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Chapter 558 Jade Emperor, I Wrongly Blamed You

Chapter 558 Jade Emperor, I Wrongly Blamed You

Blockbuster is not a good bird, but Yang Guo is also not a good person. He has been scrambling in the market since he was a child, so he naturally understands people's orders.

Baishida seemed to be decisive in killing and attacking, rushed into the Chongyang Palace and killed Zhao Zhijing at the slightest disagreement, but when the Quanzhen Seven Sons were about to attack him, he just used a demon?The ghost method did not take the lives of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

In other words, this guy will only kill the people he asked, and will not do anything to others.

Just like the saying goes, the king of Hades will never let you die until the third watch, but in the same way, the king of Hades will not let you die, and the ghosts will not dare to search for your soul.

Uh, it's just that the method of arresting people by the ghost police is a little weird. Could it be that this is a new business from the King of Hades?

Not to mention that Baishida may be his relatives. Yang Guo has suffered since he was a child, and the only one who treats him well is his mother. Naturally, he will not resent Mu Nianci, but Yang Kang must not have any good feelings, or he will not come later. Will give up revenge for his father, he is more because of his miserable childhood to ask for an explanation, after knowing the truth, he naturally gave up.

But Yang Guo forgot one thing, Blockbuster will not kill him, but it can beat him!
Soon, Yang Guo's handsome face was turned into a pig's head by Blockbuster. The more Xiaolongnv looked at it, the more she felt distressed, but the more Kalian looked at it, the more interesting she felt. Everyone looks exactly the same, so why is he whiter?
After the haibian, the pig-headed Yang hugged Baishida's thigh and refused to let go, calling Dad, I was wrong.

Because his cheeks were bulging, his teeth were a little loose, and he slurred his speech. Although Bai Shida couldn't understand what he was talking about, he miraculously understood it.

Well, maybe this is the tacit understanding of the face bumper!
Xiao Longnv originally wanted to stop Bai Shida's inhumane behavior, but Kallen said quietly: "If you want to be beaten into a pig's head by him, you can try."

Everyone has a love of beauty, letting Xiao Longnv be indifferent, it doesn't look like turning into a pig's head, not to mention that Yang Guo doesn't care about this matter, and he deserves to be beaten.

Maybe this is still a father beating his son, it's only right and proper.

"I've been with my children for many years and haven't gone down the mountain, so I don't know anything about the rivers and lakes."

Of course, after looking at it, the explanation still needs to be explained.

Of course Karen knew, she could even see that Yang Guo was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and that this old hand of Best was fooled around,'s really interesting!

After venting his anger, Bai Shida slipped Yang Guo up and threw him back on the clouds: "Boy, whether you know it today or not, you have to follow me obediently."

How can there be such a good thing that Ma De actually wants to treat labor and capital as tools?
Baishida took Yang Guo and his disciples all the way down the mountain, and then they lowered the clouds outside a small town, and started to ask where Li Mochou and the others were...

"These guys are a bit idle."

Lying on the sofa, eating fried potato balls and drinking Coke, Zhang Chen expressed emotion.

Occasionally eating fried potato balls is still very good. There is nothing to say about Hestia's craftsmanship, but eating too much may cause a phobia of fried potato balls.

With a snap of his fingers, the main god began to automatically search for another world.

Now Zhang Chen is too lazy to count how many luck coins he has. He set a small goal for himself, searching a hundred worlds every day, that's how inhumane he is.

"Well, this world?"

Zhang Chen sat up suddenly, calling out the world observed by the main god.

In a world full of resentment, all living beings suffer, and one thought becomes a demon.

"Tch, is it Buddhism again?"

"Journey to the West Conquering Demons"

A story that seems to be based on the monk Tang Xitian to learn from the scriptures, but it tells a story about the suffering of all living beings.

Sun Wukong did not mention that Zhu Bajie was killed by an adulterer with a rake because of his wife's affair. He felt resentful and turned into a pig-headed monster.

Drifting was regarded as a human trafficker and beaten to death with sticks for saving people, and finally turned into a river demon to take revenge on the villagers.

Seemingly pathetic, but ironic.

What about the final outcome?
No need to think about it, except for Tang Seng, the three evildoers can become Buddhas and enjoy the incense in the world.

The traveler is so innocent, why should he suffer for the adulterer? The little girl is so innocent, she is about to die tragically in the belly of a fish before her wonderful youth begins.

Is it really useful to learn Buddhist scriptures from Tang Monk?
Perhaps "Mahayana Buddhism" can really save the dead, but the question is what is the use of saving the dead, if it does not solve the fundamental problem, the world is full of dead souls.

Not to mention the reality, even the peasants in the world of mythology can't read the big characters, so you let them recite scriptures?

What people care about is whether they can have enough to eat three meals a day, and what will happen to this year's crops.

If you don't have enough to eat, sorry, they will become ghosts themselves.

Zhang Chen pinched his fingers and calculated, good guy, there is no hell in this world, no wonder it is so chaotic.

"Jade Emperor, I have wronged you."

Zhang Chen was quite emotional. He used to think that all the Jade Emperors were scumbags and useless. Facts have proved that they are still useful scumbags. At least he stabilized the reincarnation in the world.

Hey, this seems to be the work of Hades?
Sure enough, the Jade Emperor is still a scumbag!

Shaking his head, Zhang Chen looked at the staff under his command. Well, Yang Jian promotes the true equality of all beings in the world of "The Great Sage of Love". Of course, this sentient being is a sentient being with wisdom, and ordinary animals are not counted.

Those who refused to accept it directly set up a hot pot to stew, and drank happily with Monkey King and others.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched. This guy felt a little led off by the players, but Yang Chan was better. He was dignified and generous, and he looked like a lady.

Needless to say, this guy is a lunatic, and he can use it as a weapon. The manager, er, can manage it. After all, he is also a general, so he is afraid that the soldiers he trains will become militants. The kind that kills the whole family with a single disagreement.

Wait, there is one more person!

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up, he snapped his fingers, and Tiantongmu appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Tian, ​​have you been with me for a while?"

The corners of Tiantong Mugeng's eyes twitched, wondering why the boss went crazy again, and when did she become Xiaotian?

"Yes boss."

Zhang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and tapped the handle of the chair with his right hand... There was no crisp sound.

The Iron Throne who used to pretend to be awesome has long since been thrown into that lumpy corner by him. After all, he used to have no strength and could only pretend to be brave. Now, those who have strength can be awesome without pretending. Take a fist hammer or don't even try to make a movement.

Withdrawing his hand as if nothing had happened, Zhang Chen felt that Tiantongmu should not have realized that he had failed to pretend, and said, "That's right, I discovered a world that lacks a Yama king, I think you are very suitable, what do you think? "

I feel very bad!

But unfortunately, Tiantongmu felt that it was not important, what was important was what Zhang Chen felt, and Tiantongmu could only nod his head in agreement.

"Wait, I suddenly have another idea."

Zhang Chen snapped his fingers again suddenly, and Nilu appeared in front of him: "Call those idle guys from Seiling Court over here, and let them go to another world to be the Tenth Hall of Yama."

Tendo Kisara: ...

 From today onwards, I decided to be a good person, bah, to be a good author and strive for three updates every day, this is not a flag!

  ——I set a flag in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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