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Chapter 190 As a chef, it makes sense for me to carry a rag and a sack with me, isn't it?

Chapter 190 As a chef, it makes sense for me to carry a rag and a sack with me, isn't it?

"Please, let me join your family."

The white-haired boy bowed ninety degrees, and said to the orc in front of him.

"Come again when you become stronger!"

The tall orc pushed the white-haired boy away impatiently and staggered him.


"Get out!"

The orc directly pushed him out of the family gathering point and closed the door.

The white-haired boy walked back to the street dejectedly, but he regained his spirits soon. If one family fails, he will go to the next one. There will always be a family member who is willing to take him in. He will definitely have a beautiful encounter in the underground city!

An hour later, the white-haired boy was squatting on the street and drawing circles. There was nothing he could do. He had no meat on his body, and his grade was too young, so no one wanted him at all.

"Isn't this Kirito? What are you doing squatting on the street?"

Behind him, Guangu Miracle and Tang Youyou were shopping hand in hand. Ever since he became the patriarch of the gastroenterology practice in the world of "The Black Bullet", Guanggu Miracle is not short of money, isn't it just traveling in various worlds?He has no shortage of luck coins.

The white-haired boy continued to squat down and draw circles, Guan Gu couldn't help pushing him forward: "Kirito, what are you drawing on the ground?"

The white-haired boy raised his head blankly: "Senior, you call me?"

"Of course I called you." Guan Gu touched his chin miraculously, looked at 'Kirito', and felt that something was wrong with this guy, why is this guy squatting on the road alone, could it be...

Accidentally pissed off your girlfriend?

Thinking about it, the corner of Guan Gu's mouth twitched, wow Kaka, Kirito, Kirito, you also have today, I think back then, you and Asuna showed your affection in front of me every day, now it's all over, let's overturn it!

"Why, did you quarrel with your girlfriend?" Guan Gu sighed miraculously, pulled Tang Youyou over by the way, and said with a little pride: "By the way, this is my girlfriend, Tang Youyou."

Hold back, can't laugh, now is Guan Gu's magical revenge time, I'm going to show off Kirito here today!
"Hello, I'm Tang Youyou. We met before, but I didn't have a sure relationship with Guan Gu at that time." Tang Youyou waved to 'Kiren'.

"No, you've got the wrong person!" The white-haired boy froze for a moment, then hurriedly explained.

"Search, search, search!" Guan Gu miraculously squatted down, hugged Kirito's shoulders, and said like a big brother: "Does Asuna-chan think that you are a bit gloomy in black, you go dye it." White hair?"

"I was born with it."

"Haha, no one is born with gray hair, that's not premature aging." Guan Gu laughed miraculously.

"Why is no one born with white hair? Look at that person, he also has white hair!" The white-haired boy pointed to a passing adventurer, who was wearing white hair just like him.

Guan Gu said speechlessly: "They are NPCs, they are different from us, okay?"

"NPC, what is that, no, I told you, I'm not someone you know, you've got the wrong person."

"Kirito, you're boring now, isn't it just a lovelorn, why is it like amnesia, don't escape from reality!" Guan Gu has already begun to imagining that Kirito was dumped by Asuna, and decided to forget everything, Change head again.

"I know this, it seems to be called selective amnesia in medicine!" Tang Youyou raised his hand and said, "It was mentioned in a TV series before."

"What, it's actually true!" Guan Gu said in shock, "There's still this kind of amnesia!"

"I don't have amnesia, my name is Bell Clonney, you really misunderstood me!" the white-haired boy wanted to cry but had no tears.

"No, Kirito, you have to get off the assembly line quickly!" Guan Gu said worriedly: "You have to go to the hospital now."

"Offline, what offline?"

Tang Youyou also said anxiously: "Oops, because of amnesia, he can no longer distinguish between reality and games!"

"Quick, hurry up and contact your friends in Japan. By the way, I'll send a message to tell Asuna." Guan Guwei hurriedly moved a little in the void, sent a message to Asuna, and then looked at Tang Youyou with a strange expression : "She said Kirito was by his side."

"It's an excuse, didn't you tell her the seriousness of the problem?"

"She said Kirito was always by her side."

"It might be that she thought we lied to him together."

The white-haired boy bent down, quietly pushed Kaigu's magical arm, bent down and crawled forward, these two people seemed to be out of their minds, it's better not to provoke them.

"No, he wants to run!" Tang Youyou shouted.

Guan Gu miraculously heard that a hungry tiger was preying on food, and directly threw the white-haired boy to the ground, then took out a rope, and tied the white-haired boy tightly.

Ah, you ask why he has a rope?
As a chef, it makes sense that he carries a rope with him, doesn't it?
"Help! Kidnapped! Help! Kidnapped!" the white-haired boy writhed like a maggot and screamed.

Guan Gu miraculously picked up the white-haired boy, put it on his shoulder, and said to Tang Youyou: "Take this guy back to the family first, and we can talk about it when Asuna comes back."

At this moment, a strong man wearing a mask stopped him: "Please stop your rude behavior!"

He is a family member of Ganesha, who assumes the responsibility of the city's sheriff. Most of the family members of Ganesha are gentle and stable, and they are very respected.

"We are of the same race, cannibals." Tang Youyou jumped over, pointed to his eyes and explained: "Look, our eyes are all red."

The strong man looked at the eyes of the white-haired boy, then at the eyes of Guan Gu Miqi and Tang Youyou, and nodded. It seems that the cannibals do have red eyes.

"No, I'm not a cannibal! I'm a human!"

The white-haired boy struggled desperately. Cannibals, the name sounds terrible. Could it be that they want to catch themselves back and eat them?

Thinking of this, the young man burst into tears, Grandpa, you didn't say that Olalie still has cannibals!


Seeing the boy crying so sadly, the strong man thought it would be better for him to take care of it.

Tang Youyou leaned over to the strong man, and whispered: "He's broken in love, and he can't think about it. We're trying to enlighten him."

Is the cannibal's way of enlightenment so hardcore?
The strong man looked at the boy who was tied up like a maggot, and finally felt that this was an internal matter of the cannibals. It was not easy for an outsider to intervene, so he could only say: "Then you should be quiet, and it is not good to affect others. I don't know." I thought you were being kidnapped."

"No problem!" Guan Gu miraculously took out another rag and stuffed it into the white-haired boy's mouth, then took out a sack and stuffed it in.


The sack kept shaking.

"Uh, why do you have these things on you?"

The brawny man finally couldn't help but ask, no matter how you look at it, these things are all necessary props for kidnapping!
Guan Gu magically said as a matter of course: "As a chef, I carry a rag and a sack with me, isn't that reasonable?"

Strong man: ...

"Where is it reasonable!"

"You see, when I catch my game, I need to tie it with a rope, put it in a sack, take it home, make a meal, and wash the dishes with a rag, right?"

Guan Gu miraculously began to reason with this strong man, presenting the facts.

"This, seems to make sense!" The strong man touched his chest, so it is really reasonable, the premise is that the chef is a hunter, and the cannibals seem to be hunters by nature. I heard that they planned to eat them at first. What about monsters?

In the end, the strong man looked at Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou who had left, and nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he had once again contributed to the peace of Olali...

(End of this chapter)

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