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Chapter 179 The correct way to use Dawenxi's solar flashlight

Chapter 179 The correct way to use Dawenxi's solar flashlight
"How, can you analyze it?"

In the middle of the night, Leng Feng and Ling Lingqi sat on the beach.

Behind them, there are three mechas. Lu Zhanbo is teaching an old man to operate the mechas, surrounded by many scientists.

"Why do I think this guy is very unreliable."

Leng Feng looked at this man wearing a white coat, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and wearing a Mediterranean sea. If one didn't read the words on his clothes, anyone would think that he was a scientist of high morals and prestige, but this guy's The white coat reads the research materials of Qingshan Mental Hospital.

By the way, how did he get these outfits in the game, or in other words, which sand sculpture made him the clothes?

"Don't underestimate Da Wenxi, do you know about solar flashlights?" Ling Lingqi took a puff of cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring: "He invented it by himself in 90, without relying on any foreign technology."

"So powerful!" Leng Feng turned his head to look at Da Wenxi, secretly thinking that he is really a person.

"It just lights up in the sun."

Cold Front:  …

There are too many slots, and he doesn't know where to complain.

Ling Lingqi shook her head, feeling that the young man's mind was a bit out of control.

"Although he has a bit of a brain..." Ling Lingqi pointed to Da Wenxi's bald head in the distance, then pointed to his own head, and continued: "But we have no problem, we just need to build a battery, no? Have you charged the flashlight?"

hiss!Can you still play like this?
Leng Feng immediately looked at Ling Lingqi with admiration. As expected of the older generation, his mind is flexible.

"You have to know a word, even a pair of underpants and a piece of toilet paper have their uses."

Although what you said is very reasonable, I always feel that what you said is not good.

The two big soldiers watched a group of scientists muttering there, and took turns to control the hunter mech for a while, and then disassembled it to take a look, and then put it back together, screaming excitedly from time to time, like an old child .

"It's boring!"

Ling Lingqi pressed the cigarette on the beach and let it go out.

Although the mechs in "Pacific Rim" are very cool, compared to the players' combat power, they are indeed a little weaker. In addition, there are no hidden mission triggers in the corner of their mouths, so that these high-level players have nothing to do except fight monsters and collect materials.

I heard that guy Dino has been running to bring newcomers in his spare time. He pretends to be a younger brother, but he is actually looking for some fun for himself.

"By the way, the monster universe is opposite the crater-like place. If you say we blow it up, will we be rewarded?" Ling Lingqi wondered.

"I don't know if you will be rewarded, but what is certain is that the players will fight for you." Leng Feng complained.

The big guys all rely on this crater to fight monsters. If you blow up their lair, where can they go to fight monsters and collect materials?
"How about we go in and take a look?" Ling Lingqi had another idea.

"then you go."

The two talked nonsense for a while, and finally waited until the group of scientists called it a day.

"I think it's better to have blueprints."

"Do you think people will give you the blueprint?"

They have basically figured out the control system of the mecha. After all, the hunter mecha has an auxiliary system that can project its overall structure. However, these scientists are not interested in the structure of the mecha. They are more interested in Projection technology and nuclear power reactor.

After all, the mecha is useless in reality, and it is not even as good as the neural interaction system.

Long Xiaoyun also obtained a batch of projection technologies in the world of "The Black Bullet" before, but most of those technologies were developed by relying on metal, which cannot be realized in reality, but now it is possible to realize real projection through these technologies Technology.

It's just that the projection technology is still there for scientists to observe as it is, but the nuclear power reactor is a bit difficult to start with.

Because nuclear power reactors cannot be shut down, they can only be adjusted in size. If you look at Fukushima, Japan, you will know that nuclear fission is still going on until now. With the current control of human beings over nuclear reactions, there is no way to stop them.

What's more, even if it is closed, it is impossible to detect how the nuclear fusion works inside.

The Hunter mech is huge, but compared to the existing nuclear power plants, its reactor is really small, and real scientists are coveted about it.

"In that case, let me do it!"

Ling Lingqi stretched out his hand, and a black bowler hat appeared in his hand, and then put it on his head, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he decided to make trouble!

"Since that's the case, then I'll leave it to you, Ah Qi!"

Da Wenxi grabbed Ling Lingqi's hands with a serious expression on his face.

"It's okay, Wenxi, the country needs me! I'm honored!"

Ling Lingqi also said solemnly.

"Please call me by my full name, Dawenxi!"

"No problem, Wenxi!"

Lu Zhanbo shrank his neck, always felt that the brains of the two guys were a little abnormal, he began to regret joining this so-called research institute, why was he fooled by Zhang Wuji before, and became a non-staff member of the Wolf Warrior Squadron with enthusiasm Woolen cloth?
"Hello, Coster? I want to get the blueprint of your mecha, can you give us one? OK, I will treat you to dinner another day."

The two who were looking at each other affectionately fell silent for a moment, and looked at Leng Feng in a daze.

Didn't you say this is high technology?Why did Leng Feng just say one sentence, and the coalition government agreed?

There is no way, the structure is different, and things are viewed differently. For people in the real world, if a country has obtained this kind of technology, it must be hidden, and I wish everyone would not know.

But the coalition government is different. Under the pressure of the outside world, although the social systems of various countries are not fully integrated, the technology is shared. After all, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope. If you are powerful, I will become stronger. , As for what to do after defeating the monster, let’s talk about it after defeating the monster. Whether you can survive now is still a problem.

What's more, in the view of the coalition government, the players, like many fantasy novels, are a group of adventurers from different worlds, that is to say, their world has not developed technology at all, so it is not unconditional for Coster to agree to give Leng Feng mecha blueprints , that is to hope to gain the power of the players.

No way, seeing the huge size of the monster, players will naturally not use firearms foolishly. What's more, firearms are consumables, so players will naturally not waste luck coins to buy bullets.

So in the view of the coalition government, the players are just a bunch of reckless men who can only chop with knives. Didn't you see that they can't even clean up the house?
And compared to a mecha full of black technology, what is a Zanpakuto?
The next day, Coster flew to San Francisco and handed a USB flash drive to Leng Feng.

This is the blueprint of the first generation of hunter mechs. The coalition government still has some considerations. At least they feel that all the good things can't be given to this group of outsiders.

The people of the coalition government are full of confidence and plan to mass-produce superpowers after obtaining the superpowers of aliens, so that these aliens know what the power of technology is.

(End of this chapter)

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