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Chapter 228 The True Weak Chicken Saitama

Chapter 228 The True Weak Chicken Saitama

"One Punch Man" is a hot-blooded and funny anime on the surface, but in fact a lot of content is full of irony.

Saitama has saved the world several times, but he is always considered opportunistic and devours the credit of others.

KING has been denying his achievements, but people only believe what they want to see, insisting that KING is the strongest man on the surface of the earth.

The same is true for Tornado, she joined the Heroes Association just to explode, she just longed for the hero who saved her.

Why is Justice Knight the only true hero in One Punch Man?
Because there are too many heroes with impure goals in the Hero Association, the Vest Gang and Fuxue Group and other organizations only fight for results, and sometimes even blackmail other heroes.

In the second part, in order to prove that he is no worse than the S-level hero, the A-level hero ran to Hungry Wolf without even informing the S-level hero.

After all, most heroes just fight for their own fame, and they can't really be called heroes.

So many times, Tornado is extremely unreasonable and self-centered, thinking that no one can refuse what he says.

"Qiyu, can you stop this tornado?" Zhang Chen looked at Qiyu.

Saitama nodded, punched out...

The raging tornado spun crazily, like a natural disaster, perfectly interpreting what a trembling tornado is.

To create a natural disaster with one's own power, it has to be said that the strength of the tornado is extremely terrifying, but if the natural disaster is so easy to stop, it will not be called a natural disaster.

When the tornado formed, her thoughts could only protect herself at best, and she couldn't stop the gust of wind.

The tornado suddenly disappeared in the middle, and the blowing wind, sand, clouds and mist also disappeared, and the sky became clear again.

"Stop it, if you mess around again, this tornado will not be the only one that will be wiped out next time." Tiantongmu floated above the tornado more calmly. Although the tornado still exists at this time, because the rotation above has disappeared, only the tornado remains. The next small tornado circled around the tornado.

"Hmph!" Although Tornado was secretly startled, the tornado she unleashed in her rage was blown away with just one blow, but her face didn't change at all, instead she asked, "Are you their head?"

"No, our BOSS is chatting with someone." Tendoki shook his head even more. She also chose the power of death. As for the new power of Saitama, I'm sorry, she just wants to be a quiet black man, not an invincible nun.

"Why do you call them superheroes?" Tornado never forgot his original intention.

"When a hero becomes a profession, then a hero is no longer a hero." Tiantongmu looked at Tornado more deeply: "Just like Blast, he has never been a professional hero, he is a hero."

Blast this person is somewhat similar to Qiyu, whether he is a hero or not depends on his mood, even if he is ordered by the Heroes Association, Zhang Chen has reason to suspect that this guy joined the Heroes Association for the salary of the Heroes Association.

"You know Blast?"

"I don't know him, but I've heard his story." Tian Tongmu had indeed heard Zhang Chen mention the explosion, and told her that the explosion saved the tornado, so he said this.

"Your titles make me very dissatisfied." Long Juan said dissatisfiedly, as if he had lost the battle.

Tendoki is also very helpless, the boss wants to be called a superhero, what can I do, I am also very desperate!

"Actually, you can also be called superheroes, can't you?" Tiantongmu decided to fool around first. The person in front of him can't be beaten to death, and it's useless to arrest him, so it's very difficult.

"Superhero Trembling Tornado." Tornado tapped his chin with his fingers, and felt that the name seemed really good, so he asked again: "Well, how about I join you too?"

Tiantongmu was even more stunned: "Do you have any objection to joining our Heroes Association?"

"Why do I have any opinions? Do I plan to leave the Heroes Association?"

Tendo Kisara: ...

In fact, not only the tornado, but even a certain bald man had this plan. His purpose at the beginning was just to give himself a good name. As for leaving the Heroes Association, who will pay him?
The Heroes' Association is just an association. Apart from issuing missions, it rarely interferes with the behavior of heroes. Just like her sister, she also set up a blowing snow group. The Heroes' Association has not taken care of it.

After all, the Heroes Association is not an official organization, and the binding force on these heroes is too small, which also leads to internal chaos.

"By the way, who punched my tornado just now?"

After Tiantongmu agreed with Tornado to join the Justice League, Tornado asked curiously.

"It's him."

Tendoki even pointed to Qitama who was adapting to his new body, once again realizing his invincibility, Qitama was heartbroken, and changed himself to an ordinary body on the spot.

"Are you kidding, just him?" Long Juan felt that Tiantongmu was teasing himself even more.

The real weak chicken Saitama touched his beautiful hair and almost burst into tears. You must know that he is only 25 years old, so inexplicably bald, this is simply the shadow of his life.

"Thank you!"

Qiyu held Zhang Chen's hand with a grateful expression.

"Uh, as long as you're happy." Zhang Chen took his hand out of Qiyu's hand with great effort, what the hell, it's only been a few minutes since he changed his body, is this power so terrifying?
Glancing at the lock of hair on the ground, Zhang Chen decided not to tell Qiyu and let him be happy for a while.

"Are you the real boss?"

Seeing that Qiyu ignored her, Tornado was a little angry, but decided to upgrade his title first.


"After I join you, you will promote me as a superhero on the official website?"

Although Zhang Chen doesn't like to leave his name for good deeds, he was picked up by KING out of nowhere for the credit of the players, not to mention the vest gang of the Heroes Association. Killing monsters will be broadcast live on the official website.

This is why players rarely come into contact with NPCs, but their popularity is getting higher and higher.

Zhang Chen smiled and nodded, secretly thinking about how to deal with the tornado.

The reason why he made a contract with Saitama is because Saitama is powerful on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because Saitama is easy to fool, as long as his reasons are justified, Saitama will do things for him.

But Tornado is different, although her actual age is already 28, but just like her appearance, she is still a child at heart, she can only do what she wants to do.

So, let Tornado be a tool man who throws away after use.

"So, tell me, Tornado, do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really... live?"

Long Juan looked at Zhang Chen in a daze, and Qi Yu explained: "This is the only problem in joining this organization. You can only join if you agree."

"miss you!"

Zhang Chen skillfully asked the main god to scan Tornado's body information for backup, then opened the official website, and edited the new hero 'Thrilling Tornado' into it.

"Your name is One Punch Man?"

Tornado saw No.1 on the official website, looked at Saitama and asked.

"That's right, the boss named it for me. How about it, isn't it handsome?" Qiyu smiled triumphantly. This name sounds much better than the bald man in a cape.

Tornado wanted to refute, but then thought that this guy seemed to have turned his own tornado into fly ash with a single punch. The name was really correct, and his strength seemed to be stronger than himself.

The tornado came and went quickly, but the players were at a loss. Suddenly someone shouted: "I heard that a group of sea people came to the beach. They are quite strong. I don't know that the monsters are gone. The bodies of the sea people are strong." It cannot be used as Teigu material."

"Go, go and have a look, form a team."

"By the way, have Zhang Wuji's mission been completed?"

"I don't know, that guy seems to have disappeared, probably because he was beaten by the little Lolita to shut himself up."

(End of this chapter)

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