one hand, it's because he doesn't understand the player's ability, and on the other hand, it's because he was just summoned, so he didn't have time to prepare so many magic tricks. Time to kill all that children make.

Solved the suddenly appearing caster in twos and twos, and set fire to destroy the corpses. Players are very familiar with this process. After all, in other worlds, monsters are collected by themselves. If you don’t collect corpses, the atmosphere will change. very bad.

But this scene made Tohsaka Rin tremble with fright, they, shouldn't they also want to kill me to silence them?
"You little pretty girl, you are really not good. It seems that you will be punished so that you will be obedient."

Ling Lingqi squatted down, a smirk suddenly appeared on her face, and little Lolita took a step back involuntarily in fright.

But it's over, Ling Lingqi's hands were in a pinching posture, and she slowly approached the little loli's face. In an instant, Tohsaka Rin remembered Matou Shinji whose face had been swollen for several days. It was said that it was because of bullying the little loli Sakura was pinched by Archer. At that time, she was deliberately pretending to care, and wanted to touch Matou Shinji's face, and that guy came over with a pitiful look.

Then she pinched his face hard, and Matou Shinji cried in pain.

As a result, it was her turn now, and Tohsaka Rin's eyes were a little teary.

Ling Lingqi grabbed the little Lolita's double ponytails, then tied a knot, another knot, and another knot...

Although the little loli is small, her hair is very long. Ling Lingqi has tied five knots in a straight line, standing on Tohsaka Rin's head, which looks extremely funny.

What's even more frenzied is that Ling Lingqi also took out a mirror of the same height and placed it in front of Tohsaka Rin.


Little Lolita couldn't hold back in the end and cried out.

"Next time you run away, I'll shave your head bald!"

"Wow wow wow..."

The little Lolita cried even more sadly in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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