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Chapter 520 Luocheng Service Industry Recruits People, Guaranteed 3 Meals, Meat Every Meal

Chapter 520 Luocheng Service Industry Recruits People, Guaranteed Three Meals, Meat Every Meal

Yatsushiro Station has been captured!
The people on the Kotetsu Castle came to such a conclusion, and then prepared to run in a different direction. After all, the Kabane around Yatsushiro Station is too scary, and it can still fly. If they are entangled by them, it will be over.

Not all players are as focused on killing monsters as Ma Xiaotiao. Zhuo Yifan was overjoyed when he saw a train coming. He Jianguo said before that the number of people serving NPCs was a bit small, but now he can recruit a group of people.

So he immediately asked someone to get a huge banner, and wrote on it in Japanese: Luocheng service industry recruits, guarantees three meals, every meal has meat, and monthly salary...

Putting down the pen, Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction. Although the Japanese written in imitation of the virtual panel was a bit ugly, he could still understand it.

After communicating with the survivors during this period, Zhuo Yifan also learned about the general living conditions of the human beings in this copy. Although the human beings live in the post city, they have not completely disconnected from the outside world, and the entire Kingdom of the Sun still communicates with each other. Yes, it is still a whole in name. Even if the post city is captured by Kabane, people can escape by steam train and go to other post cities. This is what the people in the Kotetsu city do.

It's just that at this moment, everyone in the Iron Fortress looked confused, looking at the guy riding a Pegasus in the sky, with a banner tied to a spear, and then looking at the words written on it.

Is it because they have been isolated from the world for too long, and the people of Yatsushiro Station have successfully tamed Kabane?

This was not over yet, Zhuo Yifan took out a big speaker from the interspatial ring, and then shouted: "Luocheng's service industry is recruiting people, three meals are guaranteed, there is meat for every meal, and there is still salary every month..."

Although he is a rich second generation, he also manages a factory anyway, so he naturally knows how to recruit people. There is a shortage of food, and I originally planned to replenish it at the Yatsudai Station, but now the Yatsushiro Station does not seem to be a place for people to stay.

Zhuo Yifan, who was yelling vigorously, looked in the direction of the banner, good guy, the banner broke in two.

Zhuo Yifan was furious, it's fine if you don't want to come, what does it mean to shoot at my recruitment banner.


Clamping the horse's belly with his legs, Zhuo Yifan urged the Tianma under his crotch, and the Tianma spread its wings and headed towards Jiatiecheng.

bang bang bang...

Seeing Zhuo Yifan flying over, the people on the Iron Fortress immediately shot back, but the Pegasus under Zhuo Yifan was a wild god, how could it be hit by ordinary steam lead bullets, just a few breaths, Zhuo Yifan Anyone riding a horse will reach the top of the Iron Fortress.

"Who broke my recruitment banner?"

Zhuo Yifan held the loudspeaker and said angrily.

Inside the headquarters, the people of the Iron City peeked at each other, and finally looked at Jiuzhi Laiqi.

Nine Wisdom Laiqi: ...

There is one thing to say, he didn't deliberately pick things up, because he didn't treat the player as a person at all, thinking that this was a trap deliberately set by Kabane, but the trap was too clumsy, and he saw through it at a glance.

"Give me the communicator."

Sifangchuan Calamus finally said, since the other party can speak, no matter whether it is Kabane or not, they can always communicate, and it is best to not die.

"Hi, I'm Sifangchuan Iris from Xianjin Station. I don't know what you are talking about in our Iron Castle."

This world is in the 19th century, so there are still some communication tools, and it is not a problem for the Kotetsuki to be able to transfer the voice to the outside.

Iron Fortress?
Zhuo Yifan frowned, is this the name of the train?

"Obviously you shot me with a gun, why ask me why I came here?"

It is clear and well-founded. It is obvious that the creature above the Iron Fortress is an intelligent creature. Even if it is not a human being, it is still a rational Kabane.

Thinking of this, she looked towards the rear of the car. It was the rest compartment of the two Cabanellis. In order to prevent them from hurting others, they were placed at the rear of the car.

"Sorry, we didn't mean it, we just thought you were Cabanne."

Zhuo Yifan's recruitment speech was too tempting, so he couldn't help but interrupt it. Who knew that the people in the Iron Fortress wouldn't be moved, after all, they haven't had a full meal for a long time.

But the problem is that Zhuo Yifan's mount is too fantastical, and the management staff of Iron Fortress naturally can't let people take risks.

Although listening to the voice is a soft and cute girl, Zhuo Yifan is already a rich second generation out of vulgar tastes, and immediately retorted: "If an apology is useful, then why do we need the police?"

Jia Sifang Chuan Changpu was silent for a while, probably thinking about what a policeman is, but he also knew what the other party meant, and said, "I'm really sorry, how about we make a new banner for you?"

"It's a good idea, how about this, if you give me 100 people, I will forgive you."

Zhuo Yifan opened his mouth wide.

"This is impossible!"

It is not what Calamus wants at the cost of people's lives.

The communication between the two is not on the same channel at all, Zhuo Yifan wants someone to manage Luocheng's affairs, but Calamus thinks that Kabane wants to use people as rations.

In this regard, the two Cabanellis in the rear of the car have the right to speak. After becoming Cabanellis, their food becomes blood.

The lead bullet pierced through Zhuo Yifan's heart, Zhuo Yifan looked at his slowly bleeding wound in astonishment, and then turned around behind him.

Standing behind him was a man and a woman. The man looked ordinary, but the woman was petite and cute. Wearing a red armor, she looked even more heroic, and his wound was caused by the gun in her hand.

"Little devil, are you looking for trouble?"

The blood stopped quickly, and even the red blood was absorbed by his ancient white robe. Although the bright silver armor was very cool, it didn't fit his image as a handsome young man, so he discarded it.

As for why you wear ancient clothes, because in ancient dungeons, wearing ancient clothes is normal. In modern times, wearing ancient clothes is retro, and if you wear casual clothes in ancient times, it is exotic clothes.

Wuming was also a little surprised when he saw the wound that healed quickly. She just shot the opponent's heart, but now, this Cabanelli was able to talk to her intact.

bang bang bang...

One shot failed, although Wuming was shocked, but the movement in his hand did not stop, and he emptied all the lead bullets in the steam gun.

Zhuo Yifan narrowed his eyes and showed anger. This group of people is unreasonable, and they will attack him if they disagree!

So he got off his horse... and hid behind Tianma.

Ding Ling Dang!

Don't look at the shape of this Pegasus as a horse, but the defensive power of the Rage God is not covered. Submachine guns are useless against them, let alone steam guns. Pegasus stood there calmly, not even bothering to look back.


Terrible cabanne!
Following her attack, the samurai in the carriage also reacted, one by one they climbed up to the roof of the carriage with their steam guns in hand, and fired wildly at Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan flew into a rage again... and then sent He Jianguo a message:
Old He, you bring the brothers here, I want to teach this group of guys a lesson!
 A chapter has been revised

(End of this chapter)

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