Restart the main god game

Chapter 193 Boy, hand over your belongings!

Chapter 193 Boy, hand over your belongings!


Holding Xuanyuan Sword in Zhou Nianzhong's hand, he split the Goblin in front of him in half.

The black smoke dissipated, leaving behind a small magic stone.

"Wow, big brother, you are so amazing!"

cried a little girl in a hood, clapping her hands.

"No, hahaha!"

If you can talk, talk more, Zhou Nianzhong cut more vigorously.

This little girl was picked up by Bell, and it is not appropriate to say that she was picked up, because he met at the entrance of the dungeon.

Followers, non-combatants who enter the maze with adventurers, are responsible for luggage, spare weapons, prop support and magic stone recovery.

Although it is somewhat similar to the followers of the players, the followers of the players are not so popular, not to mention that high-level players naturally do not need this kind of followers, because they have space rings and toy dogs as mobile warehouses, but Novices like Zhou Nianzhong were naturally different, so when they heard that there were such porters, they agreed decisively.

The little girl's name is Lili, she's a dog-human, she has a sweet mouth, and the two men in the team couldn't find their way with her compliments.

"Xuanyuan Sword Qi!"

Zhou Nianzhong swung a golden sword light, splitting the slime in front of him into fly ash.

Speaking of some worries, he originally planned to exchange for the long saber treasure, but Dino thought that Zhou Nianzhong, as his younger brother, naturally wanted to use his treasure. After all, he used the Xuanyuan Sword, and he could do whatever else he wanted. The younger brother's forceful style can't be casual.

Fortunately, he is actually half a bucket of water, and it is almost the same with a knife or a sword. Anyway, if you find the right target, you can cut it down with a sword and you're done.

Mo Jiaqi is also holding a Xuanyuan Sword, her face is flushed, and she is very excited. She used to be a good girl, let alone slashing people with a knife, she has never fought a few times, but recently, she feels that she has fallen. I don't even think about Shu.

The monsters in the dungeon are actually not very intelligent, not as good as the monsters in the world of "Pacific Rim". For ordinary adventurers, they still need to worry about what to do if they get scratched. Or you have to wait for your body to heal slowly.

But for players, injury, what is that?
The super self-healing that comes with the original enterovirus serum makes it almost impossible for players to die, let alone resurrect themselves after death, although resurrection is a bit expensive.

But compared to the dungeon, where there are magic stones everywhere, dying once is nothing, it's just a round trip.

Bell was dumbfounded at first, seeing Zhou Nianzhong turning into fly ash in order to save him, crying so much that his nose and tears came out, but he turned around and saw that Zhou Nianzhong had come down from the suspension bridge in the dungeon.

"Can I do the same?" Bell was looking forward to it. Any adventurer would like to have this kind of near-immortality ability.

Zhou Nianzhong explained casually: "This is the ability of our cannibals, you can't learn it."

Although a little envious, Bell can only continue to fight monsters, hoping that after he upgrades, he may be able to comprehend some skills.

And the little girl named Lily looked at Zhou Nianzhong with flickering eyes.

Hestia's family is a newly emerging force in Orario's limelight, which naturally attracted the attention of many people. This time, she was sent by the head of the group, Sonny Lustra, to investigate information.

But she was hesitating whether to tell Sonny about the cannibal's ability.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the cannibals being hurt, but that he wanted Sonny to offend Hestia's family.

Lily's full name is Lililuka Erde, and she is a family member of the Dionysus Soma, but she doesn't like her family members at all, and she doesn't even like any adventurers. What happened to her when she was a child made her know the darkness of Olalie , and let her know the filth of adventurers, so she doesn't like any adventurers.

The reason why she accepted Sonny's dispatch was that on the one hand, she really needed the job, and it was the same for whoever she was a follower of.

In the past, she took advantage of the adventurers not paying attention and dropped some equipment. She has no shame in doing this kind of thing, because most adventurers look down on followers, thinking they are just porters, what's more, She will take her followers as a backstop when she is in danger, and she has experienced it herself several times.

Don't even think about distributing magic stone materials. It would be nice to give some Wallis. From the perspective of adventurers, these guys follow him into the dungeon, and he still has to protect them, and there is no danger. The money It's completely free, and what's more, they don't even give one, anyway, it's not like there are no followers.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Lily always appears as a newcomer, making people feel that she is easy to bully, but Lily turns around and loses money and money.

This little human has a transformation magic called 'Cinderella', as long as she transforms, no one will be able to find her.

"If there is a conflict between them, I might be able to escape from the Somo family." Lily thought to herself.

The leader of the Sumo family is an extremely cunning guy. His own strength is only lv.2. He never conflicts with the families of big forces. It's a black business, so even if it's only lv.2, he's flourishing in Olalie.

"But we have to wait until this guy doesn't come over."

Although Lily hated adventurers, she didn't go to the place where she wanted to kill them. The two cannibals could feign death, but she would feel bad if this rabbit-like guy died.

The whole day of killing monsters made the four of them a little tired, so they left the dungeon and had a meal together in the tavern of 'The Mistress of Abundance'. Zhou Nianzhong looked at Bell, who was so tired that he almost collapsed and was covered in injuries, and shook his head. : "NPC is weak, forget it, tomorrow I will ask someone to ask if there is a booster, and I will give you a shot to ensure that you will be alive and well every day in the future."

"Strengthener, what is that?" Lily asked curiously, shaking her transformed dog ears.

"That's the castrated version used by your NPCs, it will give you a very strong self-healing ability." Looking at the huge backpack behind Lily, Zhou Nianzhong said with emotion: "By the way, I'll bring you one too. You carry such a heavy backpack."

"I have a 'Backstage Hero' skill, which will increase when the weight of the equipment exceeds a certain level." Lily explained.

Mo Jiaqi and Zhou Nianzhong looked at each other, feeling that this ability is useless, compared to players, with the space ring, the weight is not a problem.

But it can be combined with Bell, after all, everyone still likes the Bell girl... This NPC family member accidentally killed her, where are they going to have fun.

After the meal, Zhou Nianzhong gave Lily [-] Wallis, and agreed to invite her back tomorrow. This was the price Lily himself quoted. Although Zhou Nianzhong thought it was a bit low, he was too poor, so he didn't question it. Feeling that money is really hard to earn.

On the second day, Bell was temporarily recuperating due to his injury. For some reason, someone in the family was buying enhancers, but he didn't get any of them, so he had to postpone it for the time being. .

Although he has a little savings because he fought monsters with Dino, without Dino, he can only come to "Ground Error" to bully the mobs, but he doesn't have so many luck coins to buy round-trip tickets.

The three of them are the same as yesterday, still spawning monsters on the fifth floor. It's not that they can't go down, but the efficiency will be reduced, which is why the players are still wandering in the [-]th floor. In their view, this is The infinite dungeon in the game has no bottom at all, and the fool is desperately drilling down.

stomping on...

At this moment, a group of people gathered around, looking at Zhou Nianzhong and Mo Jiaqi with malicious intentions, the one-eyed dragon in the lead said: "Boy, hand over what you have on you!"

 Do you think I only have two chapters today?No, I want to update the fourth... Forget it, I will update the first chapter first,
(End of this chapter)

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