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Chapter 656 Should I Call Kamen Rider?

Chapter 656 Should I Call Kamen Rider?

Facts have proved that Mark was thinking too much, and Ran Bing simply asked him to take off his belt. After all, this thing is obviously the secret of the power of people from other worlds.

"According to the city lord, if we want to take off the belt, we can only cut it at the waist."

Ran Bing said in distress.

"Isn't that dead?"

Mark was speechless, and he spoke so nicely, but it wasn't tantamount to suicide.

"No, we now have super self-healing capabilities."

Ran Bing took out a dagger, scratched his palm lightly, and showed it to Mark.

"You are crazy!"

Seeing Ran Bing self-mutilate at the first word, Mark was startled, grabbed her hand in a hurry, took out a piece of gauze, and gently wiped away the blood stains on his palm, intending to clean her wound.

These things are provided by Wang Duoyu, which is similar to gold in this world, but in the world of "One Punch Man", it is similar to Chinese cabbage.

Both Ran Bing and Mark are the secretary of the deputy city lord, and they are responsible for distributing the supplies given by the players, so they also have a lot of supplies at home.

Seeing that Mark was so nervous, Ran Bing was inexplicably happy, and pointed to his palm: "Look carefully, it has healed."

Mark looked at Ran Bing's bloody palm and was also amazed. He frowned and said, "This kind of thing has no sequelae, right?"

He felt a little regretful, he knew that he should not have let Ran Bing sign up to join the City Guard Army, and now he is no longer human.

Mark suddenly realized that they had been looking for the source of the power of the aliens, but if this is the source of the power of the aliens, are they still human beings who have become monsters?

"Probably not. I just feel that I have become stronger. Maybe, maybe you can't beat me now."

Ran Bing blinked at Mark.

"Of course, with this belt, you can kill a Pole Devourer with one punch."

Mark agrees, but the implication is that without the belt, you still can't hold it.

Ran Bing naturally understood the implication of Mark's words, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "I can beat you without a belt."

Although he didn't know what machismo was, Mark immediately refused to accept it: "I can hit three like you."

These words were extremely insulting. Although Ran Bing couldn't beat Mark one-on-one before he strengthened, he was able to stalemate for a long time anyway. Ran Bing immediately put on a posture and raised his chin, the meaning was obvious.

Mark smiled bluntly, and put on a posture, in order to make Ran Bing conscious, and wanted Ran Bing to make the first move.

Ran Bing was furious and threw out a fist.

(╬ ̄dish ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)
Until he woke up, Mark was suspicious of life.

It was so fast that he didn't even have time to react when he got there, he was punched in the face, and the force was too strong, after the punch, his eyes went black and he passed out directly.

"This kind of trivial matter still troubles me, you are really going too far, I am the city lord!"

While muttering, Wang Duoyu followed Ran Bing to her house. Seeing Mark with bloody cheekbones on the right side, he couldn't help gasping: "Ran Bing, tell the truth, did this guy peek at you taking a shower?"

How much hatred can beat a person like this?
Ran Bing said with some embarrassment: "No, City Master, it's just an ordinary sparring."

Wang Duoyu rolled his eyes, you have been injected with the original enterovirus serum, and you are competing with ordinary people, this can be said to be a deliberate murder, okay!

A reply was thrown on Mark's face, Wang Duoyu turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Ran Bing: "Master Hao Jian, what name do you plan to name our team?"

The effect of the answer was immediate. Mark rubbed his face that was still feeling aching, got up from Ran Bing's bed, pricked up his ears, and thought about whether he should take this opportunity to join the team.

However, considering the fate of the only male member of the team, he hesitated a little.

In the entire belt group, except for Suiying, she is all beautiful girls.

For this, Wang Duoyu became more and more unhappy the more he watched the shadows, he always felt that this guy would push his family's Chinese cabbage. .

So these days, Suiying has been assigned by him to plan the city's underground system... In layman's terms, it is to help with the sewer.

"Didn't it be called the Light and Shadow Legion?"

Wang Duoyu wondered, isn't this the name that was decided from the beginning?It just so happens that he can be the Lord of Light and Shadow.

"Zhang Yida and Lord Dior disagree with this name."

Ran Bing said helplessly.

Wang Duoyu was furious, the light and shadow armor is not your patent, so why not let me use it.

"Forget it, I'm afraid of them. It's not called the Light and Shadow Armor, it's called... the Locust Armor. How about the Locust Legion?"

Ran Bing: ...


"My lord, I don't think this name is appropriate."

Those who collect supplies in the lighthouse can be called wild hunters, but they can only be called locust legion who can rub the beast on the ground. Wouldn't they be laughed to death?

"Should I call Kamen Rider?"

Zhang Chen reminded.

Wang Duoyu frowned. What kind of name is this? The mask is understandable. After all, the face after transformation is no different from that of a locust. Mount?

"What the hell is this name? It sounds like someone who doesn't have the talent for naming names."

Wang Duoyu sprayed, but he didn't see Mark and others looking behind him with strange expressions, so he realized that it wasn't Zhang Wei and others who said these words, and he looked back when he was talking nonsense.

"Blue dye?"

Wang Duoyu's eyes widened. As a player name, he naturally knows the legend of Aizen. According to the legend, he is an official, holding a Zanpakudao called Jinghuashuiyue, which is actually a background controller. NPCs, regardless of gender, are all trained to be hot weapons. It's enviable, bah, it's disgusting.

Are NPCs not human anymore?
Electronic life is also life, and NPCs also have their thoughts, and their personalities are really abominable!
Why are there so many restrictions on players, they can't drive!
"But this name hits the nail on the head. It's a group of people wearing masks..."

Wang Duoyu immediately changed his mind, and decided to let each of the beautiful girl teams be equipped with a motorcycle later. It is quite exciting to think so. The beautiful girl in tights leans over and rides the motorcycle. It looks fierce from the front, but warped from the back... …

Zhang Chen didn't know that this guy was driving in his mind. Seeing Wang Duoyu change his words instantly, he suddenly felt that although he rarely showed up recently, his legend was still circulating among the players.

Wang Duoyu also felt very curious. According to Xiaoniao You Shihua, Aizen has been living in Hestia's villa during this time, and to Hestia...

Well, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua didn't know what they were doing, all of this was made up by the players themselves, including Nilu, Fubuki, Alyssa, Estes...

It is said that some people even drew a notebook, but they were afraid to put it on the official website because of the prestige of authority dogs, and spread it privately.

"I don't know what Master Aizen is doing here?"

Wang Duoyu changed his face in an instant, and complimented Zhang Chen like a dog leg.

"There will be a group of people coming over later, you empty out your presidential suite, I want to use it."

You don't know how to use your villa, why!
"No problem, Aizen-sama!"

Wang Duoyu smiled brightly and bowed in salute.

(End of this chapter)

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