Restart the main god game

Chapter 541 I also want to fit together

Chapter 541 I also want to fit together
"The young man of today is really scary!"

In the distance, the masked man rubbed his hair with a small wooden stick, with a look of emotion on his face, and he was also very puzzled, where did these guys come from?

Gods are not like gods, people are not like people, monsters are not like monsters, they are even less like four alike.

Just when he complained, the field changed again.

The mechanical wreck that was divided into six by the Dragon King of the East China Sea immediately divided again, and flew towards Sakura Matou as if he had found his target.

clack clack...

"Sakura, it's me, let me control your body."

Like building blocks, the mechanical wreckage was spliced ​​together on Matou Sakura's body, and finally turned into an adult-tall robot, holding a long sword and surrounded by black mist.

Zhao Haitang: What about this doll, with a layer of armor on the inside and another layer of armor on the outside?
Xu Sanduo: This dragon is so powerful, do you think if I get into its belly, can it break out?

You are such a clever little devil!
Zhao Haitang's eyes lit up, this was a good idea, so he shielded Xu Sanduo behind him to attract Ao Bing's attention, allowing him to take the opportunity to fight back.


Three minutes later, Zhao Haitang looked back speechlessly, Xu Sanduo stabbed Yasha to death with one shot, and then hid behind Zhao Haitang.

Zhao Haitang: ...

If you do this, any fool will know that you want to play a sneak attack!

This really can't be blamed on Xu Sanduo, although Yasha's strength is mediocre, but standing there, the blind man can't see that Xu Sanduo is going to make a small move, so naturally he must be dealt with first.

Combat is all about being adaptable, and nothing can go according to your expectations, so Xu Sanduo resolutely gave up his previous idea, took advantage of Yasha's inattention, and stabbed Yasha to death with one shot.

With Yasha's death, two-on-two turned into two-on-one, and Ao Bing fell into a crisis again, but this time no one could help him.

The indestructible lake light was held in Leng Feng's hands, and the memories of the Flying Swordsman flooded into his heart again. The long sword was extremely fast, and each sword brought up a cloud of blood, causing the Dragon King to roar wildly.


Anna Kondo threw out two daggers again, and the two daggers spun rapidly like a cutting machine, cutting the jellyfish girl in half.

"Damn, I also want to fit together."

Looking at the majestic black-armored robot in the air, Kondo Anna was very envious.

"Your swastika is an assassin type, and it's useless if you fit it together."

As time went by, the number of steel sea cucumber attacks became less and less, Qianju Natsushi aimed the romantic fort at the sea and pulled the trigger.

The surface of the water exploded, and flames burst out underwater.

Immediately afterwards, Qianshou Xiashi turned the gun and pointed it at Ao Bing's dragon head.

A purple bullet entered the dragon head's right eye and flew out from the left eye, splashing his brains everywhere.

Zhao Haitang: ...

No, I fought for a long time, and you guys actually robbed me of the boss?

If it weren't for the fact that they were in a team mode, Zhao Haitang might have collapsed on the spot. He had been fighting for nearly an hour, but he didn't even get a head.

"Ao Bing!"

Seeing his son die again, Ao Guang felt grief and indignation. This time, he was not killed by Nezha, but by a group of people who didn't know the origin.

However, it is a pity that he is not the protagonist and has no explosive talent. No matter how sad and angry he is, he can only be beaten, let alone Zhao Haitang and others who are free to join. Soon, Ao Guang died under the siege of everyone. under.

At this time, Li Yunxiang finally woke up slowly. He was Nezha, and Leng Feng naturally did not dare to use the original enterovirus serum on him. After all, Nezha is a lotus boy in the legend. Who knows if Li Yunxiang will burp directly after this injection? This race is different, so the effect of the serum is naturally different.

Speaking of this, I have to admire Suguha, this little rich woman didn't think too much about it at the beginning, and she just resold the original enterovirus serum. It's a miracle that the people of the Loki family survived.

Leng Feng didn't think too much at first, but after being familiar with the people in the research institute, he naturally knew that people's physiques are different, ah, no, NPCs and NPCs have different physiques,
Da Wenxi's speculation is that the reason why the various races in the ground error copy can adapt to the original enterovirus serum is because they have been blessed by the gods.

It's a pity that this kind of argument is too metaphysical, and everyone didn't take it to heart, and felt that it would be more realistic to continue to study serum.

Nezha seemed to be covered with ice picks all over his body, but because of the ice picks, he didn't lose much blood. In addition, his physique was different from ordinary people. Leng Feng's reply was only lightly brushed, and the wound began to spontaneously disappear quickly. Yu, after self-healing, in order to help Zhao Haitang, Nezha, who was still in a coma, was handed over to Kasha.

Two ten-meter-long dragon corpses were placed on the pier. The scene was extremely shocking, and what was even more shocking was that the group of guys who called themselves Nezha actually started to decompose the dragon corpses.

what happened?

Li Yunxiang hasn't reacted yet. Before he passed out, he only saw a huge figure behind Ao Bing, and he didn't know what was going on behind him.

Kasha immediately explained to Li Yunxiang that although she didn't know what happened, she could generally explain what happened to Li Yunxiang after he fell into a coma.

The two looked at each other blankly, saying, are we running?Or run?

"This time, how about it, split it in half directly from the head, and then one end and one side."

Leng Feng distributed, this time he did not take advantage, the two dragons are so huge, enough for them to eat several meals, there is no need to take more.

Zhao Haitang nodded and reminded: "But I think dragon scales and claws should be able to be strengthened."

As players strengthen Zanpakutō, they use more and more variety of things, such as Kabane's heart, chrome metal, vibration gold, magic stone, monster bones...

Zanpakuto's current body is a symbiosis, as long as it is beneficial to its evolution, it will naturally not refuse anyone who comes. Of course, it will definitely not eat some stones, dead branches and the like.

Sand sculpture players are very happy. Every day, some people throw mysterious items on the enhancement pool. Zhao Haitang once saw someone holding the clothes of a beautiful girl who is said to be 4000 years old, and wanted to turn his Zanpakuto into a sword girl.

The effect is very touching. The beautiful girl's clothes were directly burned into fly ash. If it is to be successful, it is estimated that the beautiful girl must be buried for 4000 years to have an effect.

Leng Feng also thinks it makes sense, maybe after strengthening, his body can transform into a steel giant dragon.

Several people cut Ao Bing's steel dragon tendons into several sections and distributed them, and they were going to take them back to strengthen them.

"Next, it's you, Li Yunxiang."

After distributing the spoils, everyone turned their attention to Li Yunxiang. They still had a side mission.

"Uh, that one, all of you Nezhas, how do you plan to arrange me?"

Li Yunxiang said weakly, although he didn't know what happened, but seeing this group of people skinning and cramping two giant dragons, he believed it. This group of people is really Nezha, who else would kill Longhai and skin the dragon? cramp?

"Of course I'm teaching you the peerless secrets!"

Zhao Haitang patted Li Yunxiang's shoulder hard, showing a good attitude for two brothers.

Li Yunxiang's heart was moved immediately. He was tortured too badly by Ao Bing just now, so he naturally wanted to have strength to protect himself and those around him.

He looked at Kasha with tenderness on his face, and then froze, why Kasha's eyes were still glowing red?

  ps: I don’t know if it’s because of staying up late, or because I ate something bad (I made a cup of milk tea, but the coconut in it turned out to be rotten), my throat hurts a bit.

  Again ps: The reason why I said so much is yes, I will set up a flag again, I will never stay up late again, and I must update steadily tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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