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Chapter 642 Emperor Armor = Lord of Light and Shadow Armor, Zhang Wei = Lord of Light and Shadow

Chapter 642 Emperor Armor = Lord of Light and Shadow Armor, Zhang Wei = Lord of Light and Shadow
The hunters were panicked, the dust people were panicked, everyone was panicked.

Although there are many newcomers who come to the ground to explore, they usually bring the new with the old, and there are instructors on the lighthouse to teach them how to deal with the extreme beasts, but the problem is that these guys don't seem to be the extreme beasts. It can't be human.

Whether it is Dust People or Shangmin, they are just ordinary human beings in essence, stronger than Mark, without the fusion of spine worms, or being knocked down by a knife, almost belching farts.

But what about the players?
Flying to the sky, this frost special effect, that fire special effect, magic attack here, gun attack there, how can it be called a group of demons dancing wildly.

Mark stopped Feixue who was about to shoot, and shook his head slightly.

No matter whether these strange creatures have any malicious intentions towards them or not, now that the other party is fighting with the Pole Devourer, it can be regarded as protecting them to some extent.

"It's a miracle, it's a miracle!"

A white-haired old man frantically looked at the players in the sky, and murmured: "All this is arranged by the Lord of Light and Shadow, and the Lord of Light and Shadow is protecting us."

"That's right, they are killing extreme beasts, and the Lord of Light and Shadow is reshaping the earth!"

Someone responded immediately.

"Light conceives all living beings, and all living beings are accompanied by shadows.

Light cleanses my soul, shadow shelters my body.

Control desires with the Tao, be happy but not promiscuous.

Ning residual body and skin, do not abandon light and shadow..."

Maybe it was because of fear, or maybe it was because they wanted the gods in their hearts to bless them, and now that their lives were not in danger, many people began to pray.

Compared with the ferocious Pole Devourer, although the players' shapes are a bit weird, they are still humanoid, and some of them are even handsome, so they don't look like evil ones.

In addition, the players did not attack them, but seemed to be protecting them.

Anyway, if you believe it, you won't get pregnant, not to mention that if it is true, then they will make a lot of money.

Mark had a headache. He just pressed down a teammate who wanted to attack the unknown creature, but the others began to worship the unknown creature, which was outrageous.

"What the hell are they screaming about?"

Zhang Wei sat on an inverted mountain crystal to rest. Just now he not only killed a "Wang Duoyu" with a powerful move, but also hunted and killed many extreme beasts. Now is the rest time. After all, the blue bottle requires money. For Zhang Wei, it is undoubtedly an extra expense, so he won't do it.

"Light conceives all living beings, and all living beings are accompanied by shadows.

Light cleanses my soul, shadow shelters my body.

Control desires with the Tao, be happy but not promiscuous.

Ning residual body and skin, do not abandon light and shadow..."

Zhuge vigorously repeated.

Zhang Wei blinked. He didn't understand the rest, but he understood the word "light and shadow". His armor, according to the armor warriors, seemed to be called light and shadow armor.

Copy linkage?

Zhang Wei immediately remembered the Marvel comics that appeared in many dungeons.

"Hey! That handsome guy over there, can you come down and talk?"

Erica shouted to Lu Ziqiao in the sky.

handsome guy!

Zhang Wei's ears moved, there was nothing wrong, the other party was calling him!

With a quick step, Zhang Wei immediately appeared in front of Mark, and said with a deep expression: "I didn't expect that I was hidden so deeply, but you still discovered it."

Erica: ...

Forgive her bluntly, Zhang Wei is really handsome in a rich gold suit, but with a helmet on his face, God knows what he looks like.

And the reason why she called Lu Ziqiao was because she found that this guy would always skip over her from time to time and then bow his head.

Obviously, the other party is greedy for her body, not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense.

But it's always good to have someone answer, and Erica can only say yes, I'm talking about you.

"Can you tell me, what are you doing?"

As a big beauty with a broad mind, Erica knew her physical advantages well, put her hands together on her chest, and said curiously.


Zhang Wei couldn't help swallowing because of the more magnificent chest squeezed, coupled with the height and Erica's deliberate bending, Zhang Wei couldn't stand it.

So big, ah no, so white, so wrong, such an evil woman!

Seeing Zhuge Dali also flying over, Zhang Wei quickly backed away, but seeing Zhuge Dali's chest and comparing it to Erica, he couldn't help but sighed.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Dali asked innocently.

Zhang Weidun feels ashamed, this cannot be blamed on him, this is the instinct of lsp, bah, it is the instinct of human beings, after all, children can thrive only when they get enough nutrition, this is the instinct engraved in human DNA, really Can't blame him!

"It's okay, they asked what we were doing."

Zhang Wei spread his hands and said, "You know, with their IQ, it's hard for me to explain to them."

Erica: ...

The clasped hands couldn't help but clenched even tighter. Even if these guys weren't Pole Devourers, they still deserved to be beaten up!

"Then let me explain."

Zhuge Dali did not doubt that he had him, and began to talk about the common lines of the players: "We are superheroes who travel through time and space, and come to save your world."

"Sure enough, they are the apostles of the Lord of Light and Shadow!"

"Light conceives all living beings, and all living beings are accompanied by shadows..."

The people on the inverted mountain crystal rioted again, each with agitated expressions.

"Quiet, let them finish talking!"

Mark shouted.

Everyone immediately shut up. Mark is not only the commander of the hunters, he also loves his subordinates very much. He will protect them no matter whether they are Shangmin or dust people, so everyone is convinced of him.

"What is the Lord of Light and Shadow?"

Zhang Wei was puzzled.

"You don't know the Lord of Light and Shadow?"

Mark was puzzled. Although he didn't think so about the Light and Shadow Society, many people spoke clearly about the existence of the Light and Shadow Lord. Even the city lord recognized the existence of the Light and Shadow Lord, so he also believed that the Light and Shadow Lord existed. Maybe it's like These eccentrics are normal and one of them.

"Does the Lord of Light and Shadow you speak of have any physical characteristics?"

Zhang Wei asked. He began to suspect that the Lord of Light and Shadow might be played by NPCs such as Lan Ran. After all, it is not impossible for these guys to call themselves the Lord of Light and Shadow.

Mark also realized that the Lord of Light and Shadow was what they called that god, and he did not admit that he was called the Lord of Light and Shadow.

"He wears a yellow robe and is the incarnation of the universe..."

Before Mark could react, someone began to describe the Lord of Light and Shadow excitedly, like an excited preacher.

Zhang Wei blinked again. In his memory, there didn't seem to be such a shameless NPC, so he couldn't help but look at Zhuge Dali.

"It should be the religion of this world."

Zhuge vigorously analyzed.


Nima was all sallow and emaciated, guessing that she couldn't even eat enough, and she still wanted to believe in religion.

But when I think about it again, this is similar to believing in Buddhism. The ancient farmers couldn’t even eat enough to eat, but they had time to donate money to the temple, because religious beliefs can always find a way for you to deceive yourself to achieve salvation.

For example, the Christian church tells you that if you make a mistake, you can confess to the priest. After the confession, your life will move on and you should do what you want.

There is such a scene in the famous movie "The Godfather", where the godfather asks the priest to confess, saying that he has killed many people, even his own brother, and then he does what he should do after the confession.

As for Buddhism, not to mention the phrase "put down the butcher's knife and immediately become a Buddha", which is often said about whipping corpses, and even the phrase "Amitabha Buddha" that monks often recite, it also has the function of eliminating various sins and karma.

That's right, it's that outrageous!As long as you read it often, you will be fine if you kill and set fire!Not only that, the phrase 'Amitabha Buddha' has a total of 10 functions, which can be called a must-have line for murder, arson, home travel!
So Zhang Wei intends to be even more outrageous: Emperor Armor = Lord of Light and Shadow Armor, Zhang Wei = Lord of Light and Shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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