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Chapter 551 Invite Our Shacheng's Leading Maid: Amame Tsubaki!

Chapter 551 Invite Our Shacheng's Leading Maid: Amame Tsubaki!
"I invite our top card in Shacheng: Yugong Tsubaki!"

In the sand city, William stood on the temporary auction site with an auction mallet, introducing Tsubaki Amamiya who was wearing a maid outfit.

Amamiya Tsubaki: ...

To be honest, she refused to be a maid. After all, she is an officer anyway. Is it reasonable to come to be a maid?

But Johannes understood it with emotion and moved it with reason. Amamiya Tsubaki was taken aback for a while, and when he realized it, he was sent to Shacheng, um, with his younger brother Amamiya Rindan.

Being sized up by a group of people as if looking at goods, Amamiya Tsubaki's face was frosty, and he wished he could pull out a machine and stun all the guys with bright eyes.

That's right, now she is dressed in a maid outfit, her figure is still so fierce, but the wrist wheel on her right hand still disappears.

Naturally, it is impossible for the pheasant to allow the maids in Shacheng to work with such a strange gadget, not to mention affecting work efficiency, and it is also unsightly. Those who don’t know think that they have captured a group of NNPC slaves in Shacheng.

As for how to remove the runner, they invited expert Da Wenxi for a consultation, and Da Wenxi gave a diagnosis plan: cut off the hand.

Justified and convincing.

To put it bluntly, God Eater is a different kind of Rage God, and human beings suppress the oracle cells on the wrist in order to maintain their sanity, so in theory, it is indeed a good idea to chop off their hands.

Tsubaki Yugong listened to Da Wenxi's diagnosis with a dark face, and felt that it was a mistake to come here. There was another big reason for her to come here. Johannes told her that if she mastered the power of the players, she might be able to No more wristbands.

Amamiya Tsubaki's heart was moved. Although the wrist wheel is very troublesome to carry, this thing has a diameter of [-] centimeters, plus the weight, it is equivalent to hanging a brick on his right hand, and it is still the kind that cannot be removed, if it can be removed Natural is best.

And if she really has extraordinary power, then the security of the Far East branch will be greatly improved. As a fighter, she really has the obligation to stand up.

But if it is really cut off like Da Wenxi's, it must be more troublesome. Compared with the right hand weighing four or five catties more than the left hand, the lack of a palm must be more troublesome, okay?


Da Wenxi immediately became upset, you are doubting my profession: "Of course, her oracle cells are all on this wrist now."

As he said that, he gestured to Yu Gongtsubaki's right elbow: "If you cut it from here, it will work best."

Pheasant nodded, a little moved.

Amamiya Tsubaki: ...

Are you serious?
The players not only took it seriously, but also followed suit. Because of the physical examination, she was lying on the hospital bed. Before she could react, Da Wenxi gave her anesthesia, and then cut off her right hand with a knife.

The incision was not smooth, but it perfectly avoided the elbow bone. Experts would praise Dawen Xijiu for being a good doctor, but the direction of becoming a doctor was a little bit off. Anyway, it has nothing to do with mental illness.

Of course, after chopping the hand, it is natural to replace it with a new one. Da Wenxi took out the original enterovirus serum III and gave Yu Gongtsubaki an injection through the clothes.

If Yugong Chun hadn't been injected with anesthesia, she probably got up to fight Da Wenxi desperately, got her arm cut off for no reason, and was injected with some strange drug for no reason, she felt like she was going to die.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Yugong Tsubaki generated a burst of strength from nowhere, stood up abruptly, and punched Da Wenxi that Mediterranean Sea.


Yu Gongtsubaki lay down again clutching her right hand, and the facts told her that this group of people were really monsters, so right hand?

Amamiya Tsubaki looked at his newly grown right hand in astonishment, and then looked at the right hand that had been cut off and still had the wrist wheel, and fell into silence, super regeneration?

"Beauty, I hope you can understand that we have invested a lot in you, so you have to work hard in the future."

Pheasant also looked at Da Wenxi's operation in a very speechless manner. If you want to have an operation, you should say it first, so as to prepare him psychologically, and it will scare him.

He waved his hand and asked someone to take Amamiya Tsubaki to wash it, and put on a maid outfit by the way, and then brought her to the auction house...

Recalling those unbearable past events in his mind, Amamiya Tsubaki was very emotional, thinking that if he really pulled out a magic trick, he might not be able to defeat these monsters.

"I will give out 1 luck coins!"

"4 million!"

"10 million!"

Seeing the players' bids, Pheasant laughed until the corners of his eyes appeared, and patted Amamiya Rindan, who was also dressed as a servant: "Not bad, your sister is awesome! Thanks to your recommendation this time, I was able to discover such a talent."

Amamiya Gentian: ...

I always feel that this is not a good thing to say.

"It's okay, my sister is the military beauty of the Far Eastern Branch." Amamiya Rindou looked at the players below who were obviously superior, and said with some concern: "Are you sure you want a decent maid?"

"Of course, absolutely serious!"

It's hard to tell if the eyes are straight or not.

Pheasant simply pointed out: "Tell your father the truth, we can only live that kind of life if we are married. Even if these guys want to be serious, they can't do it."

"Is it so conservative?"

Amamiya Rindou was startled, he and Tachibana Sakuya had already rolled over the sheets, so he couldn't understand that this group of people is now full of magicians.

"It's not a conservative reason, uh, it's our racial identity."

Pheasant didn't know how to explain it, after all, he couldn't talk about the game anymore.

"Wait, you just said that I was recommended by him?"

Amamiya Tsubaki, who was treated as a commodity at the auction site, narrowed her eyes slightly.

Amamiya Gendan's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and he was about to suffer!
In the end, Yu Gongchun was bought by Shisanmei for the first... month service with [-] luck coins. This made the players very dissatisfied, and they cursed for selling dog meat, because Shisanmei was obviously Hong Xing's own person.

After Amamiya Gendan came on the stage, he was thrown down with rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes by the players, and he could only be replaced by a beautiful maid...

Zhang Chen was very speechless looking at the new gameplay that the players came up with. These guys really treat themselves as masters!

But after thinking about it, they did save the world, and it’s not too much to plan some benefits for themselves. Anyway, they can’t stay in the world of "God Eater" forever. If one day, Rage God is emptied by them, then " The world of God Eater no longer needs them, and they will definitely be kicked out, er, although he was kicked out.

"I'm so kind."

Zhang Chen was very emotional. He felt that he was really kind to the players. Not only did he let them experience extraordinary power, but he also made them superheroes, traveling through various worlds. If they were in the prehistoric world, they might become holy immediately. .

Shaking his head, Zhang Chen peeked again. No, he inspected Yang Chan's work. Everything was in order. Even Nezha was concentrating on teaching Li Yunxiang.

Although the use of power in the two worlds is not the same, Nezha's world is more inclined to orthodox cultivation of immortals, while the cultivation method in the world of "New God List: Nezha Rebirth" is a bit of a tricky method of summoning the incarnation of the former soul and blessing oneself.

The reason why I say it is a trick is because the consequence of doing so is that my strength is limited by the original spirit. No matter how strong the original spirit was in the previous life, that is the level that can be reached in this life.

Of course, the advantage is not without it, that is, he can quickly change from a novice who knows nothing to a master, which is what Li Yunxiang did in the original plot.

"Forget it, don't look at these sand sculptures, it's better to have some fun..."

(End of this chapter)

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