Restart the main god game

Chapter 225 Let Saitama Beat Saitama

Chapter 225 Let Saitama Beat Saitama

"Is this a different world?"

In the world of "Pacific Rim", Saitama looked at the surrounding sea water and felt very strange. The environment here seems to be the same as his own world?

At this moment, a standing mouse appeared on the surface of the sea and roared to the sky, but before it finished roaring, it was beaten by a group of players and ran away.

"This world is invaded by aliens, humans can only retreat on the coast, and we have been helping them destroy this monster."

While explaining to Qi Yu, Zhang Chen asked the main god to analyze Qi Yu's body.

The reason why Saitama was allowed to fight with Estes was to test Saitama's strength on the one hand, and on the other hand to give Saitama an illusion that if his subordinates are strong, the BOSS must be theoretically stronger.

But in fact, apart from Esther, Zhang Chen also has Nilu, but because she is in charge of the world rules of "Reaper", she will have an impact on the world of "Reaper" when she leaves. Simply speaking, she has no world rules. If you add more body, your strength will be greatly reduced, and you will no longer be able to fight Saitama.

Of course, there is no other way. Zhang Chen can use the main god to transform his luck, let Nilu temporarily control the power of life and death in this world, and directly make Qiyu burp. After all, no matter how strong Qiyu is, he is still a living body in essence. If it is life, then it will be born, grow old, get sick, and die. No matter how strong Qiyu is, he will eventually die of old age. As long as this process is accelerated, Qiyu can become the bone king on the spot.

As long as Qiyu has this idea, it will be difficult to refuse Zhang Chen's request. From Qiyu's point of view, it seems nothing to sign this strange contract in order to fight against the strong. He can break with one punch, so he signed decisively.

【He has indeed grasped a certain concept, but it is not the power you think, but the concept of becoming stronger through exercise. 】

"Exercising to become stronger can also become a concept?" Zhang Chen was stunned.

[The concept itself is a generalization imagined by human beings. Doesn’t Xingyue World still have concept dresses?People can also make clothes. 】

"You're so right, I'm speechless."

Saitama's concept, as the name suggests, is to exercise to become stronger. As long as he exercises, he will become stronger. Even in the later stage, even if he stays at home and plays games every day, as long as he is physically active, he is considered to be sleeping. , can also become stronger.

"Let's go." Hearing that the main god said that the analysis was over, Zhang Chen's mouth curled up, and he floated up.

Qiyu immediately jumped down: "I can't fly!"

Zhang Chen thought for a while, and a Thousand Miles Flying Mostima appeared in his hand, and threw it to Qiyu: "Take it, and you can fly."

Saitama's body is very strange, and he is still human in essence. Although his combat power is over the top, he is still unable to fly.

And all of Saitama's power comes from this concept, so he can't cultivate any magical power at all.

Fortunately, Teigu itself has extraordinary power. Saitama put on his wings and followed Zhang Chen, curiously asking, "Are we going to fight here?"

He was not surprised at being able to fly. After all, there are a lot of people in their world who can fly, such as his apprentice Genos. By the way, where is my apprentice?
The bald man thought for a while, he seemed to have forgotten to tell his apprentice how long he was going to be away.

Thinking of it, he picked up the phone and called his apprentice.

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched: "Qiyu, this is a different world, so I can't make calls."

"Oh, forget it, Genos should be waiting for me at home." Saitama put away the phone, looked indifferent, and asked again: "By the way, are we going to fight on the sea?"

Fighting on the sea can indeed avoid the movement caused by the battle, and Saitama can't help admiring the wisdom of the person in front of him.

"No, we're going in."

Zhang Chen pointed to the center of the Pacific Ocean, where there was a crack, a crack leading to another world.

The most terrifying thing in the world of "Pacific Rim" is not the monsters, but the pioneers who made monsters.

Don't look at the male lead blowing up the wormhole in Ring 1, and the Pioneer in Ring 2 controlled Newt, turning the savior into a monster who destroyed the world, but was knocked down by a group of boy scouts, but the world crisis of the Pioneer "Pacific Rim" But it wasn't really lifted.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the pioneers discovered the existence of the earth, and then opened a wormhole here, but because of the unacceptable environment, they finally abandoned this world.

But now, tens of thousands of years have passed, and it seems that this once tasteless planet can be inhabited, so the pioneers immediately created monsters, preparing to destroy the human beings on the earth.

Tens of thousands of years are hundreds of centuries for humans, but the same is true for monsters. Humans have pioneered the world, a civilization that is highly developed at all, from holding fire sticks to machine armors?

To them, monsters are just a group of cleaners, used to clean the intelligent life on the earth, but to human beings, they are already a catastrophe.

If one wormhole can be opened, another wormhole can be opened naturally, and even thinking in the direction of the dark spot, the reason why the earth's current air has become like this may be caused by them. The purpose is to allow human beings to help destroy the environment and change the climate of the world.

This is also the reason why Zhang Chen dare not directly let players enter the monster universe. This kind of civilization that can directly open a channel between two universes, Zhang Chen feels, let alone players, his little brother can't beat it.

But it’s different if you have Qitama first. Although Qitama grasps the concept of his own world like the people in the world of "Ground Wrong", his ability can directly strengthen himself. Simply put, even if the current Qitama does not change Strong, his own strength will not disappear.

"Uh, I can't breathe underwater."

Saitama feels very troublesome, isn't it just a fight?Why do so many things.

"Zhang Chen explained: "In the bottom of the sea, there is a passage leading to another world. Monsters from that world are invading this world, so if we go to that world to fight, no matter what kind of damage we cause, it will have no effect at all. "

Qiyu's eyes lit up, this idea is good, so he confirmed again: "Start fighting after entering?"

"That's right." Zhang Chen nodded.

A huge ball of water exploded, and Qiyu disappeared instantly, but Zhang Chen didn't act immediately, and a blank-faced Zhang Chen appeared beside him.

"Uh, can it only be bald?" Zhang Chen looked at the doppelgänger, feeling a bit pained.

[When the human body evolved to the extreme, all useless body hair would be discarded, just like apes discard body hair. 】

"Nonsense, I clearly saw that Saitama still has eyebrows."

[So he is still getting stronger. 】

That's right, Zhang Chen can't beat Qi Yu, but he can make Qi Yu beat Qi Yu!
As long as you become the reincarnation of the main god, yours is mine, you can be Saitama, I can be Saitama, everyone can be Saitama.

It’s just that this Qiyu is a bit expensive, one costs [-] million luck coins, and it’s only physically invincible. Although it can also be immune to various spiritual attacks, it’s useless against some small tricks, such as setting up a portal and throwing you out. Earth, you have nothing to do but run back.

As for the use of other powers, I'm sorry, Saitama's body is a purely human body, and any power is easily absorbed by the human body as body nourishment.

Looking at the bald man in front of him, Zhang Chen thought for a while, pinched the face of this body into that of Zhizi Yingyin, and then put a smiling face mask on his face, then snapped his fingers, summoning Zhizi Yingyin Yin.

"My master, I don't know what orders you have." Zhi Ziyingyin was ecstatic when he felt Zhang Chen's call. disgusted.

Zhang Chen directly grabbed Zhizi Yingyin's soul, and stuffed it into this body.

"Go, beat that bald man!"

Zhang Chen pointed to the wormhole in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and said to another bald man.

 Thank you [book friend 140709212821025] for the reward of 2 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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