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Chapter 646 Welcome to the Sword Tower

Chapter 646 Welcome to the Sword Tower
What is the most important thing in the last days?
Not emotions, nor food, but power!

No matter how nice or touching the words are, in the last days, only strength can protect yourself. Without strength, you can only be an ant and be crushed to death at any time.

The dust people in the lighthouse are such a group of people. From the moment they were born, they were planned as inferior people. No matter how hard they try in the future, they can only be dust people, dust people for a lifetime.

And in this life, they have to eat insect cakes made by insects all their lives. Of course, if they are lucky, they may be able to find a few cans when they are exploring materials on the ground.

It's just that all of this cannot be discovered by the Shangmin, and they will be whipped and punished by the bearer of light, or executed at worst.

Some dust people have never eaten a piece of bread or a glass of milk in their whole life, but they have to do the hardest and most tiring work until they travel far, that is, they are exiled.

Just like the saying that the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door is also a dustman for others. Being a dustman for this group of self-proclaimed weirdos is definitely more comfortable than being a dustman for a lighthouse.

The reason is very simple, or that sentence, power!

Mark was afraid that the players would be able to beat up the beasts like their sons, while Dustman 4068 saw a hope of breaking free.

Dustman 4068 has always been a person who is unwilling to be ordinary, and at the same time a guy who gambles a lot.

If he was forced to do the assassination of Mark in the original plot, then saving Charles was a shocking gamble for him.

At that time, he witnessed the conversation between Charles and Mark, and he may not have heard clearly, but he definitely knew that he was likely to be killed by Charles.

Not to mention that he was threatened by Charles, knowing that this guy is not a good person, and even saving him, he might be killed and silenced.

And now, he is also betting, if he succeeds, maybe he may still be a dustman among this group of people, but in front of the lighthouse, he is a terrifying pole-devouring beast.

At least as a dustman for this group of people, they can eat real food.

"My lord, can I have some food? I haven't eaten for a long time."

4068 smiled flatteringly.

He may be rebellious, but that is when he thinks he is reasonable. Although, his reasoning is useless in the lighthouse.

"Oh, I forgot, this dungeon of yours is the end of the world, life must be precarious."

It was only then that Wang Duoyu remembered the fundamental reason for the establishment of the other two cities, that is... food and housing included!
Rolling his eyes, Wang Duoyu directly threw a roast suckling pig over: "If you don't tell me, I forgot to tell you. Be our servants, with food and shelter."

The roast suckling pig, which weighed about ten catties, fell into 4068's arms, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, including Mark and others.

It's so extravagant!

There are also breeding in the lighthouse, including chicken, duck and fish, but the quantity is rare, and even the Shangmin seldom eat it.

And if a pig is raised to a large size, it must provide at least one or two hundred catties of meat, but this group of people actually roasted the piglet directly... Although it is delicious.


Everyone stared at the roast suckling pig in 4068's arms without blinking, wanting to snatch it, but afraid of the brutality of the players, they dared not touch him.

4068 didn't care about that much, he just picked up the roast suckling pig and gnawed it. His mouth was full of oil, and he also tore off two pork legs and handed them to 4079 and 4068.

"'re welcome, stab..."

4068 may not be a good person, but there is absolutely nothing to say to the two friends. Although they are not required to join the player group, they are absolutely indispensable for the benefits.

The little girl and Xiao Huangmao looked at each other, smelling the smell of roast suckling pig, they were not polite, and each of them gnawed one by one.

"I am also willing to be your dustman!"

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore and shouted loudly.

"Hahaha, no problem, wait a minute, I ordered a takeaway, as long as you join my... Dota, it is delicious and spicy, absolutely no problem! Dota welcomes you!"

Wang Duoyu sent a video call to the cooking class, and asked the group of experts who cook big pots of rice to come over quickly.

Spicy tofu, shredded pork with fish flavor, white rice, steamed cabbage, fish ball soup.

Although the dishes are simple, they are undoubtedly delicious in front of this group of guys who have only eaten insect cakes.

"I want to be your dustman too!"

"I am willing to be your dustman, even if I die tomorrow!"

The other dustmen couldn't bear it anymore, they crowded the wild hunters behind and rushed towards the cooking class.

"Don't worry, don't worry, one by one, everyone has a share!"

Deputy Wang directly used Duan Kong to stop the group of NPCs who were somewhat superior, and then began to distribute food.

And the Dust Folks who were blinded by the food finally calmed down, and stood obediently one by one, waiting for Xiaomao to hand them the food, and then gobbled it up.

"It's delicious, is this the kind of food that only Shangmin can eat?"

"It's worth it, even if I die now, I think it's worth it."

"It would be great if I could eat this kind of thing for the rest of my life."

4068 and his two little friends finished eating the roast suckling pig, intending to follow the team to eat a big pot meal, but then thought about it, he was the first to surrender, so he must show it, so he immediately stood behind Wang Duoyu, Pointing at the wild hunter: "Why don't you leave?"


How come I didn't think this kid was so unworthy of a beating before!
In the original plot, why did so many people punch and kick Mark, who turned into a monster?
Partly because of fear, partly because he was a catharsis.

Mark may be the best among the Shangmin for the dusty people. He has saved many dusty people, but he has no way to help all the dusty people. Countless dusty people are lingering under the oppression of the Shangmin. What they resent is the entire Shangmin group, so when a Shangmin who could insult at will appeared, they fell into a frenzy.

At the same time, this is also the reason why 4068 swung a knife at Mark in the original plot. Mark saved him, but in his cognition, Shangmin did not regard them as human beings, so why should he treat Shangmin as a savior and say no? Quasi-people say that he just wants to reduce the labor force of the lighthouse.

"Yes, you can go, we are no longer interested in you."

Wang Duoyu nodded, this little brother has much better eyesight than Zhuang Qiang, and that guy hasn't bought back the original enterovirus serum until now.

He also wanted to understand that the possibility of snatching the lighthouse was very low, especially if this group of NPCs resisted, the casualties caused would probably be able to deduct his fortune coins from worthless to worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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