Restart the main god game

Chapter 183 Hestia, have you come to trick adventurers into being your family again?

Chapter 183 Hestia, have you come to trick adventurers into being your family again?

"Okay, some misjudgments."

Zhang Chen rubbed his nose. He originally wanted to find out where the Adventurer's Guild was, so he took out the magic mirror and hypnotized the leader of the Adventurer's Guild to pretend to be a god. His family members integrated into this world in a reasonable way.

But the problem is that the person in charge of the Adventurer's Guild is also a god.

No wonder he didn't know, after all he had only watched the anime "Faulty Ground". In the anime, although the Adventurer's Guild is the background board, it rarely appeared, so he didn't know that the person in charge of the Adventurer's Guild was a God, if you want to hypnotize a god with the mirror, it is nothing more than a dream, after all, the god of death is not a real god.

"Come out, Hestia." Zhang Chen said towards the entrance of the alley, with a single ponytail hanging by the wall, this kind of almost explicit way of peeping, anyone who is not blind can see that there is someone here.

"You, don't mess around, I'm a god!"

The big loli poked her head out and warned.

Zhang Chen stroked his chin and looked at Hestia. The god of the original male lead did not wear the blue and white backless one-piece miniskirt, which is why he didn't recognize her at a glance. The red uniform should be the staff uniform of the Potato Ball Shop, but it's still very sexy on her body.

"Can I join your family?" Zhang Chen asked directly.

Since she can't become a god by herself, she can only support one god, and this Hestia is the best choice, because she is poor!

Whether it was living in an abandoned church with Bell Cranney in the early days, or owed 2 million Wallis to buy the Hestia Blade for Bell in the later stage, this god can only be described in one word, that is, poor!Or the kind of poor who are heavily in debt.

"How about it, I'm rich." Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and ejected seven oceans, ah no, it was gold coins.

Although gold coins are not a common currency in this world, gold is common in this world.

"Join my family?"

Hestia walked in from the alley, tapped her chin with her fingertips, and looked at Zhang Chen.

He looks like a middle-aged uncle, but he is quite handsome, with a sunny smile and strong strength. The only thing she doesn't like is killing people at every turn.

"How about it, there are not many members of your family, as long as I join, there will be a bunch of younger brothers for you to send." Zhang Chen said nonsense in a serious manner. In fact, he planned to use Hestia's name to form his own player power. Anyway, Hestia's family did not exceed five people in total, and it would take a matter of minutes to replace them.

"My family?"

Hestia blinked her big eyes, why didn't I know I had a family.

Wait, this guy is a newcomer, that is to say, he doesn't know that I'm a down and out goddess!
"Ahem, since you begged me sincerely, I'm too embarrassed to refuse you. Quickly, take off your clothes!"

This is a long-term meal ticket. In this way, I don't need to work part-time, and I don't even need to depend on others!

Wow Kaka, I'm really a little witty ghost!

Unable to read the thoughts of this 'wisdom' goddess, Zhang Chen obediently took off his clothes, and then squatted down.

There is no way, Hestia is only 1.4 meters tall, and Aizen's vest is 1.8 meters tall, and Hestia can't reach it even on tiptoe.

A drop of blood full of holy energy appeared on Hestia's index finger. She took a deep breath and tapped it lightly on Zhang Chen's back.

Suddenly, a strange force poured into Zhang Chen's back, and then spread to his whole body.

"Lord God, analyze the current body."

At the same time, Zhang Chen's main body opened its eyes and looked at Lan Ran's avatar.

"Analysis started...Analysis complete."

So simple?Zhang Chen was stunned.

[This is just a little bit of divinity. That drop of blood has divinity, which can link its fuser with the rules of this world, and can slowly strengthen the physique of the fuser. 】

So, in essence, Aizen's body hasn't changed much, but because of the connection with the rules of this world, all adventurers who are able to do so will gradually upgrade.

"If I copy countless divine blood, can I be promoted to God?" Zhang Chen asked.

[Yes, but you can only become a god in this world, and you have to defeat the original Hestia in order to become a true flame goddess. 】

God, the Goddess of Flame, can't she be the God of Flame?
Zhang Chen frowned. In this way, wouldn't the power gained by the players disappear when they left this world?
But after thinking about it, the strength of adventurers in this world is really nothing. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are more than a notch worse than the captain-level Reaper.

"How can it be, possible, unexpectedly, it is actually tenth level!"

Hestia looked at the numerical value that appeared behind Zhang Chen, couldn't help but take a few steps back, and said in shock.

Adventurers in this world are actually somewhat similar to players. They can systematically display their power, just like a system panel, allowing people to know their own level.

"grade ten?"

Zhang Chen felt that this level was a bit low. In the original plot, the highest level of Olali was Ota, which was level seven, and it was the only level seven, known as Olali's ultimate weapon.

The reason why the Grim Reaper dares to call itself "God" is because some of them really have the power of gods, but they can't control the rules like gods.

On the contrary, Zhang Chen felt that this should be the full level, guessing that the god who designed this system would never have imagined that human beings would reach this level, right?
"I'm strong, isn't it better?" Zhang Chen smiled slightly.

Hestia looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously: "You guy, you must be some monster in disguise, right?"

"You're a god, don't you think I'm a human?"

In fact, strictly speaking, whether it is the god of death or the void, they are all products of human beings after death, but a person who loses his heart and regards his heart as his own strength.

"Forget it, since you are my family member, let's report to the Adventurer's Guild and let those guys know that I also have family members." Hestia patted Zhang Chen's back Back, proudly said, finally fooled a fool, ah no, it's the family!

The tenth-level family is the first one in Olali, this is a treasure uncle!I no longer need to work, and I no longer need to ask Hephaestus to take him in.

Zhang Chen:? ? ?
Wait, is there something wrong with the timeline, I'm first?
Forget it, the first one is easier to operate, this loli looks silly.

"Hestia, have you come to trick adventurers into being your family again?"

As soon as Hestia entered the gate, someone shouted loudly.

Immediately, everyone burst into laughter, and the adventurer's guild was filled with joy.

"Why are you so innocent..." Hestia's face was flushed red.

"What innocence? I saw with my own eyes the day before yesterday that you asked the old man at the fruit stand to be your family member. God has a lesson. He's getting old, and you still want him to support you."

Because the gods in the lower realm have no power, they can only rely on the family members, but since Hestia is the last one in the lower realm, those adventurers have already been divided by other gods, and because of the snowball effect, new adventurers are naturally more willing to join Families with greater power.

So as long as adventurers with a normal mind would not want to become Hestia Familiars, not only would there be no benefits at all, but they would also have to pay homage to a useless god.

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched, no wonder Hestia agreed to become her family member so simply, because she didn't want to work anymore.

"Hmph! Don't look down on people, my family is a tenth-level adventurer."


Hestia's remarks caused another round of ridicule.

Zhang Chen shrugged: "Don't bother with them, let's get down to business. After the registration is complete, I'll bring my men over to join your family."

"Really!" Hestia immediately let go of her eyes, a large group of children like Zhang Chen, wouldn't she surpass Loki?

 It's three o'clock today, maybe?

(End of this chapter)

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