Restart the main god game

Chapter 211 Feelings You Are Not Only Greedy For My Games, You Are Greedy For My Body

Chapter 211 Feelings You Are Not Only Greedy For My Games, You Are Greedy For My Body

"The last soul fragment is here."

In the world of "Ground Wrong", Zhang Chen handed a divine soul shard to Lily. The little human girl took the soul shard and put it on her chest with a solemn face.

A giant pillar reaching the sky appeared above Hestia's villa, enveloping Lily.

Because of the rules of the gods in the lower realm, once a god uses divine power, the upper realm will take it away from the lower realm and return to the heaven realm.

"What happened?"

Hestia, who was playing a game, fell off the sofa and looked around blankly. Has another god returned to the heaven?
"It's nothing, it's just an accident." Zhang Chen returned to the villa, sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated.

Hestia asked suspiciously, "Where is that little human race?"

"She's going to do something important." Zhang Chen said with his eyes closed.

Hestia flew directly to sit on his lap, and said with a look that I had already seen through everything: "Has she become a god?"

Zhang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at it with surprise: "How do you know?"

It shouldn't be, with Hestia's IQ, there is no reason to see through his plan!

"The aura of divine power on her body is so strong, and I'm not blind, how can I not see it." Hestia found a comfortable position on Zhang Chen and sat down, curling her lips.

It turns out that, for people like them who are not gods, the gods may be able to sense each other, just like the gods of death can sense each other's spiritual pressure. Lily, a little white who doesn't know how to hide her breath, is like a big light bulb Normally, Hestia would notice it naturally.

"Since you know what we're doing, why don't you stop us?"

Zhang Chen was a little curious. From this point of view, not to mention Hestia, the gods in Olalie might also be able to detect what they were doing, but let them develop.

Hestia dangled her little feet and murmured, "Because of loneliness."


Zhang Chen was at a loss, what does this have to do with loneliness?
It turned out that although the gods came to help humans suppress monsters on the one hand, on the other hand they were indeed as they said, very lonely.

There seem to be many gods in the heavens, but in fact the total may not be as many as the number of elementary school. A group of gods were born from ignorance, and they have lived together for hundreds of millions of years. .

And it may be due to the rules, the gods cannot give birth, at least, they cannot give birth to children who can become gods, so the population of the heavens has never increased or decreased.

"So even if you kill them in a real sense, they may still be grateful to you."

Hestia looked at Zhang Chen with an inexplicable look. Obviously, her IQ was higher than that of the later blue goddess of wisdom.

Zhang Chen was silent, no wonder that group of gods would indulge their power expansion so much, they were really going crazy with their feelings.

"If you can really succeed, you can always be by my side." Hestia hugged Zhang Chen's arm, turned into that lively loli god again, and said with a smirk: "In this way, I You don’t have to be a virgin anymore.”

Zhang Chen pushed Hestia away, good guy, you are not only greedy for my games, but also my body.

"Blue dye!"

Hestia looked at Zhang Chen like an abandoned kitten.

Zhang Chen compared the heights of both parties, and finally said: "We'll talk about it when you grow taller."

Although Hestia is a legal loli, his IQ is almost the same as that of a real loli. He started in three years, and the 404 god with the highest death penalty has been watching him.

Hestia began to grind her teeth. Her divine body is fixed, and where will she grow taller? I'm afraid she is not targeting her.

Zhang Chen ignored the sulking Hestia, went directly to his room, closed the door, and closed his eyes...

"Is this the heaven?"

Looking at the buildings that are very similar to Olalie's buildings, Lily felt both strange and natural.

Humans and even demihumans in this world were created by gods, that is to say, their civilizations were all taught by gods, and Orari was most influenced by gods, so the surrounding buildings were naturally similar to the heavens.

If the only difference is that these buildings seem to have added special effects, they are spotless, clean and new, and everything is full of sacredness.

"It's really empty."

Zhang Chen's voice came from next to Lily's ear, and Zhang Chen also appeared next to Lily. The gods descended to the world, and this city of gods was naturally empty. Maybe some gods returned to the heavens, but it was obvious that they didn't know where they were. with.

Lily frowned slightly, and looked at Zhang Chen: "Are you the true form of the Lord God?"

"I'm also Aizen, or in other words, I'm the real Aizen." Zhang Chen explained casually, looked at Lily directly, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Lily snorted, very dissatisfied with Zhang Chen's directness, but still felt her ability obediently.

"It's amazing, as if I am omnipotent." Lily punched Zhang Chen.

A terrible roar exploded in her hand, Zhang Chen only had time to reach out to block it, and then the whole person flew out, gliding hundreds of meters on the ground with both feet, and then stopped his figure.

"It's really a terrifying power."

Zhang Chen shook his hands, should I say, is he really worthy of being a god?
You must know that he is now in an impermanent form, which is not worse than Benglan 1, but he was punched by Lily.

"You are really weak, the Lord God." Lily looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously.

"This is the strongest form that human beings can achieve, and it's just a clone." Zhang Chen said nonsense in a serious manner, and then stretched out his hand: "Hold my hand, don't resist."

Lily had no doubts about him, and although she was a little reluctant, she still held Zhang Chen's hand.

"Lord God, analyze Lilyluka Erde's divine body." Zhang Chen gave the order.

[Analyzing... Analyzing... 1%...]

Lily could feel a strange power emanating from Zhang Chen's hands, scanning her body up and down, as if her entire body had been touched by the person in front of her.

But due to Zhang Chen's pretentious power, although it felt awkward, Lily could only blushed and let Zhang Chen hold hands.

Zhang Chen was also very nervous, for fear that Lily would violently hurt someone and beat him to death with one punch.

The analysis of the main god is to directly explore the essence of the object and copy it. Although theoretically, the main god is higher than the gods in "Earth Wrong", but who makes the host a rookie, and the gods in "Earth Wrong" are reversed. So adding two to one, although Zhang Chen can scan creatures with a higher level than him, it is also easy to be detected by the other party.

That's why he didn't dare to analyze Hestia directly. He wasn't strong enough, and might even arouse the hostility of the gods.

But Lily is different. She was cultivated by herself. Although her emotions are not deep, in her cognition, she is undoubtedly the most terrifying. Erase Lily.

This time, the speed of analysis was unprecedentedly slow. After a full minute, Zhang Chen let go, and looked at Lily with a strange expression. Should it be said that he really deserves to be a follower with the skill of "behind the scenes hero"?

"It seems that the idea of ​​violent loli has failed." Zhang Chen sighed. Lily may be able to lift a ten-ton giant hammer now, but it is all supported by her divine power, just like the punch Lily gave herself before. It is the impact of divine power,
Lily said with a dark face: "I think you seem to be thinking about something bad."

 There are still seven collections left, and my collection will break through ten thousand ()

  Wait, even if the collection exceeds [-], my subscription has not changed o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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