Restart the main god game

Chapter 547 Listen to my advice, the water here is very deep

Chapter 547 Listen to my advice, the water here is very deep
Li Yunxiang looked bewildered, didn't he say that he would teach me peerless martial arts and make me a palm splitter, ah no, is he the real Nezha?
He can't be blamed, he has gone through too many ups and downs today, and his brain hasn't recovered yet.

But Yang Chan didn't care about this, and told Li Yunxiang what Zhang Chen had observed, and then let him leave.

Li Yunxiang: ...

So I soaked in the water for a long time, and you let me go home to play?
Li Yunxiang was filled with grief and indignation, he wished he could kiss Kasha again, ah no, he was desperate with Yang Chan, but he could only endure it, after all, he had experienced more things in one day than he had in his entire life, so he really should tidy himself up thoughts.

The players were also chased away by Yang Chan, but they were not angry, because they received another hidden mission, which was to clear up the remaining three dragon kings and seize their dragon balls.

And Yang Chan will borrow some subordinates from the world of "The Great Sage of Love" from Yang Jian, and come to help her manage Donghai City.

The management of Donghai City naturally didn't want to be seized by others, but mortals are not the opponents of gods, but some shrimp soldiers and crab generals in human form, but they were also directly killed.

Donghai City changed owners overnight. Ordinary people thought that all this had nothing to do with them, but they soon discovered the change.

First of all, water resources, of course, cannot be free for free, which will cause the collapse of the currency. When the water is no longer valuable, the water currency based on water will also become extremely worthless, and there will be no purchasing power for a long time.

Therefore, the price should be lowered, but it cannot be directly adjusted to the end.

And even if the freshwater dragons return to the inner lake, they will not be able to bring much water back. Most of the water resources have already been consumed during the tempering of the dragon balls, and there is not enough water for them to drink by themselves.

So Yang Chan decided to teach people how to fish, and let the people in Donghai City make their own water first.

In fact, Donghai City is not short of water. After all, it is close to the East China Sea. As the old saying goes, the sea, you are all water, cough cough.In short, with so much water, it is no problem for people in Donghai City to drink for a lifetime.

It’s just that elementary school students know that seawater cannot be drunk, but children also know that seawater can be distilled, and distilled water can be drunk. Of course, the premise is that the water has not been polluted, such as nuclear pollution.

The reason why no one thought of this is very simple, because people in this world are not highly educated, so they naturally don't understand the common sense that elementary school students in the main world know, and no one knows how to make tools that can distill water.

And Yang Chan, who had studied in Saka Star, naturally knew that the principle is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to collect water vapor, but it is very difficult to perfectly distill it.

But what the public wants is perfect distillation?

They just want to drink clean water and wash their clothes with water instead of sea water. Therefore, even if the distillation tools they make themselves cannot retain 100% of the distilled water, as long as they can meet their daily needs, it is enough up.

Yang Chan spread the principle of distillation in Donghai City, and even published the blueprint of the simple manufacturing of tools. This life-saving method quickly aroused everyone's ideas. Although the distillation device can distill a little water, but for the For the people of Donghai City, it is already an extra subsidy, not to mention that the water in the East China Sea is free, and what's more, they directly set up a distillation factory on the East Coast, planning to take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

The corner of Yang Chan's mouth curled up, her eyes were full of cunning.

In fact, it’s not very good to drink distilled water all the time, but it’s better than nothing. Although she can directly use spells to make water, it’s meaningless. After all, reforms need to be done gradually. Very unstable, just like some people get rich overnight, then his mentality is likely to change.

With the return of the freshwater dragon, water resources will no longer be a rare commodity, and this group of opportunistic people will definitely lose their fortunes.

But Yang Chan didn't stop them. To put it bluntly, these people in Donghai City are sucking blood, and it's time for them to spit it out. But to put it bluntly, this is just a normal business competition. Your own investment is wrong. Who is to blame?

Anyway, it must be rich people who can build a distillery factory in China. Let them pay for someone to build a factory, and it would be good to stimulate the economy. When they go bankrupt, she will take over directly.

With the relief of water resources, everything in Donghai City began to prosper, while Yang Chan began to carry out reforms while stabilizing the situation...

Zhang Chen was very satisfied with Yang Chan's actions, he was worthy of being his apprentice, and he lived up to his teachings.

Sun Wukong scratched his head and scratched his head, he was very entangled in his heart, and said to Zhang Chen: "Are you really planning to play so big?"

Because the world is different, he doesn't know the gods that Yang Chan found, but his piercing eyes tell him that these people are not mortals.

"Didn't I make it very clear?"

Zhang Chen also said in astonishment, I have already started to make drastic changes, but you asked me if I really plan to do this?

Sun Wukong opened his mouth. At first, he thought that Zhang Chen just wanted to kill a few people to vent his anger. After all, the souls of the Conferred Gods List were included in the list, and they even conferred gods on people. The operation of enjoying incense will definitely offend a large number of people, such as that Miss Caiyun, She was naturally unwilling to let Nezha be reincarnated.

"Brother, listen to my advice, the water here is very deep..."

Sun Wukong said earnestly.

"So let you come?"

"Ahem, no, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Sun Wukong almost choked on his saliva, and immediately changed his face: "Who are you, why are you coming to my house?"

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes, it wasn't because you asked Yang Chan to invite me here, or else I would have been so happy watching the live broadcast with Hestia in my arms, but now it's better to just turn my face and deny anyone.

"I know you're afraid, but don't worry, my strength is beyond what you've seen."

This guy made it clear that he had a wicked heart but no guts, Zhang Chen still thought that he came to find him this time because he planned to join Yang Chan's command,
Waving his hand, Zhang Chen disappeared in place.

Looking at Zhang Chen who disappeared again, Sun Wukong's eyes flickered, could this guy be Yang Jian's brother-in-law?Yang Jian is planning to make a big deal?
But that Yang Chan's behavior style doesn't look like the Sanshengmu, isn't the Sanshengmu only good at love and love?

Sun Wukong leaned back, lay on the sofa, and simply gave up thinking. Anyway, he is not on the list of gods, so if he can be destroyed, he can be destroyed. Hurry up...

After thinking for a few days, Li Yunxiang finally came to the city hall and found Yang Chan. No matter how deep the water is, at least one must have strength to protect the one he loves.

"Are you another me?"

As a result, when he found Yang Chan, there was another person beside her, who was the little Nezha from the world of "Lotus Lantern".

Although the world of "The Lotus Lantern" was not rescued by Nezha because of Zhang Chen's chaos, they eventually became brothers, so Yang Jian also fooled Nezha into Zhang Chen's subordinate. Zhang Chen is responsible, anyway, Zhang Chen is not interested in cute boys, ahem.

Therefore, Nezha also knows the differences between different worlds, and even beat up Nezha in the world of "Wu Geng Ji". I was insulted.

This time, I came here with Yang Chan to see Nezha from another world, because he heard from Yang Chan that Nezha in this world is an adult version, and he is very handsome.

Nezha immediately felt that the appearance of this world child might be what he would look like when he grew up, so he ran over excitedly, ready to watch a wave.

"I don't know if this little girl is..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yunxiang flew out backwards, smashed the gate of the city hall, and fell into the fountain outside the city hall, splashing a large amount of water.

"Bastard, the young master is Nezha, not a girl!"

Nezha said with hatred.

After being recognized as a little girl by the players, he imitated the players and shaved himself a crew cut, but it turned out that it was completely useless.

Li Yunxiang got up from the water, and said angrily: "Who is not Nezha, can Nezha hit anyone casually?"

Nezha was floating in the air, his small face was full of disdain: "You deserve to be called Nezha?"

"You take it for granted!"

Li Yunxiang was also disdainful. Although he was accompanied by Kasha, he has been very aggrieved these few days.

"Boy, it's not good to be too arrogant, let the young master teach you what is polite."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who teaches who!"

Li Yunxiang's eyes breathed fire, in the true sense of the word.

He jumped up and punched Nezha, and behind him appeared a three-headed and six-armed Nezha's real body. Following his movements, the arm holding the fire-pointed gun also raised up, stabbing at Nezha.

Yang Chan is speechless, is Nezha fighting Nezha?

She hurriedly sacrificed the lotus lantern, and moved the two guys above to the East China Sea, letting them have a good time.

Of course, for Li Yunxiang, there must be pain, but it's not necessarily about being happy. After a few moves with Nezha, the phantom behind him disappeared, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen by Nezha.

Nezha looked disappointed: "I thought the other me was so strong, but I didn't expect to be so weak."

"Hmph, you have the ability to find some other Nezhas to divide their souls. What kind of ability is it to beat me, who is still an ordinary Nezha?"

Li Yunxiang decided to bring disaster to the east.

Nezha looked bewildered, how could there be Nezha's soul, I didn't hear Yang Chan say that.

Seeing that he was confused, Li Yunxiang sold Zhao Haitang and the others decisively.

It's just that after listening to Li Yunxiang's words, Nezha looked weird and looked at Li Yunxiang with some sympathy. This guy looks old, why is he so easy to deceive? Is he really Nezha's reincarnation?
Even though Nezha in "Wu Geng Ji" is ugly, he is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very cunning, but this one, with all due respect, may not be as good as him.

All fools know that the three souls and seven souls are indispensable, and whichever one is missing is either stupid or idiotic. Nezha's soul is really divided into eight parts, which is basically the same as the soul flying and scattered.

However, considering that telling Li Yunxiang the truth would hurt his IQ, Nezha decided not to tell. Instead, he felt that this guy is so stupid. How about this, let me teach you how to practice, we will fight again when you become stronger."

Li Yunxiang was overjoyed, he was so angry just now, but he completely forgot about his business, but he looked at the little girl in front of him, ah no, it was a little boy, but he felt a little uneasy.

The reason why he took a while to find Yang Chan was because he wanted to see if the sand sculptures beside Yang Chan had left. Those sand sculptures were too scary, so he might learn "Splitting the God's Palm" from them. It became "Tathagata God's Palm".

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, especially the guy named Zhou Bichang. Every time he sees him holding hands with Kasha, he looks constipated. He wants to cut off their hands. When he sees it, he knows that he has been single for many years. dog.

"You don't want to teach me Tathagata palm?"

Li Yunxiang felt a little guilty when he thought of becoming a monk, so what about Kasha?What about Su Junzhu?
The more Nezha looked at Li Yunxiang, the more he felt that this guy's brain was not working, and he said speechlessly: "Of course I taught you "Three Heads and Six Arms". This is our Nezha's specialty. Anyone who knows this trick is not a good Nezha."

Li Yunxiang was relieved when he heard the words, because he accepted the fact that he was Nezha, and he also agreed to learn the original Nezha's method. After all, this is the orthodox way to open up the cultivation of immortals. Learning "Splitting the God's Palm" is not a joke Did you play?
When Nezha was teaching Li Yunxiang, the players were not idle, they entered the other three seas, sacrificed to the sky with Zhao Haitang, and finally completed this hidden task.

I really don't blame Leng Feng and the others for this. As the only Zhao Haitang whose 卍解 most resembles the genuine Nezha, he is best at flames, but when he was in the West Sea, because the battlefield was in the water, he lost more than half of his strength. I rushed decisively.

Fortunately, he had resurrection coins, and this time the hidden mission rewards were quite generous, so he happily handed in the mission and left this world.

After Yang Chan got the four dragon balls, she didn't raise the flag against the sky with slogans like "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog". Instead, she took over other cities and silently implemented the reform to the whole world.

The list of gods has nothing to do with her, she only cares about sentient beings.

The most fundamental way to cultivate in the world of "Lotus Lantern" is emotion. In the original plot, Yang Jian used hatred as fuel to destroy nine days with an axe, but because of the lack of hatred, he lost his mana.

Hate can only last for a while, but love can last.

It sounds a little nonsense, but most people are unwilling to hate, because hate often reminds people of those painful memories, which will be forgotten subconsciously.

For example, many people think that their childhood memories are beautiful, but is that really the case?It's just that you subconsciously forget the painful memory.

Of course, to love all beings requires a kind heart and a true heart of the Virgin. Zhang Chen is obviously not. This guy probably doesn't even have a conscience. It's probably because of what he lacks. This is why he loves a girl with a big conscience. I have a soft spot, ahem.

But Yang Chan has it, not only Yang Chan has it, Yang Jian also has it, a Holy Mother and a Holy Father, so the two of them are undoubtedly the most suitable tools in Zhang Chen's hands to conquer the mythical world. I have to be convinced.

"It's rare to see a good person like me."

Zhang Chen was very emotional, he turned off the video window peeping at Yang Chan, ah, no, it was the video window with Yang Chan, he threw Hestia who was still playing games in his arms aside, snapped his fingers, and two dragons appeared In the hall.

"Hestia, it's time to cook!"

It is too wasteful for the players to eat dragon meat. In order not to waste it, Zhang Chen decided to work hard and help the players eat. Well, as for the players, let’s eat donkey meat. Anyway, the dragon meat in the sky and the donkey meat in the ground should taste the same .

 Accidentally copied and pasted double copies, good guy, [-] words, can't be changed, so I can only bite the bullet and cultivate immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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