Restart the main god game

Chapter 187 Chicken taste, crunch and crisp

Chapter 187 Chicken taste, crunch and crisp

Hestia has a family!

From the gods to the civilians, everyone was shocked by this news.

After all, as long as they live in Orario, no one does not know what kind of god Hestia is.

The lazy gods, the natural disasters in the North Street, the sloppy face living in the Hephaestus family for nothing...

Of course, Hestia is not without a good reputation, for example, her head is very comfortable to touch.

That's right, she was very popular when she was patted on the head by customers as a mascot at the place where she worked.

There is one thing to say, even if a god does not have extraordinary power, but can be mixed like this, it can only be said that she has really lived on a dog for hundreds of millions of years.

Of course, working in the lower realms of the gods is called experiencing life, while civilians working in the lower realms are forced to do so.

Therefore, the civilians didn't mean to look down on this good-for-nothing god, but they just thought that the adventurer who joined her family was Shi Lezhi, and they dared to step on this kind of sinkhole.

After all, no matter how useless she is, she is still a god, not to mention that she has to be raised, at least you have to be respectful to her, and find an ancestor for yourself for nothing, isn't that cheap?

However, with the influx of players, the adventurers were horrified to find that Hestia had a lot of family members, perhaps thousands of them.

Forget it, many of these people are beyond imagination. In just two days, some adventurers have already spotted them on the tenth floor.

The only strange thing is that this group of people don't know their own level, they prefer a so-called stage level, for example, stage I body wounds will heal quickly, stage II can repair internal organs, stage III can even break Limb rebirth.

According to what the adventurers heard from their conversations, this group of strange races seems to have to hone in a dark place and eat some monsters to strengthen themselves into this kind of physique.

The adventurers expressed that they had seen each other for a long time, so they named this race: cannibals.

It's not the kind of ogre that is several feet tall and eats people raw that I really want to stir up, but a branch of human beings, a race that strengthens itself by eating.

"I felt the GM's strong malice."

Tongren said he was very embarrassed, didn't he just tell people that the reason why he became stronger was to eat?How did you become a cannibal?

I'm so handsome, how can I be said to be a cannibal?

Asuna pursed her lips and chuckled, and glanced again. Lyfa, who was on the side, looked at the two lolis hanging on Kirito's body, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, Qianshou Natsushi didn't have a good look at Kirito, but now, he has become a pendant on Kirito.

Fortunately, Qianju Natsushi and Mibu Asaka are both NPCs.

But she still has a potential threat, that is Lyfa, you must know that in Japan, cousins ​​can get married!

The two little lolita glared at each other on Kirito, but in the end they failed to stare each other down, but were hugged by Kirito: "Okay, stop making trouble, we are going to enter the dungeon."



The two little lolitas glared at each other again, then looked away, and followed their respective followers. Among them, Mibu Zhaoxia was the most interested. After all, she was Kirito's follower, and she also used cold Weapons are a perfect match for Kirito.

Kirito smiled wryly, then held hands with Asuna and walked into the dungeon.

"Leave a way! Make a way!"

At that moment, a figure rushed out and knocked the hands away from the two holding hands. Xiao Jiang passed by between the two holding a metal jar.

Then Xiao Mao, Pang Hong, Da Zhou, Lao Gao, Shuai Hu, all those pots and pans made of metal, went towards the underground city.

Kirito wasn't angry, after all, his girlfriend could hold hands whenever he wanted, so he didn't think it was necessary to provoke these people who couldn't show their affection.

It's just that he deserves to be a friend of handsome brother Hu?Weapons are so lifelike.

After exploring this dungeon for the past few days, players were pleasantly surprised to find that there are countless monsters in this world!
This is simply heaven!

Once upon a time, players thought that playing games to spawn monsters was too stereotyped, excessive and boring.

Until the birth of this main god game.

In the past, when the leisure world was still the zombie world, everyone happily brushed zombies. Although it was dirty every day, at least there was luck coin income, and resurrection was free.

But then it was different.

Resurrection after strengthening requires money, building equipment requires money, strengthening the body still requires money, learning ghosts requires money, traveling through different worlds requires money...

In short, it really confirms that sentence, you have no money to play with your paralysis!
If you have no money, you can only enjoy the basic benefits of 1:2 even when you sleep. People go directly to the leisure world to experience the time ratio of 1:4. After sleeping, you can play for another day and sleep again, and then wake up with you Playing games, just ask if you are envious?

Therefore, most players, no matter how tight their lives are, still want to save money and go to the leisure world to rest, not for anything else, just to have a better day. After all, the reality is already so difficult, so they naturally want to indulge in the game.

But this leads to another problem. Luck coins are too difficult to earn. So far, players have been to many dungeon worlds, but the ones that can be used as long-term dungeons are "Reaper" and "Pacific Rim" and " Black Bullets".

However, the first two worlds are too difficult, too difficult for ordinary players, and they are simply not within their consideration.

The latter, in fact, is more challenging for players.

Just like adventurers call them cannibals, not all players can eat these strange foods, such as spider legs, giant rat meat, ant whiskers, each of which is challenging their limits.

So these adventurers can only spend money to strengthen themselves, but this again increases the difficulty for them to obtain luck coins. If they don't eat Gastrea, how can they have the strength to fight Gastrea?

Lyfa is undoubtedly one of them, it's not that she is coquettish, in fact the reason why Kirito and Asuna dare to eat those things is all due to Guan Gu's amazing cooking skills, but recently Guan Gu-san seems to go with a sister named diva In the world of "Pacific Rim", he didn't have the heart to run his restaurant anymore, so Lyfa couldn't buy the life menu even if she wanted to spend money.

And that's not the point, the point is, according to the research of Sumire Muroto, Japan's most powerful brain, when cooking gastritis, some gastroenteroviruses will be killed, and the human body will reject these dead viruses.

For the people in the world of "The Black Bullet", they naturally don't take it seriously. Anyway, they eat all three meals, and they can eat it after cooking. Wouldn't it be better to kill some of the original enteroviruses? After all, although they are no longer afraid of the original enteroviruses, But there are still some psychological shadows. What if I eat too much and become a gastritis?
But the more impatient players are different, these guys can't wait to become a saint immediately, 999 in an instant, is it better to eat it directly?Then eat it directly, anyway, you can turn off the sense of taste, not to mention, it tastes good, chicken flavor, crunchy.

So looking around, the players in the outlying group in the Tokyo area had blood on their mouths and purple teeth. Even though Lyfa had a strong heart, she was so frightened that she was scared out of her psychological shadow.

"Let's go to the fifteenth floor today. I heard that there is a monster called 'Minotaurus'. Not only will it drop magic stones, but it will also drop advanced forging materials."

Kirito stated the goal of everyone today, and led them to kill on the fifteenth floor.

 The third watch is over, Ma De, I won’t set a flag anymore, it’s already five o’clock
  Wait, I seem to have said this before Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

(End of this chapter)

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