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Chapter 163 I ate his gun on the spot

Chapter 163 I ate his gun on the spot

Soon, the big tree that was hugged by Kotomine Kirei was, ahem, crushed. Kotomine Kirei sneered and looked at his daughter. Although his hands were tied, he was practicing Bajiquan. Zhao Tieshan leaned towards Karen.

However, Kallen flicked her fingers, and Kotomine Kirei was tied to the tree again.

Karen didn't move, and looked at her father silently.

Kotomine Kirei saw joy in his daughter's eyes, it was obvious that the other party wanted him to do it again.

The scene was a little stiff for a while, should he bump into it, or not?
This is a problem.


Mapo is fearless!

He was born with an emotional defect, and he didn't feel the slightest shame about such things. In his opinion, as long as he could break free from the other party, everything would be fine.

Kotomine Kirei was wrong about one thing. Although she inherited her father's bad character, Karen is more like her mother, Claudia Ordesia.

If it is said that Kotomine Kirei is good on the outside and evil on the inside, then Karen is undoubtedly evil on the outside and good on the inside.

If you want to choose a real saint among Xingyue, then Kallen is definitely qualified. She is very similar to Emiya Shirou. Even if they are strangers, they are willing to go all out, bruises all over their bodies, and even give up their own lives. .

Even compared to Emiya Shiro, she was even more unfortunate, but she never complained about her tragic fate, but instead endured it all silently.

Of course, this is the future that Kallen should have experienced, but just like Kotomine Kirei, she is destined to embark on this path, but now she has the strength to bear all this.

So she didn't think about resurrecting her mother, because that was her mother's choice, just like she chose to be with the servant, if the servant wanted the Holy Grail, she would help to get it.

A white light glowed on the golden bell, and it turned around, cutting towards Kotomine Kirei's palm.

A red spear blocked the sharp edge formed by the spiritual pressure, and Diarmuid Audi appeared in front of Kallen wearing a green armor.

The last servant, and his master finally appeared.

"It's really embarrassing, Kotomine Kirei."

Kenneth looked at Kotomine Kirei who was tied to the tree, and he sneered.

The seven heroic spirits who entered in disorder formed a team by themselves, and wanted to exclude them, the original participants. Although Kenneth was arrogant, he was not a fool. What's more, the original Iskandar holy relic was stolen by the students. The next thing to do is to summon Diarmuid Odina, and the originally estimated strength of his own side has been weakened.

Therefore, an alliance with Kotomine Kirei is naturally the best choice, after all, he came here to treat everyone as a stepping stone, not to be treated as a stepping stone by others.

Diarmuid picked it up casually, and the silver chain wrapped around Kotomine Kirei's hands was instantly lifted away. Seeing this, Kallen stretched out her hand, and the chain returned to her shoulders again.

"Kill her, Diarmuid." Kenneth said coldly.

Diarmuid, who was still looking at Kallen with a smile, immediately changed color, hesitatingly said: "Master, she is just a child."

"This is an order!" Kenneth was a little unhappy. He was already very dissatisfied with this servant, but now this servant dared to violate his order.

Kotomine Kirei stood aside without interrupting, seeing Diarmuid's unwilling expression, he was very happy in his heart, and he was looking forward to what Diarmuid would do.

Kenneth's face sank completely, and he decided to teach this servant a lesson, let him know who is the Master.

"Kill that girl!"

The red command spell was activated immediately. Although it was a bit of a fuss, Kenneth felt that it was worth it. It was a warning, and if he wanted to come to this servant, he would be obedient in the future.

The order from the master made Diarmuid unable to resist, and what made him even more chilled was that the master didn't even mean to ask for his opinion, so he directly activated the command spell.

The red spear was raised, and Diarmuid aimed at Kallen's small head.

Right here, a big hand stretched out and tightly grasped Diarmuid's spear, and Baishida grabbed the spear with his only left hand.

After the swastika, Baishida did not lose both hands as he thought, but still became a one-armed man with only his left hand. Although this swastika is very confusing, at least Baishida breathed a sigh of relief Well, what he was most afraid of was losing both arms after the swastika was removed. That scene must be very funny.

"You are her heroic spirit?" Diarmuid breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is no need to kill little Lolita anymore.

"you can say it this way."

"One-armed hero? I don't think I've heard of it before."

The destructive yellow Qiangwei stabbed towards Baishida, and Baishida held the demon-breaking red Qiangwei and blocked it.

Diarmuid: ? ? ?
You block my gun with my gun?
Dilum was so angry that he twitched his right hand... and couldn't pull it out.

He had a feeling that the spear in his hand seemed to be not his own.

So he raised his foot and was about to give Blockbuster a shot.


For close-quarters fighting, a gangster like Baishida is even better at it. He dodged sideways, and then stepped on Diarmuid's foot.

Dilumu suffered much pain, and the short guns in his right and left hands pierced the Belgian's abdomen again, thinking that you are missing an arm, see what you can do to block it.

Baishida wanted to pull the spear over to block it, but was held down by Diarmuid. In desperation, he could only let go of his left hand, and then rode on the spear.

Diarmuid: %¥#%¥!
I've seen some flirtatious ones, but I've never seen such flamboyant moves, and why can't I feel the weight of this guy riding on a spear?

With a long spear between his legs, Bai Shi Da was like a long snake stuck on a long stick, then stretched out his free left hand, and grabbed the destructive Huang Qiangwei.

Diarmuid laughed angrily, do you think I can't deal with you like this?

As soon as he lifted his foot, he was about to give Blockbuster a knee bump.

Bai Shida immediately let go of his body, and then swooped down and grabbed Diarmuid's head. Immediately, Diarmuid's body was filled with sword energy.


The two separated immediately, both were cut by the sudden sword energy.It looked rather embarrassing.

Bai Shida felt a little regretful, his swastika gave him the ability to turn everything into a sword, so just now he had a whim, what would happen if people were used as swords?
Sword man?

It's a pity that the experiment failed, and Blockbuster couldn't use the Spearman's Sword. Instead, he suffered a lot of injuries because of the backlash.

"Wait, I'm Caster, why do I have to fight in melee?" The pain brought Best's IQ back online.

"Bindao 81: Breaking the Void!"

Blockbuster immediately used the defensive ghost way, intending to delay for a while, they probably couldn't cut off Kotomine Kirei's arm, and they could only wait for the guys above to deal with the King of Heroes.

Diarmuid wiped off the blood stains on his face, looked at Baishida, turned the magic-breaking red rose in his right hand, and smiled brightly: "It seems that I underestimated you, you deserve my all-out effort."

"Hmph, you're not worth my all-out efforts." Besti looked at Diarmuid triumphantly, this was a break, if it wasn't for the job promotion bonus, he wouldn't have been able to use it before.

Diarmuid was not angry, instead he clenched his two guns tightly and stabbed at the Best.

Baishida smiled disdainfully. It seems that Lu Ziqiao knows that the buff of a spearman is actually very low. A small spearman has the courage to charge himself. If he can break the gap, I will kill him on the spot. The gun was eaten.


As if breaking through a layer of membrane, Diarmuid's demon-destroying red rose stabbed straight at Baishida.

Baishida gritted his teeth, opened his mouth, and bit the tip of the demon-breaking Red Rose's spear.

 There are still 80 recommendation tickets, and 4 more chapters need to be added, plus the 4 chapters owed today, uh, the head is a bit big

(End of this chapter)

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