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Chapter 577 Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, are you dead?

Chapter 577 Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, are you dead?

People don't know whether he is beautiful or not. After all, this guy who calls himself Monkey King is obviously not his real body now, but it is obvious that Monkey King is very smug.

Of course, the players don't care whether he is beautiful or not, what they care about is whether this Monkey King can be killed.

To be honest, people look at Sun Wukong quite complicatedly. People who have watched "Journey to the West" can hardly feel bad for Sun Wukong. At least when they were children, they always regarded Sun Wukong as a hero who dared to resist authority.

But now, the hero is dressed in red, and with the eyes of a deer-headed mouse, he doesn't look like a good bird at first glance, and he feels disillusioned.

Of course, the complexity is complicated, and the monsters should still be chopped. Seeing that Monkey King was not crushed so that only half of his body was exposed, but was living in a cave, everyone felt a little vigilant in their hearts. , The shadow of the tree, Monkey King is not called for nothing.

Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while, took out a grenade and threw it in.

Sun Wukong subconsciously picked up the green metal ball that fell from the sky, and looked at the sky in a daze: "All benefactors, what is this, a new fruit?"

Because it was in a cave, the sound of the grenade was extremely violent, shaking everyone's ears, and they were almost deafened.

Thick black smoke drifted out from the entrance of the cave, Zeng Xiaoxian shouted towards the entrance of the cave: "Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, are you dead?"

There was no movement in the cave, but everyone still did not relax their vigilance. They waited until the black smoke cleared before they could see the situation inside clearly.

I saw the middle-aged man who claimed to be Monkey King was lying on the ground at this time, his body was full of shrapnel, and he was bleeding profusely.

Zeng Xiaoxian pondered for three seconds, then dropped another grenade.

"Everyone, if we have no grudges in the past and have no grudges in recent days, why bomb me?"

Monkey King rolled on the spot and hid on a stone table. After another deafening explosion, Zeng Xiaoxian continued to throw it down...

After throwing more than a dozen of them in a row, Hu Yifei finally kicked them into the air. If Sun Wukong was so easily killed by the grenade, he would have died long ago.

"Grandson above, come down if you have the guts, I promise I won't beat you to death!"

Sun Wukong pointed at the entrance of the cave and yelled, he would throw things into the cave if there was any disagreement, although he was not afraid of being bombed, but his living environment was only such a small place, before there was a stone table to sit on, but now he can lying down.

"You have the guts to come up! Breaking the Dao: 91 Qianshoujiaotianti Cannon!"

Being able to stand up and output, everyone will naturally not be polite, and they are taking turns to perform ghost ways on it.


Sun Wukong hadn't sprayed a few words, and his face was smeared by Qianshoujiaotian Taipao again, this time it really hurt him, he immediately covered his nose, squatted on the ground and hummed, looking very miserable.

But the players didn't care about this, Zeng Xiaoxian flew back again, saw a lotus flower coming out of the hole, felt that it was blocking his view, so he pulled it out directly, then burned the flames with both hands, and threw balls of Suzaku fire into it.

The flames burned blazingly in the cave, and the more they burned, the more they burned, and the more they burned, the more confused they became.

"When did I become so powerful?"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at his hands and clicked his tongue.

At this moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, a fireball burst out from the hole, flew into the sky, and then hit Zeng Xiaoxian.

Not to be outdone, Zeng Xiaoxian condensed the Suzaku fire with both hands, and shot towards the fireball, confronting the opponent in the air.

The crimson power covered the cave, and Hu Yifei looked up, but there was nothing inside, and hurriedly reminded: "No, Monkey King has come out."

You don't need to think about it to know that the sealed Monkey King is definitely different from the unsealed Monkey King, and everyone immediately became vigilant.

Hu Yifei also condensed the crimson power in both hands, and followed Zeng Xiaoxian's Suzaku fire. The two forces merged with each other, and the original basketball-thick flame pillar became a one-meter-wide flame pillar, directly submerging the fireball.

A group of golden figures popped out from the giant pillar of flames. Sun Wukong was wearing golden armor and holding a golden cudgel, swinging it.

"Dali, are you sure this is a macaque?"

Holding a longbow, Chen Meijia casually grabbed Lu Ziqiao's halberd, aimed at Monkey King, and shot it.

"Uh, the version is different. This should be the same as King Zhou in "Wu Geng Ji". It is a copy of the Gaiden series."

Zhuge Dali looked at the ferocious face illuminated by the firelight, and also fell into doubt.

The long halberd pierced Sun Wukong's body, but there was only the sound of gold and iron clashing, and the long stick still swept towards him.

Zhuge Dali stepped forward, blocking with both hands.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Sun Wukong looked at the position where Zhuge Dali's arms collided with the golden cudgel with a little surprise, the skin on it had already peeled off, and only the silver metallic luster could be seen.

Zhuge Dali didn't answer, but Zhang Wei appeared behind Monkey King in a very tacit understanding, holding the Ice Storm Sword, and pierced Monkey King's back heart.

I thought that if the attributes are incompatible, at least it can cause damage to Monkey King, but I didn't expect that this sword would still not break the defense at all.

Lu Zhanbo turned into a Transformer again, holding a huge sword and swinging it at Monkey King's head.


As if a piece of wood hit a stone pillar, Sun Wukong was unscathed, and the wide-edged sword in Lu Zhanbo's hand was directly broken in two.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei also flew into the air and joined the ranks of besieging Monkey King.

Lu Ziqiao summoned Fang Tian's painted halberd in the air and charged at Monkey King, while Chen Meijia continued to shoot with the longbow.


Lu Ziqiao clutched his chest and fell from the sky.

Sun Wukong:  …


Zeng Xiaoxian clutched his chest and fell from the sky.

Sun Wukong:  …

These people are indeed a group of lunatics!
"Sure enough, it is Monkey King, he killed two at once."

Chen Meijia expressed emotion, Brother Hou deserves to be Brother Monkey.

"What are you doing, I want to start a group, don't grab my microphone!"

On the other side, Tang Youyou struggled desperately, holding on to her microphone, but Qin Yumo and Lin Wanyu didn't listen to her at all. Qin Yumo put his hands under Tang Youyou's armpit and locked her body, while Lin Wanyu held her Finger, one finger opened Tang Youyou's hand, trying to confiscate the weapons of mass destruction.

Clang clang!
Bang bang bang!
The golden cudgel turned into stick shadows all over the sky, and hit Zhuge Dali and Hu Yifei. The former was made of Adamantium alloy, and the latter was protected by an energy shield. Both of them were unscathed.

But Sun Wukong is also indestructible, neither attack can cause any damage to him, even the armor on him is not broken.

Uh, there is something broken, the purple gold crown on his head was cut in half by Lu Zhanbo just now.

The three of them came and went, fighting in full swing, but none of them were injured.

Zeng Xiaoxian pulled out the energy arrow from his chest, and flew into the air again, his body transformed into a flaming Suzaku, and rammed straight at Monkey King.

The flaming Suzaku bloomed like fireworks and exploded in the sky, Zeng Xiaoxian fell down again.

Lu Ziqiao looked at the helpless Zeng Xiaoxian, blinked, snatched Chen Meijia's longbow, and said with a cold snort, "Look at me shooting a halberd at the gate!"

"Watch me shoot the halberd at the gate!"

"Watch me shoot the halberd at the gate!"

 The modification is completed, hehe, from today, no, from yesterday, I have decided to be a good person, to be an honest and trustworthy person, to update on time every day, er, although it is a few minutes late, but the problem is not big, continue tomorrow effort

(End of this chapter)

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