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Chapter 575 Are You Sure Your Name Is Not Ji Dian?

Chapter 575 Are You Sure Your Name Is Not Ji Dian?

"You came."

The fat man loosened his brows and said lightly.

"I am coming."

Zeng Xiaoxian found that he had lost the right to speak, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"I see the small world you constructed."

The fat man turned around and looked directly at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"I also saw the Lingshan you constructed."

Zeng Xiaoxian, or Zhang Chen said calmly.

In fact, the two approaches are somewhat similar. The former becomes the only Buddha, allowing all living beings to have a Buddha in their hearts and avoid killing evil, while the latter allows all living beings to eliminate their resentment and start over.

The only difference is that the people extradited by Lingshan are people with wisdom roots. Simply put, they are people with a little talent. Zhu Bajie, Drifting Monk and others.

"Your idea is not that no one has implemented it, but they have failed in the end."

The fat man sighed.

Zhang Chen knew that the other party was talking about Heaven.

The king of demon kings in this world is not called for nothing. Sun Wukong held two watermelon knives and hacked from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road. He hacked back and forth for three days and three nights. Although he was suspected of bragging, he killed the whole heaven. Chenghe is not a fake, anyway, Zhang Chen can no longer see the heaven when he came to this world.

"I am stronger than Monkey King."

"I'm also stronger than Monkey King, but that's of no use."

The fat man, or Tathagata shook his head.

Man is a kind of creature with both good and evil. No matter how kind a person is, there is a dark side in his heart. No matter how evil a person is, there is such a pure land in his heart, so his pure land is hell for others.

Tathagata can suppress one Monkey King, suppress a hundred Monkey Kings, but he can't suppress people's evil intentions, so he can only find another way to make sentient beings become Buddhas.

It is very difficult, and it is even possible that the Buddha in the hearts of all sentient beings will become a demon, but he does not regret it.

"People's requirements are actually very simple." Zhang Chen also shook his head and said: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. If their requirements are met, they will be relieved."

"It doesn't matter. I gave Heaven a chance, and I will give you a chance too. After all, I don't want to be assimilated by all beings."

Tathagata smiled, Chen Xuanzang can reincarnate ten times, and naturally he can reincarnate a hundred times, a thousand times. Time is meaningless to Tathagata, and Chen Xuanzang, who is a pawn, would never reject the ideal of transmuting sentient beings.

Tathagata thought for a while, and said to Zeng Xiaoxian, "Xuanzang, no matter what choice you make, Master hopes that you will follow your heart and not regret it."

Chen Xuanzang, who was watching Zeng Xiaoxian playing riddles with his master in the city of death in vain, finally came to his senses, and hurriedly bowed to the Tathagata on TV: "Thank you for your understanding, Master, Xuanzang will always remember Master's teachings."

Tathagata nodded and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian's original seriousness suddenly became a bit cheap, and he smiled and leaned towards Tathagata's side: "This, this big brother, do you know where the monsters and ghosts on these patterns are?"

As the task was completed, he also regained control of his body. He had seen the monsters and ghosts on the murals before, with patterns such as fish demon and pig mane. It was obvious that this was a big boss.

"Well, I do know where Monkey King, the king of demon kings, is..."

Tathagata rubbed his stomach, the meaning was obvious, he was only willing to say it if it was good.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately brought out a bowl of assorted vegetarian noodles from the interspatial ring. The players lacked everything except food.

Tathagata took the bowl, rummaged through it with chopsticks, and frowned: "That's it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian gasped, it seemed that he was an opponent, so he immediately took out homemade cakes, and seeing Tathagata shook his head, Zeng Xiaoxian took out again, stretched noodles, wonton stew, three delicacies pimple soup, scallion noodles...

The more he digs, the uglier Zeng Xiaoxian's face is. It's not that he doesn't have other food, but most of his food is meat, but Chen Xuanzang's master should be a monk no matter how you look at it, and it is impossible to eat meat, so in order not to offend this big brother , he naturally won't take it out.

With a look of more than a dozen changes, Zeng Xiaoxian finally shook his head helplessly and said, "No more."

Tathagata was a little disappointed, but soon pulled himself together and pointed to the stewed meat stand beside him: "See the chicken drumstick over there? Buy one for me, and I'll tell you where the strongest monster is."

Zeng Xiao Xian:……

"Dare to ask the master to issue the number?"

"Little monk Faming."

"I don't believe it, are you sure your name is not Ji Dian?"

"Jidian? It's a good name. It has the meaning of helping the world and turning all living beings upside down. It suits me very well. That's right, my name is Jidian."

Zeng Xiao Xian:……

It's hard to say if it's Ji Dian, but he must be a shameless person. This guy has a fat head and big ears. It doesn't look like he has the image of turning all living beings upside down. It's almost like frightening all living beings.

Now that he knew that the other party ate meat, it would be easy, Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to take out the dragon beard noodles on the spot.

This dragon beard noodles is not ordinary dragon beard noodles, but Guan Gu is cooked with dragon meat, but after thinking about it, people just want to eat chicken drumsticks, so taking dragon beard meat is not insulting them, maybe they are really like Ji Dian , is saving that chicken.

Taking out a piece of broken silver, Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand, and pushed the whole stewed meat stall to Tathagata.

"What's so funny about that?"

Tathagata rubbed his hands, picked up a chicken leg and gnawed on it, ah no, he was stretched, because the stretch was a little hard, so his wig fell off.

Zeng Xiao Xian:……

Chen Xuanzang is a bastard who sings nursery rhymes, and Faming is a monk who eats meat. Zeng Xiaoxian thinks that even if he doesn't make trouble, the feasibility of the journey to the West is very difficult. It is impossible to say that this group of demons and ghosts will be given by the Tathagata Buddha as soon as they arrive at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. He slapped him to death.

"Master, address."

Zeng Xiaoxian has no affection for this boss, and lacks interest.


Tathagata swallowed a piece of meat and said vaguely: "Go to the foot of Wuzhi Mountain and find an old temple. In front of the temple there is a Buddha statue 250 feet high and [-] feet wide."

"Come on, we have already searched Wuzhishan, and Monkey King is not in it at all."

Zeng Xiaoxian said unhappily.

"Journey to the West" is one of China's four great classics. How could Zeng Xiaoxian, who is a Chinese, not know Wuzhishan in "Journey to the West", the Grand View Garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions", the thatched cottage in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the "Water Margin" Wang Po's house, bah, Liangshan in "Water Margin" is a must-see attraction for travelers, how could they not look for it.

So as soon as they entered this dungeon, the players asked around where Wuzhishan was, but they found out, but they went to find a person, no, not a monkey.

"Don't worry, there must be."

Tathagata vowed.

Zeng Xiaoxian was skeptical, so he found a friend from the love apartment, and finally Zhuge analyzed vigorously: "It should be the need of the plot."

"Necessary for the plot? Does this broken game have a plot?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining, this game sounds good because it has a huge map and is extremely open, but it sounds bad because it doesn't have any tasks at all, just kill monsters without thinking.

"Sun Wukong is a super BOSS anyway, coupled with uniqueness, it should be very difficult to conquer, and it's okay to make some preconditions."

Lu Zhanbo nodded in agreement. It's like an RPG game. Anyone who has played it once knows the plot, but even if you know the plot, you can't control the characters in the game to change the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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