Chapter 600
"Protect me!"

Wang Duoyu held up a submachine gun, looking a little excited and a little scared.

Pain can make people feel painful, but it can also arouse people's ferocity, but Wang Duoyu is obviously not the latter.

But he is also greedy for the bonus of double experience. As a rich second generation, he can't make money in the game.

As for the Romantic Fortress, Wang Duoyu gave it up temporarily due to lack of physical fitness. After all, he still needs to save some energy to be ready to run away at any time.

The Daxiang team and others also raised their guns and looked for Kabane.

Because of the crazy killing of the players, there are very few Kabane around Luocheng, but it cannot be said that there are no Kabane, every day there will be some Kabane who smell the human breath and rush over, and then they will be killed by novices.

It's just that the novices used to think that there were a few strange things, but now they began to feel that there were too many strange things.

When there is no pain, the players fight like chicken blood, and they are not afraid of death, but with pain, they probably have to cover their knees and howl when they fall, not because of their pampering, but because of their strong physical fitness As a result, their speed also increased sharply, and their induction force also greatly increased. Simply put, when they fell, it hurt even more.

After several days of death experiments by players, many players finally gave up the 100% pain benefit, but most of them adjusted it to 50%.

In this way, the pain is halved, and it is barely bearable.

Moreover, they also discovered that the current sense of pain cannot be adjusted in battle, and even various senses cannot be adjusted in battle. For example, the sense of smell is also included, because strictly speaking, these senses are related to pain.

Fortunately, players can be forced to go offline at any time as long as they want to, without feeling pain.

Of course, if you do that, it is basically tantamount to committing suicide, not to mention that sometimes if you don't die, you will feel the feeling of missing arms and legs, which is probably so painful that you doubt your life.

It is not friendly to low-level players, and it is also unfriendly to high-level players. Although they can use long-range attacks, their enemies can also use long-range attacks. If you accidentally hit a fireball, you can enjoy cremation in advance .


Kabane's desire for flesh and blood comes from his DNA, so when he sensed the arrival of human beings, he immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Da da da……

Everyone was startled, they raised their submachine guns and fired in unison, until they emptied the magazines, then stopped, looking warily at Kabane, who had been beaten into a hornet's nest.

"You guys are too wasteful!"

Wang Duoyu was heartbroken. Ever since he was free from the constraints of the small goal of spending a billion yuan, although he was burdened with 300 billion yuan, he knew that he was not good for business, so he handed over the company's affairs to professionals: great wisdom.

Uh, don't look at him as wise, but he is indeed wise, and the company is making a lot of money under his management.

As for charity, it became a fund by itself and handed it over to Xia Zhu. Xia Zhu has a background in finance and is the kind of lone star of the devil. No one can make false accounts in front of her.

As for himself, of course he will continue to be a rice bug.

But relatively, when everything stabilized, most of the 300 billion yuan became fixed assets, and the remaining part had to deal with emergencies and could not be tampered with, and the money earned was used for charity, so naturally there was less money for him to spend.

"Bullets are worthless."

Zhuang Qiang curled his lips, looking for a copy of American science fiction at random, without having to pay, he could grab a few boxes by going directly to the gangsters.

Ma Daxiang, the only coach who didn't shoot, pulled out the dagger from his waist, squatted in front of Kabane, and dug out his heart: "With this thing, at least I got back my money."

A group of people continued to move forward, but only halfway there, Wang Duoyu said in amazement: "What's the matter, shouldn't my experience be doubled?"

In order to double the experience, he turned on 100% pain perception. Although he didn't shoot, he stayed in this team.

"I've said it a long time ago, this trick will definitely not work."

Zhuang Qiang complained.

As the saying goes, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, Wang Duoyu's idea is very simple, that is, he turns on 100% pain sense, let other teammates block the knife, anyway, as long as they turn off the pain sense, it's okay to be bitten .

"Then form a team, form a team and try."

Wang Duoyu shouted.

[System Announcement: Sorry, you cannot form a team, your friend has not activated the pain ratio that matches yours. 】

Wang Duoyu: ...

"No, I have to buy a steel suit."

Wang Duoyu put away the gun, and thought it would be more convenient to krypton gold directly, then put on a layer of iron armor, not to mention 100% pain sensation, even if it is 1000% pain sensation, I am not afraid...

Looking at the players who were tortured to death by various monsters, Zhang Chen smiled, naively, the genuine steel suits are damaged every day, not to mention the counterfeit version made by Dawenxi, there was no pain before, and whether there is a shock absorption system It doesn't matter, now that there is pain, it can shock the person concerned to doubt his life.

Of course, if Wang Duoyu didn't feel ashamed, he could fly in the steel suit and shoot Kabane with a gun.

Speaking of Dawenxi, this guy is rarely too honest recently, and he didn't make any big explosions. It made Zhang Chen a little curious, and immediately called up his interface, and then saw a figure with a bumpy figure and a delicate appearance. Clothesless...robots.

Zhang Chen: ...

How should I put it, this robot is a bit like Zhang Chen's impression of Ultron's wife. If I have to be more specific, it is a plastic model in a shopping mall. The only difference is that she is made of metal.

"Hey hey..." X2
Da Wenxi and Ling Lingqi looked at each other, and clapped each other's palms to celebrate, but their smiles were a bit wretched.

"How about it? This is a robot that we rely on real-world technology. I named it: Flaming Lips."

Da Wenxi looked triumphantly at Leng Feng.

"not so good."

After getting along with the sand sculpture for a long time, although she has not been assimilated, the level of Leng Feng's complaints has risen sharply: "She has no mouth at all."

"Small idea."

Ling Lingqi's right hand turned into a lipstick, and drew a red lip on the robot's mouth, but the drawing was a bit off, except for the mouth, it was all drawn.

"Oh, I'm so careless, I'll wipe it off."

Ling Lingqi fumbled up and down at the glamorous robot, her smile gradually becoming abnormal.

Cold Front:  …

Should I stop it, or should I pretend I didn't see it?
The robot's originally expressionless face gradually distorted, and then it punched Ling Lingqi in the face, causing Ling Lingqi's entire face to sink in.

But then, Ling Lingqi turned into a huge mixer, rolled the robot into it, and turned back into human form again.

"The experiment failed, but this one still has feelings."

Ling Lingqi said with a serious face.

Leng Feng really wanted to complain, you didn't fail the experiment, but became angry and murdered to silence you.

 It's over, it's only one chapter now,
(End of this chapter)

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