Restart the main god game

Chapter 590 No energy!You still want to get married in such a low voice, so start over!

Chapter 590 No energy!You still want to get married in such a low voice, so start over!
Chen Haonan despised him for being so unbearable. He was not like him. Duanmu Ruoyu had already been taken down completely, and he got the certificate today.

When the boss got married, Hong Xing naturally had to throw a big feast, both in reality and in the game, and the whole Shacheng was immersed in a festive atmosphere.

Although Chen Haonan is Hong Xing's weapon of mass destruction, Hong Xing is still quite popular among the players. He is loyal and generous, so he still has to give him some face.

What's more, if Hua Yingxiong doesn't give face, what will he do if he restrains himself?
In reality, the brothers are all over the world, they may not be free, and they may be said to be extravagant and wasteful, so Chen Haonan decided to hold the wedding in the game.

And in the game, if you are not afraid of waste, it is natural to hold it properly. Under the suggestion of the famous emotional master Zeng Xiaoxian, a Chinese and Western wedding was held.

"The birds in the tree are in pairs..."

Chen Haonan in a suit is holding Duanmu Ruoyu in a white wedding dress. He is a talented woman, which makes many players who come to join in the fun feel a little sour, including Luo Puyin who is a priest, ah no, the abbot.

Looking at Chen Haonan, who was about the same age as him and could still find a wife, Luo Puyin felt that his bald head was a little brighter. If he had known that he would not be called Tang Seng, he also wanted to fall in love.

I heard that Duanmu Ruoyu is Chen Haonan's ex-girlfriend's face bumper, and I don't know if there is Xu Qunhang's face bumper, if there is...he still likes Xu Qunhang.

"Cough! Cough!"

Chen Haonan coughed dryly, reminding the other party to officiate the wedding.

"Chen Haonan, are you willing to marry Duanmu Ruoyu?"

Luo Puyin is holding a tin rod, wearing a monk's robe, and a string of rosary beads hanging around his neck.

"Yes I do."

Chen Haonan always felt that he was cheated by Zeng Xiaoxian, this is not a combination of Chinese and Western, this is a big skewer, right?Don't think he doesn't understand English, the background sound is "The Husband and Wife Return Home" right?

"Would you like to be with her forever no matter whether she is rich or poor in the future, or whether she will be healthy or ill in the future?"

Luo Puyin looked at Chen Haonan, he was also invited by Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly, at first he refused, after all, he is not a priest, and secondly, he is not a real monk, and asking a monk to officiate the wedding, isn't it just a joke?

But helplessly, Hong Xing gave too much, not to mention, the game was just for fun, and monks who have never seen Jianwangsan can still get married.

"Yes I do."

Chen Haonan said solemnly.

Although he felt that this wedding was neither fish nor fowl, but at this time, everyone was invited, what else could he do, he was also very desperate.

Luo Puyin nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Duanmu Ruoyu: "Duanmu Ruoyu, are you willing to marry Chen Haonan?"

"Yes I do."

Duanmu Ruoyu blushed a little, because this was the first wedding in this game, most of the players came to join in the fun, and Hong Xing did not refuse anyone who came, setting up tables and chairs one by one, if it wasn't for fear that no one would come to eat Embarrassing, they can even set up a three-day running table.

"Would you like to be with him forever no matter whether he is rich or poor in the future, or whether he will be healthy or sick in the future?"

Luo Puyin continued to read his lines.

"Yes I do."

There were a lot of people, Duanmu Ruoyu's voice was a little low.

"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

A player yelled.

"I am willing."

Duanmu Ruoyu's face turned even redder.

"No energy! You still want to get married in such a low voice, so start over!"

The players started booing.

Duanmu Ruoyu looked at Chen Haonan helplessly.

"Don't look around, is that your attitude towards marriage?"

The veins on Chen Haonan's forehead popped up. The attitude of whether they are married or not is another question. The attitude of this group of eating and drinking guys is definitely not here to attend the wedding.

"Leave them alone, let's move on."

Chen Haonan winked at Luo Puyin.

Luo Puyin also ignored the booing players below, and continued to preside over the wedding: "Okay, in the name of Tathagata, Past Buddha, and Future Buddha, I announce that the bride and groom are married. Now, the groom can kiss the bride!"

The chattering players immediately quieted down. They had no other idea, they just wanted to bless the bride and groom, um, the kind that could be drawn.

Under the gaze of a group of unscrupulous players, Duanmu Ruoyu's face was completely flushed with shame, and he didn't dare to move. He could only close his eyes and wait for Chen Haonan's next move.

Chen Haonan looked at the players who suddenly became quiet, with a trace of disdain on the corner of his mouth, he embraced Duanmu Ruoyu with his right hand, turned around, lowered his head and kissed, and showed his back to the players...By the way, he turned his left hand backwards a middle finger.

"Fuck! It's amazing to have a wife!"

"Well, it's great to have a wife."

"Wori, where are you from?"

"Ashamed to say, I don't have a wife, but I have a girlfriend."


The players were noisy below, and Chen Haonan on the top also finished kissing, and everyone didn't know if there was any brushing, anyway, Chen Haonan withdrew his middle finger and wiped his mouth before the end.

Then Chen Haonan put his arms around Duanmu Ruoyu and Luo Puyin and stared at each other, and froze in place.

By the way, what's next?

"The bridal chamber! Send it to the bridal chamber!"

Zeng Xiaoxian reminded below.

The bridal chamber?

The eyes of the players started to light up, this is good, they just want to observe it.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

As soon as Luo Puyin announced, Chen Haonan hugged Duanmu Ruoyu by the waist, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion, which is today's wedding room.

"I heard that today is 520, getting married today, Hua Yingxiong is really romantic."

"Yes, yes, I think Hua Yingxiong must be a peerless good man!"

"Well, I hope they have a good relationship for a hundred years."

Chen Haonan's face darkened the more he heard it, and he turned his head: "How long are you going to follow?"

Shuai Hu, who was at the front, smiled: "It's ashamed to say, we brothers are all big soldiers, and we have never seen a bridal chamber before. I want to take this opportunity to observe it."

"Yes, yes! Observe and observe!"

The players behind nodded tacitly, regardless of whether they are married or not, after all, they can also learn if they are married.

If it weren't for getting married today, it's not suitable to see blood, Chen Hao Nana would have to take out the Sun Moon Golden Wheel to kill the Quartet, so he could only wink at the pheasant.

The pheasant among the crowd of players pointed at himself, and then remembered that he was the organizer, pushed away the handsome Hu who was blocking the way, and said angrily: "Go, go eat, play a mosaic, you can't watch it anymore! "

"It's okay, we can listen to the movement."

"Yes, yes, if it doesn't bother you, Brother Haonan, you can tell the story."

"That's good, please explain in detail!"

However, although the hearts of the players returned, Chen Haonan still insisted on going his own way. Under the obstruction of Hong Xing's people, he could only watch helplessly as Chen Haonan entered the wedding room with Duanmu Ruoyu in his arms, and closed the room.

"Sigh, why did such a nice flower get stuck in cow dung."

"The pearl is covered with dust! The pearl is covered with dust!"

"It's a pity, what a girl!"

The players turned their faces in an instant, scolding Hong Xing while eating the water mat.

 Chapter 1 has been modified, there is another chapter, I should be able to go to bed early today,

(End of this chapter)

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