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Chapter 593 I Confiscated This Golden Cudgel

Chapter 593 I Confiscated This Golden Cudgel
As soon as you enter the dungeon, what you see is a land of plum blossoms. Pink plum blossoms are blooming, and the plum blossom trees wrap the two of them together, as if entering a sea of ​​flowers.

"so beautiful……"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Shufen couldn't help muttering.

Flip-flops didn't expect this assist to come so quickly, do you need to think about it?Immediately knelt down on one knee and took out a space ring: "Shufen, are you willing to marry me? I swear, I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

Shufen didn't expect Flip Flop to propose marriage so quickly, her cheeks were flushed, but the two of them had already been mentally prepared and were about to agree.

"How romantic!"

A slightly sinister female voice suddenly entered the ears of the two of them.

"Little Swallow, a man will use sweet words to say everything you want to hear, but one day, he will leave you with nothing."

Flip flops: have been targeted, thank you!

Shufen: Seems like it makes sense.

In the distance, a white-haired woman stood on the plum blossom forest, tapped the plum blossoms with her toes, looked ahead, and depending on the situation, it should not be them.

It's just that it's obvious that the proposal can't go on, and the flip-flops shouted angrily: "That white hair over there, come here, I'll give you a buff!"

The white-haired witch noticed someone here, looked up, and then looked ahead, two Lu Yan?
The Journey to the West group, no, the stick sending group also noticed this side, and looked at the flip-flops in front of them in astonishment, this person... is much cleaner than Lu Yan.

"Hmph, small tricks! Kill them!"

Although I don't know what happened, but as far as the two Lu Yan are concerned, the white-haired witch didn't take it seriously, and it's not like she didn't have helpers.

The plum blossoms rustled down, and a group of armored soldiers immediately surrounded the plum blossom forest.

The white-haired witch took the lead, and the first target was flip-flops. Who told him to speak rudely? Although the white-haired witch didn't know what BUFF was, she understood the word white hair.

The white-haired witch hates others talking about her hair. She is nearly fifty years old. Although she has a good face and looks like she is in her early twenties, her family knows her own affairs, which is why she works for Yujiang God of War. The reason is to obtain the fairy potion and live forever.

The long whip in his hand hit the big nose of the flip-flop like a spirit snake, just like the five stars on Captain America's shield. Same, it always makes people aim there unconsciously.


With the long sword out of its sheath, Shufen dragged the herringbone behind her to protect her, swung the Yitian sword in her hand, instantly chopped the long whip in front of her into several knots, and fell to the ground.

"What a sharp sword!"

The white-haired witch looked at the long sword in Shufen's hand, and a trace of greed flashed in her eyes. People who practice martial arts naturally love magic weapons. Seeing such a sword, she naturally wanted to grab it, and threw the whip handle away Xiang Shufen stretched out both hands, slapping Yitianjian with one palm and Shufen's heart with the other.

Shufen flashed the handle of the long whip with her head sideways, and slapped out with her left hand, facing the white-haired witch.

Zanpakuto's built-in support system may not be able to make players become super masters, but it can make players more responsive in battle, and even the more experienced players are faster, maybe one day, under subtle influence, they don't even need to The auxiliary system reminds and responds quickly.


It was obviously a light palm, but the white-haired witch only felt a sharp pain in her right hand. The blood mist exploded, and she hurriedly stepped back a few steps. Then she looked at her right hand, and saw that her right hand had completely drooped, as if the bones on it had been All broken.

"So weak?"

Shufen was stunned, didn't she say that there is Monkey King and Jade Emperor?Your level of combat power is a bit out of line with the mythical dungeon.

"It was already very weak, and the luck coins that entered only cost [-] luck coins."

Flip-flops complained.

On the other side, the group of four who sent sticks had already fought with those soldiers, retreating while fighting. Lu Yan kicked a cavalry down along the belly of the horse with a sliding shovel, grabbed Jason, and wanted to run away on horseback.

Mo Monk also kicked a cavalryman away and snatched a horse, while Jin Yanzi shot a flying hairpin, shot the unlucky guy to death, and jumped onto the horse.

Inexplicably there is an extra Lu Yan, but this is not their business, their purpose is to hand over the golden cudgel to Monkey King, other things are not important.

"Several, where are you going?"

In the blink of an eye, flip flops appeared in the distance of several people, blocking their way.

"My brother, thank you for your help, there will be a period later!"

Lu Yan cupped his flip-flops. Although the other person was as handsome as himself, he obviously didn't have his own uprightness, so he might be someone's little thief.

The flip-flops smiled disdainfully, and his body seemed to be out of frame. After a pause and a flash, a long golden stick appeared in his hand.

"Can't accept the space ring?"

Flip flops are a bit of a shame.

Space rings cannot receive owner-owned items. The owner-owned items here refer to methods such as soul binding, such as the Zanpakuto of the Reaper, and players cannot collect them.

Although the Golden Cudgel seems to be out of the control of Monkey King, it has actually been controlled by Monkey King all the time. Otherwise, in the original plot, the God of War in Yujiang would not get the Golden Cudgel. The first reaction was to throw it into the furnace and destroy it. Not for your own use.

"No, my stick was taken away!"

Jason's hands were empty, he reacted immediately, and shouted in a hurry, everyone stopped their horses immediately, silent monks jumped into the air one after another, grabbed the golden cudgel in the flip-flops with a move of dragon claws, and the Golden Swallow threw out a hairpin again , towards the back of the flip flop.

As for Lu Yan, he took the bow cup with his right hand and took the flip flops down the road...

flip flops:……

As expected of me, the moves are so similar.

The attacks of the three arrived at the same time, instantly turning the flip-flops into fly ash.

"Don't bother, I have confiscated this golden cudgel."

The flip-flops appeared in the plum blossom forest again, and he put the golden cudgel on his shoulders, and waved his hands without looking back.

The only ones in this dungeon that can interest him are Sun Wukong and other gods. As for these few, they are just mortals, no matter how strong they are, and they are not famous, so he is naturally not interested.

"Hurry up and give me back the golden cudgel!"

Jason, who finally remembered to do it, realized that this stick was his only hope to get home.

Although the other people were also surprised by the mysterious ability of the flip flops, but the golden cudgel is related to whether they can save Monkey King and the common people in the world. Naturally, they will not let the flip flops go away, and they will fly to snatch them.

However, at this moment, a person flew over in front of him, the female swordsman they had seen before.


Flip-flops laughed.


Shufen also laughed, and the two immediately called Yunduo and flew to Tiangong to rest assured.


Jason looked blank. Although he was a foreigner, he was very keen on Chinese Kung Fu, so he knew a lot about Chinese culture.

"No, it's an extraterrestrial demon."

A golden light flashed in Mo Monk's eyes, and said in a deep voice.


(End of this chapter)

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