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Chapter 586 He Doesn't Want To Be So Ugly

Chapter 586 He Doesn't Want To Be So Ugly
Xuantianzong's face darkened, and he said that he was indeed miserable, and he was miserable 200 years ago.

The Kunlun sect is a very interesting sect, passed down from generation to generation, with only one master and one apprentice. To be honest, he finds it inconceivable that such a sect can be passed on for so long.

What's even more pitiful is that the Kunlun School rigidly requires a man and a woman because of their skills. Well, it's a bit like the fairy tale version of the Jade Heart Sutra, one yin and one yang complement each other.

But since it is the Jade Heart Sutra, it must be moved, so the apprentice fell in love with the master, and the master... fell in love with the master.

In a word, generations are pitted against each other.

Of course, things like love are hard to say for sure. After all, every Kunlun faction has a crush on a master, and it is very reasonable to fall in love with an apprentice after the master is dead. It is hard to say that Guyue has no feelings for Xuantianzong.

But these are not important anymore, because Lonely Moon has been dead for more than 200 years, and he has been single for more than 200 years.

Chen Haonan frowned, feeling something was wrong, Xuantianzong was so miserable, could it be that "Lord God Game" was targeting him?
Players have been persecuted by "Lord God Game" for a long time, especially those famous players such as Baishida women's clothing, Andy Cheng Yang Jian's mother, Malala became a roaring dog...

The fact that Malala became a Roaring Dog was only recently discovered by the players. Yang Jian in the copy of "Lotus Lantern" got a dog from somewhere and kept it by his side, and that dog couldn't be said to have nothing to do with Malala. Irrelevant, can only say exactly the same.

Because Yang Jian is Zhang Chen's apprentice, he can naturally play in various dungeons at will. In fact, most of Zhang Chen's subordinates now have this power, but some people are not interested in other worlds. For example, a certain bald man, his favorite is the house at home.

Malala was furious when she heard about this, and confronted Yang Jian... with a dog, and asked him to change his dog's face.

Xiaotiangou naturally refused to agree, and he didn't want to be so ugly, but the face of monsters is not so easy to change. After they cultivated into adults, their bodies really became human, or human body, which is just a name. , Just like gods and gods, some are not actually human beings, such as Nuwa, the mother of the human race, who fabricated people in her own image.

And the reason for cultivating a human body is because Pangu, who created the world, was a human body. Any life that wants to achieve the Dao, cultivating a human body is a hurdle they cannot overcome.

And the human body is naturally impossible like illusion. If you want to change your face, you can change it to a long face. You are hurt.

If you are lucky, if the exercises are not in place, there is no way to repair them for the time being. If you are unlucky, like practicing eight or nine Xuangong, you will be able to repair them by yourself in minutes, which is very embarrassing.

Of course, some exercises can still beautify the skin, but the beholder sees the benevolent and the wise see wisdom. Some immortals don't have the common sense of aesthetics, so it doesn't matter if they are ugly or not.

The two dogs, ah no, one person and one dog fought because of facial problems. In the end, Malala was defeated by the Xiaotian dog and had no choice but to leave.

There is no way, although Xiaotiangou has just cultivated into an adult body, but who told him to stand behind Yang Jian, the unlimited supply of natural materials and treasures, and let Malala be covered in liver, and he is not the opponent of Xiaotiangou, a krypton gold player.

"You two, don't you want to go in?"

Real Baimei saw Chen Haonan frowning, and kindly reminded him that his idea was very simple, that is to let these two people go to thunder.

At his level, he can already foresee the will of heaven and earth, which is why he can guess the approximate time when Youquan attacked Shushan.

Others can't see it, but he can see that the two are clones, a bit similar to Youquan's Blood Demon clone, but without Youquan's evil nature.

Baimei Zhenren is not a good bird in the strict sense. If he said he didn't know when the Kunlun faction was destroyed, it would be an insult to him. Yuanshen, reborn him as Li Yingqi, to put it nicely is to find an inheritor for the Heavenly Fencing Sword, and to put it bluntly, it is to poach the corner of the Kunlun School.

After all, even if the reborn Li Yingqi is no longer Lonely Moon, she should theoretically be a member of the Kunlun School, and what he should do is hand it over to Xuantianzong.

As a result, 200 years have passed, Xuantianzong is still alone, but Li Yingqi and Changsun Wuji are in a pair.

Looking at the final ending, the spiritual flowers of Wutai Mountain withered and the aura was lost, but the Emei Sect was still full of talents. It was hard to doubt that Baimei was similar to Dr. Strange. Seeing the future, he chose the most favorable ending for the Emei Sect.

Chen Haonan frowned, he was not stupid, he looked at Baimei strangely: "You seem to want me to go in?"

"Master, let the disciple Wuji go in and act for the heaven."

Although Changsun Wuji didn't know what happened, but when he heard a monster entered the cave, he half-kneeled on the ground and volunteered.

"Master, let me go!"

Li Yingqi also knelt down and begged.

As a result, Chen Haonan didn't care what Baimei had in mind when he heard it. After all, they were inexperienced because they were killed by NPCs, so they immediately dragged Duanmu Ruoyu into the blood hole.

Seeing this, Xuantianzong frowned, although Youquan was dead, but listening to Baimei's words, the remnant party had not been wiped out, and they also flew into it.

As soon as the two entered the blood hole, Duanmu Ruoyu was a little scared.

The name of the blood cave is true to its name, what catches the eye is a piece of blood red, not only that, there are also hideous stone statues, glaring at those who come, although they extend in all directions, but the point of each passage leads to the bottomless pool of blood.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Chen Haonan squeezed Duanmu Ruoyu's bright wrist, and said in relief.

"Why don't you open the sun golden wheel shield?"

Xuantianzong flew in, saw the two people who were defenseless, and couldn't help frowning.

Hearing that these two people came from another world, he was very curious. After all, Chen Haonan looked exactly like him, and with the magic weapon, it was hard for him not to think that the person in front of him was himself from another world, so he looked at Duanmu Ruoyu. The eyes are also a little confused, could it be that she is his future apprentice?
But he was just a reminder, and immediately started looking for the red corpse around the blood hole.

You deserve to be single forever!

Chen Haonan cursed secretly in his heart, this is the same as taking his girlfriend to watch a horror movie, do they care about the plot?They only care about scaring people, so that they can make their girlfriend's heart beat faster and hug themselves tightly!
The Rijin Wheel hovered over the two of them, and Riyan instantly lit up the entire blood point, and the originally cold aura was emptied, and was quickly burned by Riyan.

Duanmu Ruoyu also reacted, rolled his eyes at Chen Haonan, took Chen Haonan's hand behind his back, and clasped his fingers.

Chen Haonan was overjoyed, secretly thinking that Shan Ji is indeed a good man who will please his wife, and this trick really works.

"Here, brother from another world, I wonder if you can find that red corpse?"

The blood hole extends in all directions, Xuantianzong had no choice but to return after searching, and frowned when he saw the two people still standing at the entrance of the cave.

Among righteous people, Baimei Daoist is highly respected. Since he said that there is no problem with the two, Xuantianzong naturally believed him. In addition, Chen Haonan's move to Youquan in a second, avenged the Kunlun faction, and grew up. With the same face, Xuantianzong naturally had a good impression of him.

Why are you so ignorant!
Inexplicably, Chen Haonan felt that Xuantianzong's face was too good to be punched, didn't you see that I was picking up girls?
(End of this chapter)

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