Restart the main god game

Chapter 607 What is Tathagata Palm?Tathagata Buddha's big-eared melon seeds?

Chapter 607 What is Tathagata Palm?Tathagata Buddha's big-eared melon seeds?

At this moment, the gods in the sky are already overwhelmed, and someone decided to send a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to guard the player's resurrection point and guard the birthplace of the evil spirits.

But some people think that this matter is inappropriate. Although immortals can control the fate of mortals, they can't cause too much movement. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals squatting there, even if mortals can't see the immortal gods, it will have a huge impact. The resulting cause and effect must be greater, and no one can afford it.

"Stop this bet first."

The Jade Emperor finally chose merit in the face of face and merit, and he believed that Jianglong Arhat would do the same.

So Lei Gong and Dian Mu drove the clouds to the sky above Li Xiuyuan's mansion, and a thunderbolt hit Li Xiu Yuan directly on the forehead.

"The Dragon Subduing Arhat appears, descending to save all living beings!"

With the image of a sharp brother, Li Xiuyuan became an arhat who descended from the dragon and scared his parents to death on the spot.

Arhat subduing the dragon pinched his fingers, secretly thinking, this plot is wrong, didn't they agree that one of them will be the emperor and the other will be the queen in the next life, and continue the relationship?Why now in the next life is the official master and official wife?

"Don't be in a daze, something big has happened!"

The Qilin monster appeared immediately and explained to Jianglong Arhat.

Jianglong Arhat looked bewildered. He never thought that the world would change just because he was reincarnated. After thinking for a while, he decided to become a monk.

After all, he is still Li Xiuyuan now, and he is a real monk only when he becomes a monk. By the way, he will pay homage to Buddha Guanyin, and ask the bosses what to do next?
In the end, before going out, I saw a person, and I couldn't help but see a bright light, the villain of the ninth world!


However, before he stepped forward to educate the ninth villain, the head of the ninth villain had already flown up.


"Are you here? How many times is this?"

The Dragon Subduing Arhat was taken aback, but the Qilin Monster was speechless.

Some people think that merit is the most important, while others think that face is the most important. Although the Jade Emperor is the Lord of the Three Realms, he also has a wife who is also the Lord of the Three Realms. With the speed of killing a villain of the ninth world, she can exhaust the players forever.

Of course, this is what she said. If the villains in the mortal world are really wiped out by the players, then no matter how great the merits are, they will have to be exhausted. After all, by then, there may not be many people left in the mortal world. .

"Is it that exciting?"

Hearing the unicorn's explanation, Jianglong Luohan dragged his mentally handicapped brother Fuhu Luohan, dumbfounded, and continued towards Guoqing Temple. There was a golden body from his previous life there. With the golden body, he could recover at least part of his mana...

Zhuo Yifan killed a villain of the ninth generation with a single shot. He was in a happy mood, with his hands open, waiting to be arrested, but after waiting for a long time, he still didn't wait for the heavenly soldiers and generals.
"This benefactor, I see that you have clear bones and extraordinary talents. You will definitely make a difference in the future. I wonder if you are willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Ji Dian, dressed in rags and hat, and holding a broken fan, appeared in front of him.

The shape was too sharp, Zhuo Yifan pondered for half a second and asked, "Which green onion are you?"

"In Xiajidian, I was the Dragon Subduing Arhat in my previous life. This time I came down to do something. As for what, your qualifications are too young, so I won't tell you. I will ask you if you would like to worship me as a teacher?"

Ji Dian?


The legend of Ji Gong is well-known in China, Zhuo Yifan looked him up and down, nodded and said: "This body looks quite like Ji Dian, you said you want to take me as a disciple, do you want to teach me the Tathagata God?" Palm?"

What is Tathagata Palm?Tathagata Buddha's big-eared melon seeds?

Ji Dian looked bewildered. As the Dragon Subduing Arhat, he was ashamed to find out that he didn't know the palm of the Tathagata, but after thinking about it, doesn't this just mean that the Tathagata loves him?Otherwise, he would have given him a Tathagata palm.

"No, I'm going to teach you what 'love' is!"

Ji Dian looked serious, and looked at Zhuo Yifan lovingly, if it wasn't for that outfit, he would be quite convincing.

"What, you plan to teach me how to..."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes widened, do NPCs teach such things?

Wait, if I learn it, don't I have to keep the sage mode all the time?

At that time, I will be able to drive if I want to, and I will be run over if I want to be run over by a car. What is this?This is a benefit!
"Master is here, please accept the disciples!"

The more Zhuo Yifan thought about it, the weaker his legs became, and he knelt down directly, saying that Ji Dian would be his real master from now on.

Ji Dian nodded in satisfaction, as expected, with his handsome face and charisma, even demons from outside the territory would bow down under his tattered robes, crying and calling for Master.

Helping Zhuo Yifan up with a kind face, Ji Dian said softly, "Since you are all my apprentices, can I ask why you want to kill the ninth villain?"

"In the name of eliminating harm."

Zhuo Yifan took it for granted, the villain of the ninth generation has a red name, who would he kill if he didn't kill him?
What he said was so reasonable that I was speechless.

"Your thinking is wrong." Ji Dian shook his head, and assumed the attitude of being a teacher: "As the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately..."

"Master, what you said is wrong. Whether he becomes a Buddha or not is his business. My purpose is to send him to see the Buddha. If he can become a Buddha immediately, there is no conflict!"

Zhuo Yifan's words made Ji Dian speechless again. In theory, if the Buddha really wanted to see the villains of the ninth generation, he would really be able to see them, but now the pot belongs to him.

"Wait a minute, what I mean is that I can save him, let him feel that there is true love in the world, and he should repay the spring with his heart..."

"That's right, you can wait for him to die and transform him again."

Zhuo Yifan said that people can be saved, but the head must be given to me!

Ji Dian scratched his messy hair, feeling a little dizzy. For some reason, he always felt that what the other party said made sense.

Although Buddhism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in China, there is one thing in China that has not changed since ancient times, and that is to kill for life, which is justified.

Did the villains of the ninth world kill people?
So should he die?

If ordinary people can still use all kinds of unspeakable secrets, forced by life and other things to justify, but since he is a villain of the ninth generation, there is no need to cleanse him at all. Is there any reason for him not to die?
Even the villain of the ninth generation in the original plot, although he came to his senses and rejected the heart of stone that Hei Luosha had given him, he still died and reincarnated as a pig.

"Well, it's like this..."

Ji Dian had no choice but to tell Zhuo Yifan about his bet with Heaven.

Zhuo Yifan was silent for a while, then looked at Ji Dian: "The ninth pheasant you mentioned, is she beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

Xiaoyu is the most famous pheasant in Yixiangyuan. He had heard about it when he was Li Xiuyuan. It can be described in four words, big and white!
"No, this is not the key, the key is whether you can stop making trouble!"

Ji Dian soon realized that he was led astray, and said speechlessly.

Zhuo Yifan nodded again and again: "No problem, boss, ah, no, master, then are we going to teach the ninth pheasant to do that now?"

"That's right, we need to let her know what 'love' is!"

"Uh, three people, isn't that appropriate?"

(End of this chapter)

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