Restart the main god game

Chapter 239 Do you know what it means to transform your body into a sword?

Chapter 239 Do you know what it means to transform your body into a sword?

Please be yourself!

Zhang Chen's head is full of black lines. The last time the main god died like this. I'm so stupid. You guys still want to mess with me?

It has to be said that the players' brains are really big, Zhang Chen didn't even think about this coquettish operation, but in this way, wouldn't it be intentional to make trouble, wouldn't it be like digging up the leader's ancestral grave with a certain subordinate, and then helping to find it? Does it make sense?

People will accept your love?It's no wonder you're killed if you're not too big!

[Trigger hidden mission: Protect the weak!
Mission description: Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi can infect ordinary people through blood and turn them into ghosts, please protect ordinary people around.

Task requirements: For every ordinary person infected and killed by Ghost Dance Tsuji, 100 Luck Coins will be deducted from the player team, with no lower limit.

Task reward: 1 luck coins. 】

"Damn it! Come out, Karen!" When he saw that he was going to deduct money from him, Best's face turned green, and he directly summoned his strongest thug: "Protect the people around you, and kill those ghosts!"

Bai Shida hastily ordered Karen, who was still a little dazed, and then picked up the black iron epee and slashed at Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi, so that this guy can't continue messing around.

In fact, they don’t care, the people around have already started to flee, after all, they have already started cannibalism, no matter how stupid they are, they will realize that something is wrong, the chain in Karen’s hand shakes, like a string of gourds, all the leaders of these newborn ghosts Get blown up.

Seeing the distraught eyes of the crowd, Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi showed a cheerful expression. Did this group of flies finally feel their own powerlessness?
"You should be lucky that you are alive, but you still dare to provoke me again and again, you should be damned!"

Gui Wu Tsuji is very angry. Although he can change his appearance and hide, but because he cannot appear during the day, he needs to choose a good target every time. Otherwise, he cannot explain to the relatives of the original owner why he cannot see the sun.

And now, he may not be able to use the name 'Yueyan' anymore, because he has been exposed to the sight of so many people, and his wife and daughter will also be afraid of him.

Although those two people were just playthings for him to pass the time, it still made him very unhappy.

It's all to blame for these guys who are like flies!

Oni Wu Tsuji snapped his fingers, and immediately two figures knelt down in front of him.

"Kill them!"

Gui Wu Tsuji said calmly, this group of people is not worthy of him doing anything, so he turned and left.

"As ordered!"

The two voices of a man and a woman bowed their heads and took orders.

"Want to run?" Baishida snorted coldly and stepped forward to catch up.

At this moment, a flower ball flew towards Baishida, Baishida didn't even think about it, just slapped it with a sword, and then continued to attack Kiwu Tsuji.

It was the woman who was kneeling on the ground who attacked Baishida just now. She was wearing a kimono and looked pretty, but her expression was a little ferocious. She was holding a flower ball in her hand and was about to hit Baishida again.

Shufen saw the sword slanting towards the ghost girl, but the ghost girl didn't dodge and threw the flower ball vigorously.

But at this moment, Huaqiu and its unreasonable turning direction came towards Shufen.

Shufen changed her move in a hurry, with her long sword crossed, but it was too late, and she was directly knocked several meters away by the flower ball, creating a deep ditch on the ground.

But this is not over yet!
The flower balls in the hands of the ghost girl seemed to be inexhaustible, one was thrown, and another one appeared, and the angle was extremely tricky, and it burst towards the five people.

"Swastika! No sword!"

Baishida swastika directly, holding the incoming flower ball in his hand, and threw it at Guiwu Tsuji.

The bouquet spun rapidly and shot towards Oni Wu Tsuji, but just when it was about to hit Oni Wu Tsuji, it suddenly turned around and shot at Karen.


Silver Lock and Golden Bell hit the flower ball directly, and Karen said calmly: "Don't just look at the beauties, there is a monk over there."

Baishida suddenly realized, drew out another black iron epee, and slashed at another figure.

The man was indeed dressed like a monk, with a string of rosary beads hanging around his neck. His eyes were closed tightly, but there were a pair of big eyes on his hands, and there was an arrow in his pupil.

Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi also stopped in his tracks, he looked at Bai Shi Da curiously, why did this man's arm suddenly disappear?
The bouquets all around were attacking Blockbuster one after another, but Karen's silver lock and golden bell, like a spirit snake, exploded the incoming bouquets one by one.

Shufen took a deep breath, and once again stabbed the flower ball ghost with her sword.

The flower ball yelled coquettishly, and four arms grew out of its body again, and the six arms held the flower ball and threw it wildly.

In the sky and on the ground, countless flower balls flew like disorderly bullets, attacking everyone.

"Swastika! Variety Golden Cudgel!"

At this moment, the stick in Bai Yan's hand transformed instantly, and a golden gatling appeared in her hand, shooting straight at the flower ball ghost.

Just a spinning wheel, Gatling instantly smashed the flower ball ghost into a sieve, and the flower ball ghost instantly turned into fly ash.

But soon, the Gatling in Bai Yan's hand turned back into a golden stick in an instant, her strength was still too weak to maintain the swastika for a long time.

Oni Wu Tsuji's eyeballs almost popped out, what the hell?

Why did a golden gun suddenly appear, and this gun can kill ghosts!

Without the flower ball ghost, Baishida was about to kill the monk with a sword, but saw the monk stretching out his hand to aim at him. Then, his body flew up uncontrollably and hit Karen.

Blockbuster was shocked, there is such an operation?

So he directly put the black iron epee into the space ring, and then held his left hand on his abdomen. Immediately, his body stopped flying and stopped in mid-air.

The arrow ghost is also a little confused, what's going on?
Baishida grinned, do you know what it means to transform your body into a sword?

Baishida bent down, grabbed his right leg, aimed at the arrow ghost, and threw it hard, and a humanoid boomerang shot towards the arrow ghost.

Arrow Ghost: ...

Feeling the lingering sword energy emanating from Baishida's body, the arrow ghost hastily raised his right hand, marking an arrow, trying to divert Baishida's direction.

However, in the state of no sword, everything can be a sword. Although his body will be controlled, he can also control the things he holds, including his own body.

In desperation, the arrow ghost hurriedly used the blood ghost technique on the powerless Bai Yan, trying to move Bai Shida's wife to block the knife.

After the swastika was lifted, Bai Yan didn't have any strength at all, and let the arrow ghost fly in the air. Seeing that the opponent was about to split his companion in half, the corner of the arrow ghost's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

However, at this moment, Bai Shida let go of his left hand, grabbed Bai Yan's right leg, and then slashed at Huashan with one blow at the arrow ghost.


The sharp 'Baiyan' sword split the arrow ghost in half from the head, blood spattered, Bai Shida looked like a lonely master, standing in place holding the 'Baiyan' sword.

 I'm sorry, I originally wanted to write directly about Wu Mi, but I realized that there are two ghosts around Wu Mi, so I can only overthrow it and rewrite it.

(End of this chapter)

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