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Chapter 539 The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea in a Suit and Leather Shoes

Chapter 539 The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea in a Suit and Leather Shoes

Ashamed to say it, she woke up because she was hungry.

Of course, it cannot be said that people are greedy. The self-healing of the original enterovirus serum must also comply with the law of energy conservation. After repairing and strengthening the body, a large amount of nutrients in the body will be lost, and it will naturally be hungry.


Anna Kondo appeared in front of Kasha holding a large piece of shark meat.

Seeing the little girl staring at her with concern, Kasha's face turned red instantly, and she didn't want to answer it at first, but the hunger in her belly told her that if she dared not answer it, it would bark even louder.

"It's so cute!"

Leng Feng supported Li Yunxiang with spiritual power, freed up a hand, rubbed Kondo Anna's little head, and praised.

Because of her living environment since she was a child, Anna Kondo has a natural aversion to hunger, and she doesn't even see others starving because she doesn't want to experience that feeling again.

"Sister, let me eat."

Seeing this, Matou Ying also handed a large piece of shark meat to Kasha, then looked at Leng Feng eagerly, Leng Feng shook his head, and rubbed Jin Tongying's small head.

"Sister, let me eat."

Qianju Natsushi also took out a piece of shark meat and handed it to Kasha.

Kasha: ...

Although I feel that I can't eat it, but the enthusiasm of the cute little loli is really irresistible. Kasha can only put the shark meat in her hand on the ground, and then take the meat of Qianju Natsushi.

Thanks to the fact that the shark meat was served on a plate, she couldn't handle it with her hands.

But, why are there plates on the dock warehouse?
Although there are too many weird things, Kasha is born hungry in her life, and while looking at Li Yunxiang worriedly, she devours the shark meat.

Xu Sanduo scratched his head, feeling that this scene was indescribably weird, why did he feel that this little girl wanted to swallow Li Yunxiang alive?

"It's done!"

Nezha clapped his hands and looked at his masterpiece, very proud. The three sharks were roasted by him to be crispy and delicious, and the aroma was tangy.

Although the world of "Wu Geng Ji" is a fantasy world, the limitations of the times are there. No matter how much Li Jing pampers him, no matter how good the food is, what he can eat is still simple and cooked food. How can there be a modern world? So many different seasonings.

Why do you think he became a follower of Zhao Haitang? It’s not that he can eat good food every day. In fact, his goal from the beginning was to become a follower of Guan Gu Miracle, but Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou get tired of being together every day , there was absolutely no room for a third party to intervene, so he retreated and chose Zhao Haitang.

Wait, why did it become three heads?

Nezha counted and found that there were still three sharks. He was furious and immediately grabbed a shark and hid it aside and ate it.

If you strike first, you will be strong, and then you will suffer. He can only help Zhao Haitang to fight when he is full.

Zhao Haitang: I'm just talking, you don't have to worry about my face, can you come over and help?

Although you can survive by taking drugs, but taking drugs also requires money!

Ao Bing made another cut in his chest, and Zhao Haitang took the opportunity to kick Ao Bing in the face.

It didn't hurt much, but it was extremely insulting. He had already kicked Ao Bing several times in a row, and several of his legs were cut off. If he could not regenerate, he would have been cut into a stick by Ao Bing long ago.

The effect is very obvious. Ao Bing's face is darker every time. Although Zhao Haitang's shoe seal is added, his handsome face is full of gloomy color, and his attacks are more violent. On the contrary, his defense is slack Quite a few, Zhao Haitang took the opportunity to draw a gash on his arm.

Ao Bing also knew that this could not go on like this, he gritted his teeth, and the ice gun in his hand turned into a stream of water, enveloping his body.

In the water flow, a giant white dragon roared out, biting towards Zhao Haitang with the torrential water flow.

"Damn it, Dragon?"

After fighting for a long time, Zhao Haitang realized that the opponent was a dragon, and hurriedly condensed the flames around him, turning into a ball of flames and heading towards Ao Bing.

One person and one dragon are like facing waves, water and fire collide with each other, stalemate in mid-air.


Leng Feng also frowned, he didn't think of Ao Bing, after all Nezha was reborn, and Ao Bing who was killed by him should have died long ago.

Could it be the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

Leng Feng thought of Ao Bing's appearance in human form, not to mention his handsome appearance, and he also wore a suit and leather shoes.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea in a suit and leather shoes?
Leng Feng had a strange expression on his face, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that the painting style was very wrong.

Because Zhao Haitang is facing the wave on the left, ah, it’s because Zhao Haitang’s strength is not as good as Ao Bing’s, and now Ao Bing is the real body. It didn’t take long before the water wave slowly extinguished Zhao Haitang’s flame wave, heading towards Zhao Haitang left.

"Don't look! Come and help me!"

Seeing the loss, Zhao Haitang could only shout.

Nezha wiped his mouth and kneaded the formula with both hands. Immediately, countless golden wheels appeared behind him, hitting Ao Bing.

Ao Binglong opened his mouth, and the water waves split into two parts, one part turned into a water shield to protect the dragon's body, and the other part continued to face Zhao Haitang.

However, at this moment, a silver gun fell from the sky. Xu Sanduo, who was dressed in silver armor, held the silver gun and only took the dragon's head.

Xu Sanduo's silver spear didn't have any flames, but it was extremely sharp. Shuibao only held on for a moment before being pierced.

Ao Bing was horrified, the dragon twisted his body, trying to avoid the blow, but it was too late.


The spear pierced into the flesh, and as Ao Bing turned over, he took a piece of flesh and blood with him.

"By the way, is dragon meat delicious?"

Nezha looked at the dragon meat that had fallen on the ground, feeling a little distressed, and hurriedly picked it up. It should still be edible after washing.

"Should be delicious, right?"

Zhao Haitang thought about it, and there is a saying that it is dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat in the ground. He is also a person who has eaten donkey meat, but the taste is very good. Of course, it is more likely that the cook at home is good.

But... only a fool eats donkey meat when there is dragon meat to eat!
Originally, Zhao Haitang didn't think about it, but when Nezha said this, he immediately became a little greedy. Looking at Ao Bing's huge dragon body, his eyes were shining, and he even faintly smelled the smell of meat.

On the other side, Kasha breathed a sigh of relief after eating half of the shark, feeling like he was alive, while Leng Feng asked the three loli to protect Li Yunxiang and Kasha, and joined the battlefield.

Zhao Haitang in flames, Xu Sanduo holding a bright silver spear, energy cannon in his left hand, lightsaber in his right hand, the painting style is completely different from theirs, the scene is extremely shocking, and the person involved was beaten extremely miserable.

During the battle between the Three Kingdoms and Lv Bu, Lv Bu had to run on horseback, not to mention Ao Bing, who struggled to fight alone with Zhao Haitang. The huge dragon body was immediately besieged by the three men, bleeding profusely, and Ao Bing screamed in pain.

"By the way, is this dragon a steel mechanical dragon?"

I didn't pay attention to Bo before, but now I suddenly saw it, my good guy, this dragon actually has a steel back, Zhao Haitang couldn't help but wanted to complain again: "Could he still be able to transform?"

According to common sense in the novel, this steel back is likely to be the seal of this dragon, once the seal is released, then this dragon is likely to become a real steel dragon.

Facts have proved that Ao Bing cannot turn into a steel dragon, but his screams finally aroused the idea of ​​his father, the real Dragon King of the East China Sea in suits and leather shoes.

 After the modification, alas, the fighting text is really difficult to write, I really envy those who can write so many words
(End of this chapter)

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