Restart the main god game

Chapter 217 Is this the legendary deodorant?

Chapter 217 Is this the legendary deodorant?
On the other side, although half of his body was missing, Genos still stepped forward to help with a sense of justice, but the way he walked was a bit awkward, limping, and his body was a little unbalanced.

In desperation, Pheasant hurriedly threw a smoke bomb, turned over, smashed through a window of a floor, rolled in, kicked open the door, and played hide-and-seek with Mosquito Girl.

Having less spiritual pressure in the body also has the advantage of having less spiritual pressure, at least the recovery speed is fast, as long as you play around a bit, you can recover your spiritual pressure.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Genos stretched out his left hand, the palm of the robot turned red instantly, and fired an incinerator at the mosquito girl.

Mosquito Girl hurriedly recalled some mosquitoes to block the incinerator, but the Genos Incinerator also reminded two female players who hung up after firing the red cannon, and aimed at Mosquito again, and two more red cannons stuck in the Mosquito girl's face.

Compared with Genos's incinerator, the red cannon used by players whose strength has shrunk greatly is similar to a grenade. Although the mosquito girl was burned to black, it can be seen from her angry scolding that she is not at all. nothing.


Seeing this, Wang Bo knew something was wrong, and finally attracted his hatred to the pheasant. In the end, Wang Li actually attacked the mosquito girl again. Isn't this courting death?
Seeing that Mosquito Girl turned around and came back, Wang Bo went up to meet her without thinking, and started hand-to-hand combat with her again.

Clang clang!
The mask on the face is breaking, and after the swastika is dissolved, it is blurred again. With the player's shrinking strength, it is generally impossible to do it, but he is an exception, but this is a sad story, because his swastika is just a weapon deformation. , there is nothing special about it, so it doesn't consume Reiatsu.

It's just that now he can't hold it anymore, even if the overall strength has shrunk, the virtual mask still needs a lot of spiritual pressure from the user.

Genos began to spit out white mist from the joints of his limbs, and entered the high-speed movement mode. His figure instantly appeared in front of Mosquito Girl. With one left hand, the incinerator was charged again.

Mosquito Girl twisted her wings and dodged to the right with the thrust of her wings, dodging the blow, and then kicked Wang Bo's right foot into three pieces.

Wang Bo: ...

It's not me who attacked you, why did you hit me?
The blood splattered, and the mosquito girl was bathed in the blood, she stretched her body contentedly, and the mosquito belly behind her began to heal slowly.

"No, she needs blood to recover!"

Genos immediately understood that he was a modified person and had no blood at all, but Wang Bo was different. Wang Bo, who had a stage III physique, was completely a mobile blood bag, and the mosquito girl would naturally target him.

However, Genos's reaction was too late, and countless mosquitoes began to gather around the mosquito girl, wrapping her tightly, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Although the people in City Z had already taken refuge in shelters, outside the city, a large number of animals were sucked blood by mosquitoes and turned into skin and bones, dying.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were full of mosquitoes, and even the sunlight was blocked by the dense number of mosquitoes.


Wang Bo was dumbfounded for a moment, is this something a human can beat?Those with intensive phobia are estimated to be able to die on the spot now.

He turned around, probably not alive, but he was going to die with his wife.

Seeing such a scene, without hesitation, Genos recharged his left hand and blasted it with an incendiary cannon.

The dense mosquitoes covered the entire street, feeling the flames burning on his body, smelling the smell of barbecue on his body, and secretly complaining, is this the legendary body fragrance?

Not to mention, the taste is quite fragrant, and I am a little hungry.

The fiery incineration cannon burned the entire mosquito swarm into flames, and the mosquitoes in the sky gradually turned into fly ash. The black and red blood coagulated and fell to the ground, dyeing the ground black and red.

Shining with the holy light, Wang Bo walked out of the sea of ​​flames, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his life was tough enough not to turn into a barbecue, but soon, he saw another man shining with the holy light.

Saitama:  ̄△ ̄
Wang Bo: Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a big one?"

Wang Bo was furious. A mere NPC dared to look at him like this. He knew that NPCs could ignore the player's holy light. Don't ask him why he knew that there are so many weird players, and there are always a few perverts.

"Your place is on fire." Qiyu pointed to Wang Bo's vitals.

Wang Bo was shocked, and hurriedly put out the fire with his hands.

Wang Bo: orz
After beating his teammates hard, Wang Bo knelt on the ground, pointed at Qiyu and said, "You bastard, plot against me!"

Qiyu felt a little wronged: "Obviously you beat it yourself."

On the other side, when the smoke and dust cleared, a brand new mosquito girl appeared in front of everyone. First of all, her body was directly bigger, taller than Genos, and her gray skin turned blood red, with light purple hair on her back. Her hair bloomed like a flower bud, and two spikes appeared on her shoulders. The only disadvantage was that her appearance became lower, and her cheeks on both sides also grew hair.

"Swastika! Playing with the blue moon!"

The pheasant suddenly appeared behind the mosquito girl. At this time, he was wearing a local tyrant's heavy gold armor, holding a giant dragon-slaying knife, and chopped it off with one blow.

Mosquito Girl turned around and cut the pheasant into three sections. Even the building behind her was cut into three parts by the sharp blade and fell down. There was a white light, and he was reborn.


Cao Cao Nanako was startled, she just played the game and she didn't have the concept of rebirth after death, her eyes turned red immediately, and a red cannon hit the mosquito girl's face.

The mosquito girl didn't even try to avoid it, she took the move with her face, and then flew straight to the grass, ready to kill the group of guys one by one.

The incomparably abundant blood flowed in her body, strengthening her limbs, making her limbs sharper, and their stretchability was extremely terrifying. After changing to a new form, she was full of confidence. Now she felt that she was on the level of ghosts. is also the strongest.

I, Mosquito Girl, are invincible!

But at this moment, an ordinary slap appeared in front of her eyes, and before she could react, it slapped her face.


The crowd only had time to see the blood of the mosquito girl exploding, staining the wall behind her with blood, and they didn't even see how the mosquito girl disappeared, was she directly blown up?Or was it blown up on the wall?
I don't know, it's too fast, too fast for everyone to react.


Wang Bo swallowed, and decided to forgive the bald man for his scheming just now. With a roll of his eyes, he hurriedly took out the clothes from the interspatial ring and put them on, and handed another set to Qiyu: "Master, put on clothes."

"Master? I'm not your master." Qiyu was confused, but still took the clothes from Wang Bo, thanked him, and put them on.

"Aren't you a monk?" Wang Bo was stunned.

Having been in the rivers and lakes, he knows that in this rivers and lakes, there are three kinds of people who cannot be messed with, beggars, monks, and women, and it is obvious that the person in front of him is the one who cannot be messed with.

The veins on Qiyu's forehead popped up: "I'm not a monk."

"Is that so? That's really a pity. I heard that you monks can also get married."

Wang Bo looked at Qiyu's big bald head. With such a shiny bald head, there is no reason why he is not a monk.

(End of this chapter)

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