Restart the main god game

Chapter 522 It's not too late to resist after eating

Chapter 522 It's not too late to resist after eating
Although as early as after the players were injected with the first T-virus serum, they were no longer human beings, and even after various serums were infused indiscriminately, their bodies are not human at all, but the bodies of heroic spirits , but the players still firmly believe that they are human beings.

It cannot be said that they are deceiving themselves, after all, they are still ordinary people in their world, such as Zeng Xiaoxian, even though he is omnipotent in the game, he still cannot carry his shoulders or lift his hands in reality. All panting.

So the players' tone was firm, because they believed it themselves.

The people in Kotiecheng look like you're fucking kidding me, but whoever calls you the boss, you can do whatever you say.

Zhuo Yifan clapped his hands, but nothing happened.

With a dark face, he turned around and shouted, "Master Hong, where's my meal?"

You don't have any vision at all, you deserve to be the leader of the gang for the rest of your life.

"I'm coming!"

In the sky, a huge shadow floated over, Zhuo Yifan's eyelids jumped when he saw it, what the hell is this?

An iron pot with a diameter of 50 meters fell from the sky and made a big hole in the ground. Fat Hong stood there and followed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and complained: "You asked for too much. I can only cook a big pot of rice."

You call this a big pot of rice?
"It's not cooked like this, is it?"

Zhuo Yifan swallowed, there are quite a few people in their factory, but they don't cook like this, it's too hardcore, how obsessed are you with the big pot of rice!
"It's okay, it's definitely cooked, it's very fragrant!"

Pang Hong opened the lid of the pot, and immediately a smell of rice wafted across the gate of the city, making the eyes of this group of hungry and thirsty hapless people shine. If this group of people were not too weird, they would have rushed over.

"Guest officer, you want fried pork with green peppers!"

Shuaihu appeared suddenly, also holding a huge iron pot, and when he opened it, it was a big pot of stir-fried pork with green peppers, and everyone in Jiatiecheng, including Wuming, swallowed.

Although their recipe has been turned into blood, they can still smell the fragrance.

"The tofu fish soup you want!"

Xiao Mao giggled, and slowly put down a large iron pot. This is soup, so naturally he couldn't throw it around like the two guys in front.


Everyone in the Iron Fortress swallowed their saliva.

"Come, come, I've said it before, as long as you join us in Luocheng, you'll get enough meals!"

Although the big iron pot was not in line with his expected Zhao'an method, but fortunately the effect seemed to be even better, Zhuo Yifan turned to the people of Iron City, and said in a proud tone.

Faced with such an insult, the people of the Iron City clenched their fists tightly, their eyes filled with anger. Finally, someone stepped forward and said angrily, "Give me ten bowls!"

It is impossible to work part-time, so he plans to eat and die here to show these monsters!
Zhuo Yifan didn't know the brain circuit of this guy, when he saw the first person surrender, he immediately shouted: "Who is that, Survivor No. [-], register him, and then give him a meal."

The Survivor No. [-] he was talking about was naturally the original resident of Yatsushiro Station. When the city lord called him, the middle-aged man immediately brought other people to the crowd and began to register this person.

"This guy……"

In the crowd, Yuu raised his brows.

"what happened?"

Nest Kari asked curiously.

"I met this guy when I came to Yatsushiro Station before. He is a samurai from Yatsushiro Station."

Yuu explained while walking forward.

Compared with other people who have never been out of Jinxianyi, she has gone to many places with Kotetsujo.

"what are you doing?"

Suo Kari hastily stopped her, it's fine for someone else to die, he doesn't care, but he has a good impression of Yuu, and doesn't want her to die like this.

Although this group of people spoke very well, and indeed made delicious food, who knows if they were drugged, maybe they would turn into monsters after eating this meal.

"Always need to ask clearly."

Stretching out the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife, Yu Na felt that at least he had to ask an acquaintance to find out, at least he knew how he was going to die.

The first person to eat crabs in Kotetsu City quickly finished the registration, then took his own plate, and gobbled it up there with a spoon.

Survivor No. [-], ah, no, he also has a name, his name is Ryuichi Sugawara, he squinted at the refugee who wanted to eat the spoon, and couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous.

Although the canteens of the players are separate from them, their food is not bad. After all, it is arranged by Susano, and the basic requirement is good taste and taste.

It's not that the players discriminate against NPCs, it's just that the players' ingredients are all kinds of food, and they are not even eaten by humans. God knows if they will mutate after eating them, so they are separated.

Completely forgetting that he was the Sugawara Ryuichi who was crying and eating at the same time, he was extremely proud in his heart, being able to follow the gods and take care of daily chores for them is simply a gift.

Now he is extremely convinced that this group of people are gods sent by the heavens to clear Kabane for them!

This is not the brainwashing of the players, but their own brain supplementation. After all, the players hunt and kill Kabane every day, except that they are mentally ill, so this can only be explained by this reason.

With the first one, there will naturally be the second one. Even if Changpu repeatedly dissuades her, but she is weak by nature and has no opinions. She can't give a reasonable reason to stop it. Everyone is hungry, so no one will listen to her. I can watch my people go to receive their meals.

In the end, this group of refugees from the Kotetsu City formed a long queue on Ryuichi Sugawara’s table, and no one jumped in line. Although everyone was hungry and thirsty from the smell of food, they had the experience of being hung on the wall in the sun. Everyone is very well-behaved, at least, it is not too late to resist after eating.

Soon, Yuna came to Ryuichi Sugawara, and said in a deep voice, "What happened to Yatsushiro Station?"

Sugawara Ryuichi raised his head slightly in surprise, but did not recognize the other party.

After all, he used to be a samurai with a relatively high status, so he had time to remember what a flight attendant looked like.

"I'm the flight attendant of Jinxian Station Juncheng, Yuna, can you explain why you are with these monsters, and what about the people in Yatsushiro Station?"

Because of the players' reconstruction, Yatsushiro Station didn't change much, but at least it didn't look like a ruin at the beginning, so they didn't even know that Yatsushiro Station was attacked by black smoke.

The so-called black smoke is the fusion group. It is named because it looks like a huge black smoke from a distance. As for the close look, uh, it is basically cold. Of course, they can’t be expected to tell what the fusion group looks like. adjective.

Sugawara Ryuichi put down his pen, thinking that it would be better to explain to this group of people, then ignored Yuna and came to Zhuo Yifan's side.

As a samurai who aspires to be the dog of the gods, he naturally puts the gods first. Even if he is explaining to this group of people, he has to ask the gods before he can explain.

"Explain, if there is anything to explain, come if you like it, if you don't come to pull it, forget it, if you want to explain, explain it."

Zhuo Yifan waved his hand, ready to go out to fight monsters, he has to find a few Kabane to practice melee combat, otherwise he can't even beat a little loli, it's too embarrassing to talk about.

 It's over, there is something wrong with the computer, the writing software can't be opened, and the downloaded video can't be opened, I guess I have to take it to reinstall the system tomorrow.

  PS: Chapter 2, you know

(End of this chapter)

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